The terrifying figure dissipated, the black mist blew through, and the rampant god disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Even Zhao Shaoqing couldn’t see how the rampant gods disappeared.

“No, do you want to play hide-and-seek?”

Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, and then shouted to the location where the rampant god disappeared, “Childish! ”

Childish ghost!”

Shao Cheng covered his face, he really didn’t have the face to face the gaze of the people around him.

The childish performance made his face as a master disappear.

After Lu Shaoqing finished shouting, he flashed in one step and came to Shao Cheng.

Before Shao Cheng could speak, Lu Shaoqing had already complained about Bai Que, “Senior, what are you doing?” ”

Why did you bring my master here?”

“Don’t you know it’s dangerous?”

“Also, why did you let the rampant gods come here?”

“The dish is dead, say your dish, you still don’t admit it, look, isn’t this it?”

A bunch of birds and beasts, not a single beast is reliable.

The rampant gods have all been beaten into that bird, and so many of you can’t stop it, it’s just home.

Bai Que is angry and cares about me.

Your master is coming by himself.

Ying was upset, “What danger can there be?” Isn’t the rampant god already running? Of

course, Yingjiao knew that it was very wrong for the rampant god to suddenly disappear, but she just couldn’t hold that breath.

In front of Lu Shaoqing, what Eagle Clan Patriarch, the identity of the number one master of the Eagle Clan, to hell, she doesn’t care.

She just wanted to win Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing has a headache, this black eagle is haunted, and the mouth thief is very poisonous.

Alas, I really want to beat her up.

It’s a pity that she is the patriarch, and she can’t afford to provoke thousands of younger brothers.

Let’s remember it on the dead fat man.

“Raven Mouth!”

Lu Shaoqing drank at Yingjie, and then pulled Shao Cheng, “Master, let’s run!” ”

Take Shao Cheng and leave here quickly.

Before Bai Que could react, Lu Shaoqing and Shao Cheng had already run away without a trace.

“This…” left

everyone confused.

Everyone looked at each other, and for a while they didn’t know what to say.

“Senior, what should I do?”

Bai Que looked in the direction where the rampant god disappeared, her expression solemn.

The bad premonition in the heart is even stronger.

What the hell is going on?

What did Lu Shaoqing do?

Bai Que then discovered that she did not know much about the rampant gods.

The previous rampant gods and the current rampant gods have changed a lot.

It became so strange, so strange that she couldn’t get used to it.

The surrounding black fog howled, as if there were countless demons hidden inside, choosing the opportunity to devour.

“Go back,” Bai Que gritted his teeth, “and ask what happened.”

However, as soon as this side thought of action, the black mist around him roared louder and became more violent.

If it was just a strong wind, now it has become a storm.

Whirring, and as if consciously, surrounded the white magpie and the group.

In the end, a huge storm vortex was formed, and Bai Que and their group were all inside.

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Everyone’s hearts jumped, and they all had a bad premonition in their hearts.

“Hmph, pretend to be a ghost!” A cultivator of the Tiger Clan snorted coldly and said domineeringly, “Patriarch, let me break this little trick.

Wang Miu nodded and said to him, “Pay attention.” After

getting permission, the figure of the Tiger Clan cultivator flashed, revealing his body, and the hundred-meter-long tiger body was majestic.

The body shook, showing a fierce color.


With a roar, he raised his tiger claws to the surrounding storm.

A tiger claw a hundred times larger than him rumbled above the sky, pressing down heavily.

The Yuanba beside Wang Miao couldn’t help but say, “Elder Wang Shang’s move is extraordinary, and its power is amazing.

Wang Miu also showed a satisfied expression, “Although Wang Shang is a junior, his strength is no worse than us old guys.

“He is already the pillar of our Tiger Clan!”

Between conversations, huge tiger claws fell.

With a roar, it slammed into the surrounding storm.


The huge impact was deafening, but the result was a surprise to everyone.

The whirlpool like a storm does not have the slightest wave, it is still whistling and constantly circling.

The tiger’s claw, which was comparable to a mountain, was instead swept into the storm and disappeared without a trace.


Wang Shang, who made the move, also let out a scream.

A mouthful of blood spurted, his body trembled, and the next moment his body began to emit black mist, quickly crawling all over his body.

“Get out, get out of here!”

Wang Shang drank heavily, and the breath of his body skyrocketed, and at the same time, the spiritual energy in his body continued to emerge, flashing with light, thinking of expelling the black mist on his body.

But to no avail, the black mist became more and more, and finally restrained him like tentacles.

“Damn it!” Wang Miao was shocked and hurriedly stepped forward with the rest of the Tiger Clan to come to the rescue.

However, before they could get closer, Wang Shang’s body was pulled into the storm by an invisible force.

After struggling a few times, he completely disappeared into the black storm.

A wave of sadness pervades.

Someone next to Wang Miao took out a life Jane, and the life Jane shattered in response, which meant that Wang Shang had completely fallen.

“This, this…” Wang

Miu and the others felt numb in their scalps.

It’s terrifying.

Although Wang Shang is the beginning of the refining period, it is also the refining period.

A refining period fell in front of everyone so easily, making everyone present feel cold in their hearts.

Bai Que’s face turned white.

Although the scene in front of her seemed strange, she had never seen it before.

But like Wang Shang, she has seen a lot.


The rampant god once again revealed its blood plate mouth, completely devouring Wang Shang’s blood and flesh.

And now this scene is very clear.

The rampant gods want to devour all of them here.

After figuring it out, Bai Que felt cold.

Caught in the trap of rampant gods?

“Come, everyone strike together and kill it!”

Ma Lengyu shouted and called on everyone to make a move together.

Then she looked at both hands, and a storm appeared on the palm of her hand, and then quickly expanded, becoming a huge storm.

The others also joined in, and a powerful force burst out, erupting in this small hundred miles of space, shaking back and forth.

The gathering of powerful forces, the formation of a large energy storm at a distance, seems to be able to tear this piece of heaven and earth apart…

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