The sword light disappeared, and the body of the rampant god once again appeared in everyone’s sight.

This time, the rampant gods looked even more embarrassed.

The body was covered with wounds, black blood flowed out, and blood dripped out.

The end is embarrassing.

The crowd froze again, too fiercely.

Yingjie was in high spirits, his eyes were bright, and his smile was full, “Powerful, rampant, it’s just that.”

“Perhaps, we can defeat the rampant gods without our shots.”

Lu Shaoqing drank angrily at Yingjie, “Crow mouth, can you shut up.”

“Damn, what did you say?”

Yingjie’s side is furious, boy, I’ve put up with you for a long time.

Is it a little polite to call people crows at every turn?

Your senior brother beat the rampant gods like this, and you were not actually the slightest bit happy?

Instead, they came to call me a crow’s mouth?

Believe it or not, I pecked you to death?

However, Yingjie soon felt the gaze around him.

She turned her head and found that the eyes of the people around her were strangely staring at her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Patriarch, rampant gods are also in the period of convergence.” Someone reminded Win Yao.

Only then did Yingjie react, yes, rampant god is the period of convergence, even if the calculation can hurt it?

I forgot even this.

Did his attention focus too much on Ji Yan?

Yingjie couldn’t help but muttered in her heart.

Be careful not to let people see through what is in their hearts.

Ying Yan immediately resumed his cold expression and said lightly, “Of course I know…” Before

the words were finished, there was a rampant angry roar in the distance.

“Ants, damn it!”

The rampant gods were furious, the black mist was entangled, and the severed claws grew back.

The newly grown black claws, a little gray, grabbed Ji Yan fiercely.


The space where Ji Yan was located collapsed in the blink of an eye.

It was as if a peaceful beach had suddenly been gouged off a shovel, revealing a deep pit.

The terrifying energy raged wildly, and the space within a radius of a hundred miles seemed to be annihilated in an instant, and everything disappeared without a trace.

The Void Storm roared, constantly pulling and tearing, once again causing damage here.

During the merging period, space can be opened up to create a world, and it can also destroy a world in an instant.

Everyone’s face changed wildly, is this the power of the merging period?

“Gang, was this a warm-up just now?”

“This is the rampant god, who did not exert his full strength just now.”

“Sure enough, it’s really terrible…” Watching

the place where Ji Yan disappeared turned into a void, Yingjie’s eyes instantly changed back to the eyes of the body, his gaze was sharp, and he couldn’t wait to rush up and kill the rampant god at the first time.

Just for a moment, Ji Yan disappeared with the space, and the horror of the merging period was visible.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression also instantly became solemn, even more difficult than sacrificing gods.

The void storm roared, and even the air was torn apart, and everyone once again felt a heavy pressure.

During the merging period, all the people and beasts here may be wiped out at once.

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Such a terrible existence, can they fight through?

Xiao Yi was immediately startled when he saw Ji Yan disappear, and his heart was instantly lifted.

At the same time, she looked at her master worriedly, afraid that Shao Cheng would be too sad.

However, Xiao Yi saw that Master’s expression was calm and did not worry too much.

“Master, you…”

Xiao Yi was strange, it stands to reason that when Master encounters such a situation, he does not rush up and faint with sadness.

Why is it that now he is sitting firmly on the fishing platform without the slightest worry?

Master won’t be overly nervous, overly worried, and become abnormal, right?

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but worry about Master.

“Your second senior brother is here, don’t worry.”

Shao Cheng instead comforted Xiao Yi, “He is not in a hurry, it means that your senior brother is fine.”

Then he couldn’t help but sigh, “Master is old, and many things can’t help anymore.

Xiao Yi understood.

Compared with feelings, the second senior brother and the senior brother are not bad, the senior brother is killed, and the second senior brother will definitely break out and kill the past.

Now the second senior brother is standing steadily in the distance, which can show that the senior brother is fine.

Sure enough, Ji Yan just disappeared a few breaths with him, and then a sword light appeared from the void, as if through the void, and reappeared in everyone’s sight.

The surrounding void storms constantly pounced on him, hunting in white, and the momentum was undiminished.

Ji Yan’s aura was already much weaker, and his white clothes were also red with blood.

However, Ji Yan’s gaze was brighter, and the fighting spirit of the whole person was burning.

Without saying a word, Ji Yan once again shot his sword at the rampant god.


The Wuqiu sword shook, and countless sword lights erupted, filling the heavens and the earth.

The sword light carried a sharp sword intent, tearing everything, even the void storm collapsed in the endless sword light.


The rampant god shouted angrily, as a fitting period, it has not beaten the plan so far, and it has deeply hurt its self-esteem.

Rampant, why can’t you help an ant in the refining period?


The rampant god opened his mouth and suddenly roared at Ji Yan, “Roar! ”

It’s like a demon roaring.


The whole world seemed to shake because of this.

The terrifying sound wave spread, the earth was instantly cut off a layer, the dust in the sky was raised, and then it was strangled by the sound wave behind, turned into ashes, and completely disappeared into this world.

The sword light in the sky first paused, then shattered like glass, dissipated, and finally disappeared.


Ji Yan felt as if he had been hit hard by countless fierce beasts.

The body was flattened, and the bones cracked in the body, and the whole person seemed to be caught in a storm, stirring, pulling, tearing, and then scraping violently into the distance.


This is the only feeling that Ji Yan feels.

His body was struck, and every inch of flesh and blood was like being grinded hard under a millstone, and the terrifying force was about to grind him into the tiniest particles in heaven and earth.

The sound wave passed, Ji Yan barely floated above the sky, and his body was covered with countless cracks from the inside out, which would break and break at any time.

The pain kept pounding on his soul.

However, Ji Yan’s gaze became brighter and brighter, and this was the truly powerful enemy.

Suppressing the pain, the spiritual power in his body wandered away, making him feel a little better, Ji Yan raised his sword again, pointing at the rampant god, and his voice echoed coldly in the heavens and the earth, “Is this enough?” ”

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