The rampant gods almost took back all their strength.

But much is missing, far from satisfactory results.

Anger, incomparable anger.

The rampant god was so angry for the first time, even if Lu Shaoqing humiliated it, its anger did not reach its peak.

Now its anger has reached its peak.

If he didn’t kill Lu Shaoqing, he wouldn’t be happy in this life.

Lu Shaoqing’s devouring was interrupted, and so was the rampant god.

But the powerful aura revealed by the rampant gods still made the heavens and the earth tremble, and the people were shocked.

Bai Que felt even more desperate like the collapse of heaven and earth.

At least the second-layer, or even third-layer realm in the early stage of the merging period.

If it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing to stop it, the realm of rampant gods would be better, at least it would start in the middle of the stage, and even the later stage was not impossible.

Bai Que’s eyes nervously looked in the direction where Lu Shaoqing disappeared, full of worry.

Won’t die, right?

But it disappeared into the thick wheel fog, without the slightest breath.


The rampant contemptuous voice was filled with endless coldness, echoing in the heavens and the earth, like a god.

Then its gaze fell on the white magpie.

A cold breath rushed straight to the brain, and Bai Que felt an incomparable cold.

The Demon Zhen Tower was under great pressure, I don’t know if the pressure or fear, Bai Que couldn’t control himself, and the Demon Zhen Tower was trembling slightly.

“It’s all ants!”

The rampant god’s tone was cold, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring, and he reached out towards the Demon Zhen Tower.

Although it is said to be an ant, it is also an eighth-level magic weapon, and the rampant god still wants it.

The huge claws covered the sky, locking every space here at the first time, and the white magpie could not escape if he wanted to.

“Damn it!”

Under the panic, the white magpie could only fight back desperately.

The Demon Town Tower made a buzzing sound, and the surface was radiant.

The power that the eighth-level magic weapon desperately bursts out cannot be underestimated.

A force that suppressed the four directions spread, and the Demon Zhen Tower jumped high, turned into the Tower of Optimus, and rushed down towards the rampant god suppression with the momentum of thunder.

Countless rounds of mist were scattered and annihilated under this domineering suppressive force.


However, the rampant god just snorted coldly.

The claws were unabated, and with a gentle vibration, a cold force also erupted, like ripples on the surface of the water.

Invisible, powerful.


A loud bang, a strong collision, made the white magpie spray blood, could not control his figure, flipped his head in the air, and flew upside down for hundreds of miles.

Before the white magpie could take it down steadily, the sky darkened again, and huge claws appeared above the head again.

It’s like Sun Monkey’s palm that can’t turn over.

The white magpie was desperate.

This is the power of the merging period.

The previous rampant god released water, which made her feel very strange.

Now is the true strength of the rampant gods.

Such a powerful rampant god, is there anyone who is its opponent?

Bai Que’s heart is full of pessimism, demon clan, is this the end of it?

Just as the rampant god’s claws fell, a sword light appeared, and the huge claws composed of wheel mist were cut off, and the black mist rolled.

“Isn’t it, senior, how did you become so weak?”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded and appeared in Bai Que’s ears, “You are also the ancestor of the demon clan, you have taken the lead to give up, what do you let those beasts do?”

“Follow the surrender?”

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“Do you know that surrender is shameful?”

Bai Que escaped, his brain was still confused.

Himself saved by this little bastard?

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing’s words made her feel ashamed.

When did you become weak?

Why would he give up resistance at this time?


Bai Que wanted to say something, but Lu Shaoqing grabbed the spire, and then threw it fiercely into the distance, “Go you!” The

Demon Town Tower swirled in the air, and the white magpie was smashed.

Finally stopped, before he could catch his breath, Lu Shaoqing’s words came, “Don’t get in the way.”

Bai Que’s shame instantly turned into rage.

So angry that she jumped to her feet, bastard guy.

Lu Shaoqing rushed up to the sky, looking at the rampant god who exuded a terrifying aura, Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Is it okay to surrender? ”

Is it okay to treat prisoners favorably?”


Bai Que wanted to vomit blood and stomped his foot fiercely, “Bastard guy.” ”

Who just said that surrender is shameful?

“Ants!” The rampant god was furious, “Die! The

two claws grabbed Lu Shaoqing fiercely.


Just like before against Ji Yan, a piece of space collapsed in an instant, and disappeared the next moment.

The rampant god regained his strength, and he was even stronger than when he dealt with Ji Yan.

The range of tens of miles disappeared, becoming a void storm that instantly raged and rolled wildly.

After Bai Que saw it, his expression changed sharply, and his anger turned into worry.

Bastard kid can’t get killed all at once, right?


Tens of miles of heaven and earth, everything disappeared into the void.

The rampant god’s gaze slowed down a little, damn the ants, also dare to provoke it?

However, he was also unsure whether his move could kill Lu Shaoqing.

After all, Lu Shaoqing’s performance was too weird.

Therefore, it stared at the piece of heaven and earth that was constantly closed and restored, intending to find Lu Shaoqing’s existence.

The space kept closing, but there was no trace of Lu Shaoqing.

The rampant god’s eyes showed satisfaction, the ants should have been shot to death, right?

Bai Que’s heart sank.

Bastard guy, really killed?

However, at the moment when the spatial crack was about to completely close, a sword light shot out from the crack and went straight to the rampant god.

The sword light was magnificent, and the sword intent rolled, like a cold arrow suddenly killed.

“Insect tricks!”

The rampant god sneered, did not care in the slightest, waved his claws, and easily dissolved Lu Shaoqing’s sword like driving away flies.

Lu Shaoqing’s figure followed, his face turned pale, and the move just now almost flattened him.

The current rampant gods are stronger than the previous normal gods.

Lu Shaoqing had a headache, and asked tentatively again, “Rampant God Big Brother, can’t this matter be good?”

“You see, if you continue to fight like this, it’s not good for everyone, I love peace the most, and I don’t like to fight at all.”

“You go deal with the beasts, I turn around and go home, and when I don’t see anything, how about it?”


The white magpie in the distance was so angry that he jumped to his feet, and he wanted to rush over and smash Lu Shaoqing to death first.

“Ants!” The rampant god still sneered, disdainful, “Surrender, you can..”

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