
The black hole vortex was strangled by two sword lights, falling apart, and a violent explosion occurred under the catharsis of spiritual power.

What was absorbed fell one after another.

Countless monks screamed and fell, causing many to roll their eyes and pass out.

“Damn it!”

The rampant god was also stunned for a moment, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

How was it so easily broken by the other party?

Are you kidding?

Is the other party sure that it is just the refining period?

Bai Que was also dumbfounded.

This is a black hole vortex.

At the beginning, the demon world was lustful to death.

Now that it is easily cracked, how strong are the two?

Just when Bai Que was stunned, she suddenly felt movement behind her, hurriedly turned around, and found that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan actually appeared behind her, which startled her.

The state of the two was already very bad, and Ji Yan’s white clothes had been dyed red, without a trace of the original color.

Lu Shaoqing was a little better, but the same blood stained his clothes.

The breath of the two was weak.

It is not difficult to see that breaking through the black hole vortex has made them work a lot.

“Did you die?” Lu Shaoqing gasped, and the spiritual power in his body was almost empty.

He didn’t expect to be so terrifying when he entered the vortex, and almost tore his body to pieces.

In the vortex, spiritual power is first sucked away and devoured, followed by flesh and blood, soul consciousness and so on.

Thanks to the strength of the two of them, otherwise they really can’t come out inside.

Ji Yan shook his head, his face was pale, and most of his bones were broken.

His body was not as strong as Lu Shaoqing.

“I thought you could hold on, and I came to give people heads.”

“Can you hold up? It’s better if you block first, I’ll run first.

Ji Yan automatically ignored Lu Shaoqing’s words and asked, “What can be done?”

“No, it’s over.” Lu Shaoqing said, “It’s better to surrender.” ”

Verbose,” Ji Yan shouted, “hurry!

“You go and cut him, the rest can only be left to fate, and I am not completely sure.”

Lu Shaoqing spoke like a bean, “If it is not fooled, everyone will die.”

Ji Yan looked at the slowly approaching rampant god, his expression solemn, “I can only draw another sword.”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were faint, and he held the Mojun sword in his hand, “Split, after chopping, take the master and sister to run quickly, how far can you run, and the one that can run is one.”

“Trouble is dead.”

“Buzz!” Wuqiu’s sword flashed, and a pale-faced Wuqiu appeared.

The same Mojun also appeared.

The two sword spirits looked at each other and did not speak, but everything was silent.

“No,” Bai Que finally found a chance to speak, her figure flashed, and she appeared in front of the two, “You guys, can’t you beat it?” The

conversation between the two seemed to be explaining the aftermath, which made Bai Que’s heart very panicked.

Lu Shaoqing handed Bai Que a few nuclear brains, “The instrument spirit should be able to eat, right?” Replenish the brain. Bai

Que’s nose was crooked.

“What do you mean?”

“The other party is in the merging period, we are in the refining period, do you think we can win?”

Bai Que’s anger suddenly subsided.

“Is there really no way?”

Bai Que herself could not do anything, and she couldn’t do it if she wanted to suppress the rampant gods.


Lu Shaoqing’s words made Bai Que’s eyes light up, “What way?”

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“Surrender, it’s a pity that the rampant gods don’t agree, it’s hateful.”

Damn it?

You are hateful, you keep talking about surrender, and I really want to smash you to death.

The breath of the rampant god was imminent, and Ji Yan spoke, “Let’s do it!” After

speaking, he rose to the sky again.

Lu Shaoqing sighed helplessly again, and wanted to throw the doppelganger out here.

But think about it or forget it.

Make it safer for the doppelganger to follow the dead ghost brother.

If this body can’t be saved, forget it.

He clenched the Mojun sword and also soared into the sky.

Bai Que couldn’t help but ask Lu Shaoqing, “Aren’t you afraid of death?” She

felt respect in her heart and was a little moved.

Dying indifferently is not something anyone can easily do.

“I’m afraid,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t turn his head, “Isn’t this killed by you?”

“You wait, I’ll come back to you when I’m a ghost, don’t forget my spirit stone.”

The Demon Zhen Tower shook twice, touching something, respecting something disappeared in an instant, and she wanted to smash into the back of Lu Shaoqing’s head.

When is it, I still miss the spirit stone.

The rampant god slowly approached, he noticed the state of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, and relaxed his heart.

Although the performance of these two people is not normal, it is still a little normal after all.

It’s not Xiaoqiang who can’t be killed.

“Ants, die!”

The rampant god shouted furiously, and grabbed it again with one claw.


Ji Yan gathered all his strength and swung that sword again.

The terrifying sword light erupted, the cover sword intent, invincible, everywhere it passed, heaven and earth shattered, and even heaven and earth were crushed.

The rampant god’s gaze was cold, and the black wheel fog of his body surged and spiraled upward.

The two forces collided, and the rampant god felt that the breath in his body was stagnant, and his injuries were aggravated by a few points.

Ji Yan, on the other hand, sprayed blood wildly, flew directly upside down, and then disappeared from the sight of the rampant gods.

The rampant god’s gaze was cold, and he once again shot in the direction where Ji Yan disappeared.

Even if Ji Yan escapes farther, it has the confidence to capture Ji Yan.

However, the more than ten rays of light of stars falling in the sky made the rampant god have to focus on Lu Shaoqing.

Compared with the terrifying of Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing is even more evil.

One move, all special does not belong to this world.

If it dares to be careless, it may really be killed by Lu Shaoqing.


The rampant god stared at Lu Shaoqing, and his eyes revealed a slight indelible greed.

If he can devour Lu Shaoqing, occupy Lu Shaoqing’s body.

Its strength will go further, it will be stronger.

In this world, no one is its opponent.

Only it knew how precious and terrifying the things on Lu Shaoqing’s body were.

“Look at what?” The rampant god did not rush to make a move, so did Lu Shaoqing, he glared back, and said unceremoniously, “Ugly ghost, haven’t you seen a handsome guy?” ”

Silly dog!”


Silly dog!

The rampant gods are particularly disgusted by such titles.

When will it be the turn of the ants to give a nickname to its existence?


The rampant god coldly spoke, and the surrounding wheel fog swept away towards Lu Shaoqing again…

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