The black mist here has been extremely black, thick and billowing into a huge cloud covering the place.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, and the black cloud was almost substantial, and the aura of weirdness, evil, and so on was disgusting and frightening.

The rolling black mist completely isolated Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense, making him unable to peek into the innermost situation.

At the same time, these black mist seemed to have life, surging towards him, like a group of tyrannical beasts, as if they were about to swallow him up.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, and wisps of black lightning appeared and lingered in front of him.

The black mist around him suddenly calmed down and floated around, treating him as his own.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flickered, and after thinking for a moment, he finally went in to take a look.

At the same time, I was fully prepared, and if something was slightly wrong, I ran away as soon as possible.

Can’t fight, escape, he still has a little confidence.

After all, to some extent, everyone is in a gang.

After walking slowly for tens of miles, Lu Shaoqing finally came to the middle of the black fog.

A black glow is cast.

A black glowing mass of light appeared in his line of sight.

Through the black light, Lu Shaoqing saw a person sitting in the light mass.

Looking at it, Lu Shaoqing was stunned, “Isn’t it, is that old crow?” ”

It was no one else who was sitting in the light mass, it was the ink calamity that escaped before.

The ink disc sits in the photophore, like sitting inside an egg, and the surrounding layer is like an eggshell.

In the black fog, the fluorescence flew from a distance like a firefly, and finally disappeared into the eggshell.

This kind of fluorescence Lu Shaoqing was very familiar, and he had seen it before during the battle of Qi City.

That was the energy of the dead monks.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, and a few points of fluorescence fell into his hand.

After feeling it carefully, he was sure that this was the pure energy that the dead cultivators had turned into.

Right now, the ink scourge is hiding here to devour this energy.

The next step is to devour the living monks?

Lu Shaoqing felt terrifying when he thought about it, and was shocked by the cunning of the rampant gods.

Sure enough, only terrifying people can do horrible things.

Thousands of years of planning actually made its doppelganger become the king of the bird clan.

Once its plan succeeds, the demon race will completely sink into a revenant under its mouth.

But now it’s not bad, if you can’t stop him, the elite of the demon race will be wiped out, and the entire demon world will fall into complete darkness.

Lu Shaoqing stared at the closed ink disaster, and his brain was running rapidly.

In the end, Lu Shaoqing felt that he could still take a chance.

The black mist around is fierce and dangerous, but this is for others.

For Lu Shaoqing, this place is not only not dangerous, but there is a feeling of swimming in water.

After all, these black mist posed no threat to him.

And the most important point that makes Lu Shaoqing dare to take risks is that the person in front of him is an ink calamity.

Chopped by his master brother, also chopped by him, and finally escaped like a dog who lost his family.

The strength is not too strong.

Lu Shaoqing did not take him to heart.

Lu Shaoqing slowly came to the light group.

A black film floats on the surface of the photophore, emitting a black light, which is a very pure black.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing actually felt a breath of life on it.

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Lu Shaoqing shouted in his heart.

What should be something that should be destroyed, but has a vibrant breath, this is not outrageous, what is outrageous?

As soon as his mind moved, black lightning bolts emerged and wrapped around his hand, forming an electric glove.

Lu Shaoqing gently stretched out his hand to touch the layer of film.

It seems to be very thin and soft, but the feeling of actually uploading to Lu Shaoqing is thick and hard.

Just as Lu Shaoqing was about to exert force, the golden ball of light in his body suddenly burst out with a burst of light, and then the black lightning on his hand seemed to come to life.

A few strokes of nourishment spread out, covering the light mass in front of him.

With a soft pop, in Lu Shaoqing’s stunned gaze, the light mass shattered in response, or rather, was absorbed.

As if doing something bad, black lightning retracted with a whoosh.

Then, the ink in front of him felt something, and slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing, who was almost face to face with him, he was equally stunned.

“You…” Mo

Yan’s brain couldn’t react for a while.

He should have no one here to enter, even if someone comes in, no one can break the last protection.


Mo Yan couldn’t figure it out, and his mind was blank.

Lu Shaoqing squeezed out a smile, like a child who did something wrong, “I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry…..”

The figure flashed, pounced on Mo Yan like a fierce tiger.

Mo Yan was shocked, and his body instinctively retreated, and at the same time, a thick black mist appeared on the surface of his body.

The black mist emerged, as if it turned into a thick shield, and Mo Yan felt a little calmer.

Alone, only the black mist can give you a trace of security.


The black mist surged, and Lu Shaoqing penetrated without hindrance.

Mo Scourge was horrified.


Lu Shaoqing said hello with a smile, and his head slammed into Mo Yan like an iron hammer.



Lu Shaoqing snorted.

Mo Yan’s side was pretended to be Venus, dizzy, and felt like a divine stone smashed on his head, and the brain pulp was about to be knocked out.

The intense pain made him want to shout out loud.

However, Lu Shaoqing shouted first, and a feeling of sadness and indignation surged up, making him forget to shout out.

Marde, I’m the one who hurts the most, I haven’t shouted yet, what are you shouting?

“Damn it, damn it…,” Mo Scourge roared, “I’m going to kill, kill you.” ”

Kill what kill!” Lu Shaoqing replied here, and at the same time smashed his head as a sledgehammer at Mo Yan again.


There was another loud noise, and Mo Yan seemed to hear the sound of his skull cracking.


It is still a flowing river of stars, and countless stars are circling in the river of stars.

Turning and turning, he suddenly turned into a monstrous heavenly river of water rushing down, submerging him……

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