As it was, Shao Cheng was more relieved.

Good injury, good injury.

The more severely the rampant god was injured, the safer his apprentice was.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, “How did it get hurt?”

Ji Yan shook his head, “I don’t know.

Shao Cheng said with a slight relief, “No matter what, it is a good thing for us that the rampant god is injured. Ji

Yan’s expression was very solemn, and he did not agree with Shao Cheng’s opinion, “It’s hard to say.”

“Why?” Shao Cheng became worried again.

Xiao Yi understood the meaning of Ji Yan, and she said to Shao Cheng, “Master, the previous sacrifice to the gods was very dangerous, and the rampant gods and the sacrifice gods were obviously the same people, so I am afraid that they will be like the sacrifice gods.” Speaking

of sacrificing gods, Xiao Yi had palpitations.

At that time, it almost made the Heavenly Royal Peak extinct.

Rampant gods of the same level, even if they are seriously injured, it is not easy to mess with.

When Shao Cheng heard this, he was even more worried in his heart.

No way?

“What to do?”

Ji Yan took a step and disappeared here, “I’ll go help.”

Shao Cheng saw where the big apprentice disappeared, was silent for a while, and finally let out a long sigh.

This master of his own is really a nest.

There are big things, and I can’t help myself at all.

Bai Que watched worriedly as Lu Shaoqing and Rampant God fought again.

The rampant god was injured, not heavy, but his anger soared and murderous.

The offensive became more intense, and large swathes of space collapsed.

Everything inside is devoured by rampant gods.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to consume too much after using that terrifying sword technique.

In the face of the rampant attack, he looked very embarrassed and kept dodging without any counterattack.

Every attack by the rampant god hurt him, but it could not help him.

Annoy the rampant.

Bai Que also didn’t know what to say for a while.

Lu Shaoqing jumped alive, as if Xiaoqiang was not killed.

But what made Bai Que speechless was Lu Shaoqing’s mouth.

He was beaten by the rampant god and vomited blood, and his mouth never stopped.

“Lean, tap, tap, it hurts…”

“Big brother, I called you big brother, can you slow down?”

“It’s too fast, I can’t stand it.”

“Depend, Grandma Li’s, don’t you understand people? Slow down, what are you doing so fast? ”

In a hurry?”

“Also, is your paw tapped? Don’t you know that hitting someone hurts? ”

The white magpie is full of black lines.

Bastard, who is the other party?

It’s rampant, it’s an enemy, do you think you have come here to play with you?

You say tap to tap?

You say slow down, slow down?

Do you think your face is big?

Why don’t you call it surrender?

Seeing that the more he spoke, the more excited he became, and Lu Shaoqing became even more angry.

“Hey, don’t toast or drink and punish you.”

“I’m like this, what else do you want?”

“Are you going to stop before you can use a killer trick than me?”


As soon as the three words came out, Bai Que instantly concentrated his concentration, and even the rampant god’s offensive was a little paused.

Lu Shaoqing was too weird.

The refining period, but he was able to hold out for so long in front of the injured merging period of the rampant god.

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Since he said that it is a killer tool, it must be very powerful.

Bai Que was full of expectation, and secretly said in his heart, take it out, take it out, and kill the rampant god.

Rampant gods are also vigilant.

Grandma Li’s, the shot is not a move of this world.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t hurt again and again.

The person in front of him definitely has something to do with the remnant soul.

Come on, let me see what other moves you have.

Under the gaze of the two, Lu Shaoqing pulled back and shouted loudly, “Can I surrender?” ”


The Demon Zhen Tower twitched a few times like an electric shock, and Bai Que spat out another mouthful of pure energy.

She almost roared to the sky.


This is the killer app?

The rampant god also trembled in his body, and the spiritual power in his body almost recoiled.

I’m ready, you give me this one?

What’s the difference between this and taking off your pants and you making me watch cartoons?

The rampant god laughed angrily, thinking that Lu Shaoqing was humiliating it again, “Ant, today I must crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces.” ”


With an angry shout, a wheel mist appeared in the body, and the surrounding wheel fog also roared.

Gathered together, constantly wriggling, like a ghost fog.

In the end, it turned into a huge claw, shrouding Lu Shaoqing and the world with a radius of a hundred miles.

The black mist rolled, and a powerful suction force came.

Countless rays of light rose into the sky and disappeared into the black mist.

The rampant gods wanted to devour Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing noticed that the roots of his hair stood up, the blood in his body squirmed, and he had the urge to break out of his body.

Even the feeling of being pulled into the black mist.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, his heart moved, and the golden ball of light in his body tumbled.

A suction force appeared from him.

The surrounding light submerged into his body, and his injured body recovered a lot.


The wrath of the rampant god roared up to heaven, like a beast that had lost its mind.

However, there was deep greed in the rampant scarlet gaze.

Its body turned into lightning and rushed straight towards Lu Shaoqing.

“Give me your body, ant!”

The rampant god’s tone was filled with deep impatience, and he couldn’t wait to take Lu Shaoqing’s body for himself.

“Silly dog, get out of here!”

Lu Shaoqing held a sword against the rampant god.

But this attack poses no threat to the rampant gods.

The rampant god did not dodge or dodge, and the sword light still rushed straight down.

In an instant, he came to Lu Shaoqing and stretched out his sharp claws at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing did not dodge, but instead swung his fist at the rampant god.

The fist of the left hand made a roaring sound, like a punch of the God of War, and even the space was shattered.


The two collided fiercely, and the terrifying fluctuations spread again.


Lu Shaoqing shouted, and his body was knocked away and disappeared into the thick wheel fog.

Bai Que couldn’t help but scold in a low voice when he saw it, “It’s really stupid to die, and I dare to fight with rampant gods in close combat.” ”

The physical body of the rampant god is also extremely terrifying, and the physical strength of the dragon who fought against the rampant god before is not as strong as that of the rampant god.

Lu Shaoqing is a human being, and he dares to compare with the rampant god in the flesh?

I’m afraid it’s not a loss of mind.

“What the hell does he want to do?” Bai Que didn’t understand what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

“He’s trying to defeat the rampant gods…” Ji Yan’s voice sounded, and then slowly appeared beside Bai Que…

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