
Demon Township Tower was majestic and fell from the sky.

Bai Que still couldn’t stand by and watch.

The strong suppression fell, and the powerful demon dragon dissipated.

The figure of the white magpie appeared beside Lu Shaoqing, and the Demon Town Tower gently levitated beside her.

But the state of the Demon Town Tower is not good, and the cracks and dim light visible to the naked eye all show the weakness of the Demon Town Tower.

Bai Que looked grim and injured, she didn’t care.

As long as she can deal with rampant gods and save the demon race, even if it is death, she is not afraid.

The white magpie is dressed in white, fluttering in the wind, like a fairy.

When Lu Shaoqing saw Bai Que, he couldn’t help but complain, “What are you making fun of?” ”

Did I just push less?

Earlier, know how to be strong, and throw your broken tower away.

Bai Que couldn’t hold back, his cold expression instantly turned into an angry expression, and he wanted to smash into Lu Shaoqing.

I kindly came to help you, but you actually dislike it?

I don’t know how to be evil.

“Do you think you alone can defeat the rampant gods?” Bai Que shouted angrily.

Humans who don’t know the good heart, bastards.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, appearing unimpressed, “Plus it’s useless for you.”

Bai Que gritted his teeth, “What’s the plus I’m useless?”

“You’re so dish…”

The Demon Town Tower buzzed, and wanted to smash at Lu Shaoqing.


Facing Lu Shaoqing, Bai Que was really difficult to maintain a normal mind, and the image of any senior could not be maintained at all.

Some just want to clean him up fiercely.

Lu Shaoqing was helpless, and Bai Que coming here didn’t do much for him.

If it is an intact eighth-level magic weapon, it may still be somewhat useful and can become a decisive factor in the victory or defeat.

However, Bai Que is already a disabled eighth-level magic weapon, and his strength is less than thirty percent, where can he deal with rampant gods.

I’m afraid that I won’t be slapped flat by a rampant god.

Even if you play self-detonation now, you can’t help it.

Lu Shaoqing himself did not have the confidence to fight rampantly, and Bai Que added not one plus one equals two, but one plus one equals negative one.

He didn’t want to be a protector, and he had to take care of the white magpie when he was fighting.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing is also worried that some of his secrets will be discovered inadvertently, too close, and there is no privacy.

Or distance produces beauty.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing said to Bai Que very sincerely, “Senior, you go to the side and rest, okay?” Seeing

Lu Shaoqing’s sincere expression, but it made Bai Que feel full of disgust, Bai Que wanted to hit someone, gritting his teeth, “Am I just like this?” The

Demon Town Tower buzzed, Lu Shaoqing glanced at it, and decided to change his words, “No, the main thing is to fight, I’m afraid I can’t control myself.” ”

Don’t worry about it!” Bai Que said angrily, “You just take care of yourself.” ”

Alright!” Lu Shaoqing was as good as the flow, and without saying a word, he withdrew.


Bai Que’s side became puzzled.

The next moment, Lu Shaoqing shouted at the rampant god, “Rampant god big brother, come, the most powerful senior of the demon race has decided to fight with you.” ”


The white magpie is hurt.

The bastard guy, who would rather quit the fight than join forces with her.

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The rampant god came again to kill.

The huge claws grabbed it, shrouding Bai Que and Lu Shaoqing at the same time.

Heaven and earth fell into darkness again, and the huge claws were like claws, devouring this side of heaven and earth again.

The surrounding space becomes illusory, detached from the original world.

Huge forces hit like waves, layer after layer.

The surrounding space is visibly squeezed and collapsed.

The light of the Demon Town Tower continued to light up, and Bai Que personally felt the terrifying power of the rampant god at this moment.

The sound of “click, click…..” sounded, and the cracks on the body of the demon tower continued to increase and expand.

Bai Que resisted desperately, but the huge gap in strength made her resistance seem meaningless.

Seeing the cracks in his body continue to expand, the despair in his heart once again emerged.

It’s over!

Such a terrifying force, she could no longer resist.

The bastard is right, he really cooks.

Just when Bai Que was desperate, she suddenly felt that the spire of the tower was grabbed by someone.

Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, with a very unhappy tone, “Trouble is dead, don’t listen to it.” The

next moment, Lu Shaoqing rushed out with difficulty with the Demon Township Tower.

Bai Que was shocked to find that Lu Shaoqing actually rushed out with his strength.

How strong is this physical body?

Is he really a Terran?

Bai Que felt that his brain was not enough?

I’m afraid it’s not from the armored beast family among the demon beasts, right?

No, even the armored beast clan does not have such a terrifying physical body.

After Lu Shaoqing grabbed the Demon Town Tower and rushed out of the distance, his body suddenly seemed to have been cut by countless knives, one wound after another appeared, and blood spurted out.

Bai Que was shocked in his heart and couldn’t support it.

The power of rampant gods can destroy a small world, and Lu Shaoqing can support it for so long is already considered powerful.

The Demon Town Tower lit up, but the light was already dim.

Bai Que subconsciously wanted to help, but at this time, Lu Shaoqing muttered, “It’s still not strong enough, alas, the Eight Forbidden Ghost King!” Bai

Que was stunned, what do you mean?

Then, she felt a thick power spread from Lu Shaoqing.

Her eyes widened, but she saw a dazzling silver light.

It was as if the immortal light falling from above the nine heavens shone on his body.

The white magpie also seemed to hear a buzzing sound.

A huge looming pattern appeared, and at the same time a figure of nothingness appeared, but it flashed.

Lu Shaoqing’s body emitted a silver light, and the silver light emitted a heavy aura, like a silver protective shield.

The surrounding power squeezed out, but after touching, it turned into ripples and disappeared.

Lu Shaoqing’s speed immediately recovered, grabbing the Demon Town Tower and quickly rushing outside.

Bai Que was shocked.

What is this exercise?

It is actually so terrifying, can it withstand the power of the Convergence Period?

Is this a practice that the mortal world should have?

Although it exuded a strong power, it made Bai Que feel terrified.

Soon, Bai Que felt that the surrounding scenery was dark, and Lu Shaoqing led her out of the rampant attack range…

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