
rampant god’s voice did not have the fear and anger just now, only the pride.

The breath of terror pervades.

The strong pressure was like a sacred mountain pressing on her, and the white magpie was pressed to the point where she couldn’t move.

Even if she was a level eight magic weapon, she couldn’t move.

The thick wheel fog around them once again turned into a solid protective shield, firmly enveloping Bai Que and Lu Shaoqing here.

Oops, hit the mark.

The white magpie was about to cry.

This is rampant, not a cat or a dog.

As an old-timer, how did he lose this vigilance?

The bastard boy successfully broke through the protective shield of the rampant god, and he was happy and careless.

Damn it.

Bai Que examined himself in his heart and understood why.

Just because Lu Shaoqing was unexpected and gave her hope, it made her lose the caution she deserved.

Even forget to warn of a catch-all.

Stupidly followed in.

Damn yourself.

Bai Que roared in his heart again.

As a senior, such carelessness is not only a shame, but also a damn.

Bai Que looked ahead, and Lu Shaoqing was just like her, pressed and unable to move.

The rampant god was four or five meters away in front of him, and Lu Shaoqing was pressed to sit reluctantly.

But such a distance seemed like a heavenly graben in Bai Que’s eyes, and Lu Shaoqing would never be able to close the distance between him and the rampant gods.

Even if Lu Shaoqing had black lightning on his body, it was useless, and the rampant god used his own strength to control Lu Shaoqing.

This is a crushing in the realm, even if the origin of black lightning is mysterious, Lu Shaoqing cannot use it to deal with rampant gods.

Rampant God is the merging period, even if the injury is serious, it is still the realm of the merging period.

Lu Shaoqing is just a refining period, and the gap between the two sides is huge and difficult to cross.

Throw away all the bells and whistles and directly suppress with pure force.

“Bummer.” Lu Shaoqing couldn’t move, and shouted directly, “You stupid dog, you don’t talk about martial virtue.”

“Dare not let go, let me prepare.”

Bai Que directly rolled his eyes, naïve guy.

The rampant god sneered, “Ant, you wait to die.” ”

The surrounding wheel fog hit, but it couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing, so the main target of the wheel fog was Bai Que.

The white magpie’s side must not concentrate on resisting the invasion of the wheel mist.

Bai Que felt that he was in the furnace, and the terrifying temperature kept blowing, eroding his body again and again.

Black lines began to appear faintly on the surface of the Demon Suppression Tower.

The black lines are gradually becoming clearer and the range is beginning to spread.

Bai Que was desperate in her heart, if she went on like this, she would be eroded again by the rampant gods sooner or later.

Isn’t there a good way?

Bai Que gritted his teeth and looked up, the wheel mist floated beside Lu Shaoqing, but he couldn’t help the black lightning on Lu Shaoqing’s body, and it would instantly dissipate whenever he approached.

The rampant god simply ignored Lu Shaoqing, but concentrated on continuing to devour the demon cultivators.

The light is constantly pouring in, shining here like daylight.

White, green and other rays of light came in waves, and finally entered the body of the rampant god.

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Bai Que’s heart was even more desperate, and she seemed to be able to hear the wailing and screams of the demon cultivators.

The rampant gods are devouring the future of the demon race, but she can’t do anything.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded again, “Rampant God senior, can we discuss it again?” The

rampant gods did not look at him, and they were preoccupied with devouring.

It was devouring like a whirlpool of storms, and every moment there were demon cultivators screaming and falling.

Bai Que frowned, why did he suddenly change his attitude?

Just now he called a stupid dog, and now he calls people seniors?

What are you doing?

Rampant God did not speak, Lu Shaoqing continued, his tone was soft and his attitude was gentle, “Rampant God senior, I admit defeat, how about you let me leave?”

“I can swear to leave right away and go home, absolutely not to get involved in the things here.”

Bai Que was angry, such a good tone, it turned out to be to bow his head and admit defeat.


It’s embarrassing to scold people.

Lu Shaoqing even turned around and pointed to the trapped Demon Township Tower, and said to the rampant god, “Look, I also brought you a gift, an eighth-level magic weapon, which can sell a lot of spirit stones.”

“Is that sincerity enough?”


You take me for sincerity?

Bai Que only hated that she couldn’t move now, otherwise she would definitely smash Lu Shaoqing, a hateful bastard.

“Hey, rampant senior, I’m like this, you have to say something.”

“Would you have to squeak or not?”

Lu Shaoqing nagged, like a long-tongued woman.

But the rampant god was unmoved, and ignored Lu Shaoqing.

“Okay, silly dog,” Lu Shaoqing seemed to be angry, the original form was revealed, no longer called a senior, and resumed the silly dog title again, “You wait for me, don’t regret it later.” ”

Regret?” The silly dog still had lethality against the rampant god this time, it spoke, sneered, and looked at Lu Shaoqing contemptuously, “I’ll wait.” It

didn’t take Lu Shaoqing to heart at all.

Suppressed by it, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t make any waves.

If it weren’t for the use of power to devour, it would have killed Lu Shaoqing with the power of thunder.

But enough, just give it some more time, devour it, recover part of its strength, and all the ants will die.

Bai Que is also very helpless.

It’s all at this time, what else can you do?

If there is a way for you to make it out earlier, what nonsense is there here.

Bai Que looked at Lu Shaoqing through the Demon Town Tower, and secretly shook his head.

But, soon, Bai Que was stunned.

She saw a ray of light enter Lu Shaoqing’s body.


Myself trapped here, eyes also spent?

However, when Bai Que looked again, she found that she was not mistaken.

The light that was absorbed, the pure energy transformed by the demon cultivators, indeed some of it was absorbed and devoured by Lu Shaoqing.

Bai Que’s body subconsciously emerged, and her eyes widened, unable to believe what she saw.

However, this is what it is.

Lu Shaoqing and the rampant god sat opposite each other, and the energy that was constantly used emitted a soft light, one part was swallowed by the rampant god, and the other part entered Lu Shaoqing’s body…

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