Fang Taihe was strange, he was already a Yuan baby.

Why did he actually feel a chill in this young man’s heart.

But Fang Taihe trusted his instincts.

This young man is not easy to mess with.

He quickly drank his son and said sharply, “Shut up and quickly apologize to others.” ”

Fang Xin froze, Dad, I am your son.

I was scolded, and I was scolded by dogs, which is equivalent to scolding you.

You actually made me apologize?

Are you my dad or her daddy?

This bastard son already knew not to take you out.

Fang Taihe frowned, his tone displeased, “How?” Unwilling? The

others around Fang Xin were secretly sneering, and they were all ready to watch Fang Xin make an ugly appearance.

Fang Taihe noticed this scene and sighed in his heart.

O iniquity, these children.

He showed an apologetic smile and said to Xiao Yi, “Xiao Yi’s niece, don’t be familiar with him.”

“I’m here to say sorry for him.”

Fang Xiao was also next to him, “Sister Xiaoyi, don’t be angry.”

Xiao Yi was willing to give up and glared at Fang Xin, “Hmph.”

Xiang Yuchen opened his mouth and said to Fang Taihe, “Senior Fang, you go in, I still have to wait for others here, so I won’t accompany you.”

Fang Taihe smiled bitterly in his heart.

He was a Yuan Baby, and logically speaking, the Lingxiao Sect should send someone to accompany him to show respect for his Yuan Baby.

But now Xiang Yuchen directly didn’t want to accompany him.

This also shows that Xiang Yuchen is dissatisfied with what he said just now.

Bastard son.

Fang Taihe couldn’t help but secretly scold in his heart that Fang Xin didn’t understand things.

Fang Taihe had no choice but to take his children in.

On the way, Fang Taihe scolded his son, “Don’t look at things, do you think this is your home?” Cut loose.

“When you go back, give me a good reflection.”

Fang Xin was very dissatisfied, and was looked at by his brother with a joke, and he said unpleasantly, “Father, everyone outside said this, I just mentioned it, what is there?”

Shut up, you dare to talk back?” Fang Taihe shouted sharply, “When you get into trouble, you’ll know it’s over.”

Fang Xiao sighed and persuaded, “Third brother, the people of the Lingxiao faction are not easy to mess with. ”

I added in my heart, the main thing is that the one from Tianyu Peak is not easy to mess with.

Fang Xin was afraid of his father, but not his half-sister, he snorted, “Everyone is human, what’s not to mess with?”

Fang Xiao said lightly, “If you fight, you are not Xiao Yi’s sister’s opponent. In

this regard, Fang believed it or not, he was confident in his strength, “I have already built the foundation of the third layer, what is her strength?” ”

Just entered the foundation.”

Fang Xin sneered even harder, if it weren’t for his father’s scolding, he would have wanted to laugh.

“Just built the foundation? Huh…” Fang

Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense, anyway, the truth has already been said, believe it or not, just let him.

Xiao Yi waited until Fang Taihe and they left, and returned to Lu Shaoqing in a huff.

The little face bulged, very upset, and said, “I’m angry, what is that thing?” ”

You actually said bad things about you and Sister Xuan, Second Senior Brother.”

Lu Shaoqing was satisfied with Xiao Yi’s behavior just now, but not satisfied with what he said now.

Knocking on her head, he threatened, “What shit sister Xuan, do I have anything to do with her, don’t you have points in your own heart?”

“Don’t disgust me in the future, or I’ll make you look good.”

After Lu Shaoqing knocked a few times, Xiang Yuchen in the distance interrupted the unity and friendship of the two senior brothers.

“Junior Sister Xiao, your father has arrived, are you going to greet him?”

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Xiao Yi turned his head to look at Lu Shaoqing, and his eyes showed longing, “Second Senior Brother.”

Seeing the request in Xiao Yi’s eyes, Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly in his heart and said, “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

Xiao Yi was happy and jumped down, “Great, it’s really the second senior brother who is the best for me.”

Lu Shaoqing jumped down and muttered in the back, “The first poor ghost family in Qizhou.”

Xiao Yi heard this, turned around and waved in protest, “Second Senior Brother, our Xiao family is not the first poor ghost family.” ”

It’s true, hateful cousin, making the second senior brother have such a bad impression of our Xiao family.

Although the Xiao family is a rising star, it is also one of several big families, how can it be the first poor.

Soon, Lu Shaoqing saw a middle-aged man with a somewhat similar face to Xiao Yi, and brought a group of people from the Xiao family up.


When Xiao Yi saw this person, he exclaimed excitedly, rushed over, and pounced on him.

The middle-aged man who was originally unsmiling showed a spoiled smile after seeing Xiao Yi.

Patting her on the head, he said, “Good daughter, I want to die daddy.”

“How, is it customary to live here?”

“Is someone bullying you?”

“Do you want to have your father and mother?”

A series of questions were asked, which showed his love for Xiao Yi.

He is Xiao Yi’s father, Xiao Chuang’s brother, the head of the Xiao family, Xiao Yong.

Xiao Yong’s talent can only be said to be average, and his current strength is only in the early stage of Jiedan.

Unlike his younger brother Xiao Chuang, who is already a baby of the Yuan.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Xiao Yi’s father and daughter, and suddenly noticed that someone was staring at him.

Following the gaze, I saw an acquaintance.

Xiao Qun, Xiao Qun was behind, staring at him deadly.

Lu Shaoqing glared at her and grinned at her, which made Xiao Qun roll his eyes in anger.

After Xiao Yi and Xiao Yong talked for a while, they pulled their father to Lu Shaoqing.

“Dad, this is my second senior brother, Lu Shaoqing.”

The smile on Xiao Yong’s face was even wider, and he politely saluted Lu Shaoqing.

“Xiao Yi, this girl didn’t cause you less trouble for Lu Gongzi, right? Hard work Lu Gongzi.

Xiao Yi blinked, feeling strange.

It seems that the father’s attitude towards the second senior brother is surprisingly polite, and it even seems that there is a little fawning meaning in it.

That’s why.

Have father and second senior brother met before?

Xiao Yi asked curiously, “Dad, have you met the second senior brother before?”

At the same time, he looked at Lu Shaoqing curiously.

I’ve never seen it, but I’ve heard of it.

Your uncle had already mentioned your second senior brother in the letter.

Xiao Yong secretly said in his heart, your uncle has said that there are two people in the Lingxiao faction who cannot be offended.

One is the boss, and the other is the one in front of you.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, he couldn’t understand why Xiao Yong was so polite to him.

Well, I should know that I take care of Xiao Yi, this girl, and I am grateful to me in my heart.

Good, can handle.

Other people’s attitude towards themselves is good, Lu Shaoqing will not give face.

Lu Shaoqing smiled politely and said Xiao Yong’s good words, “The Xiao family master has grown the Xiao family from small to large, from a weak family to one of the current several major families.

“Long admired the daimyo, now that they have met, it is really better to be famous than to meet.”

Strange, a little different from what the old brother said, and the personality is very humble.

When Lu Shaoqing talked about his glorious deeds, Xiao Yong was very proud in his heart.

“Where, Lu Gongzi has passed the prize.”

“I also heard my brother say that Lu Gongzi, when I look at it today, it is indeed the dragon and phoenix among people.”

“By the way, since it is Xiao Yi’s senior brother, I specially brought a little gift this time, and I hope that Lu Gongzi will not be polite…”

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