Bai Que’s heart sank.

She understood what Ji Yan meant, Lu Shaoqing was white, and Ji Yan would strike again.

At that time, it was to die with the rampant gods.

Bai Que looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, “Life!”


!” “Old Ancestor!”

Suddenly a voice came, and then more than ten figures appeared.

It turned out to be Liu Chi, and Qiu and the others rushed back.

The breath of everyone was very weak, and as for Yingjie, he was supported by the clansmen, looking prostrate.

“Are you all right?” Bai

Que saw everyone, his face beaming.

This is the top group of combat power of the demon race.

However, after noticing the state of everyone, Bai Que’s expression darkened again.

Bai Que knew without asking, Liu Chi and the others were almost sucked dry.

If it weren’t for the rampant god taking the initiative to stop devouring, these people in front of him would really be sucked dry.

Thinking of this, Bai Que couldn’t help but compare everyone with Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, shook his head in his heart, and sighed.

Can’t compare.

Even if these people were the top combat power of the demon clan, they were not the opponents of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

In other words, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan could destroy the demon clan.

Thinking of this, Bai Que felt even more sad.

Has the powerful demon race fallen to this point?

“Senior, where are the rampant gods?” began Fierce Chu, but his gaze fell on the black wheel fog in the distance.

When they knew that Lu Shaoqing and the rampant god were in the wheel fog, everyone was in an uproar.

“No, can he deal with

the rampant god alone?” “Yes, the strength of the rampant god has skyrocketed, has he been able to fight

?” “Pinning your hopes on him, will it be a bit of a joke?” Everyone

did not believe Lu Shaoqing, but the rampant god’s strength increased greatly, and they could feel it from a distance.

These people were trapped and almost sucked dry, such an existence, Lu Shaoqing alone can deal with it?

Bai Que said solemnly, “It’s up to him now.”

Bai Que said this and felt a little sad in his heart.

The demon race can’t even come up with a useful person to deal with the rampant gods now.

At critical moments, it is up to the Terrans to help.

It’s a shame to say it.

When I died, I didn’t dare to go down to see my former companions.

Yuanba asked seriously, “Senior, what can we do?” Liu

Chi looked solemn, “Now let’s strike together.”

“You guys go up, what can you do?”

Ji Yan had to speak, this group of remnants of the defeated army will only cause trouble.

“You are too weak, don’t drag him down. Everyone

suddenly felt a familiar sense of déjà vu.

Not long ago, Lu Shaoqing also said similar words to them.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel a wave of anger in their hearts.

It’s really unpleasant to be looked down upon by humans like this.

Even if the plan is very pleasant, Win Ji is not happy.

“Ji Gongzi, what you said is not right.

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“No matter how we are, it is also the refining period, so many people join forces, how can we say that we are dragging our feet?” Ji

Yan did not say more, but his figure flashed and straddled in front of everyone.

The faces of everyone first changed, and then became ugly.

This scene is also very familiar.

Grandma Li’s is really the same master brother.



was very upset, “Hmph, don’t make fun of us demon races.”

“This is our demon clan’s business…..”Shut

up!” The demon tower hummed, and the white magpie drank loudly, and the demon cultivator who spoke retreated one after another as if he had been hit hard.

“Without the two of them, the demon clan would have been finished a long time ago. The

white magpie had a frosty face, like an ice beauty, without false color, “They are the benefactors of the demon clan.”

Everyone’s faces changed slightly.

At first, many people were not convinced.

But when Bai Que told everyone what happened next, everyone understood what Lu Shaoqing had done for the demon clan.

If it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing stopping the rampant gods from devouring, they, including the demon elites they brought, would have become fertilizer for the rampant gods.

Although it is a monster, it also has its own moral standards.

Many people feel grateful in their hearts.

It is already remarkable that a human being is willing to do this for the demon race.

It can indeed be said that he is the benefactor of the demon race.

“Gongzi Daen, I can’t forget it!” Wang Miao said to Ji Yan seriously, “In the future, we will be useful to our tiger clan, and we will definitely go to the soup.”

“I’ll wait too.

“My misunderstanding of Lu Gongzi is too deep. Hu Yi said faintly, “Heroes are young men.”

Hu Ying was already thinking in his heart whether to marry Hu Yan and win over Lu Shaoqing or Ji Yan.

With the addition of these two young geniuses, it is not a dream for the fox clan to become the first.

“The two princes are willing to help our demon clan, and we are grateful. Yingjiao also spoke, staring at Ji Yan with shining eyes.

It makes people feel as if she is staring at her prey.

Ji Yan didn’t look back, “Don’t be sentimental, if you can, my junior brother won’t help you.” ”

If it weren’t for the forced helplessness, Lu Shaoqing wouldn’t have made a move if he was killed.

Yingjie nodded secretly in his heart, and sure enough, the hero saw the same thing.

Hmph, that guy, if it weren’t for the forced helplessness, he would definitely not be so kind to help our demon clan.

She laughed and said to Ji Yan, “Ji Yan Gongzi, you are different, you are willing to help our demon clan, we are grateful, if you need anything in the future, please open your mouth.” Ji

Yan’s voice came, “I didn’t plan to help you, for me, rampant, challenging.”

“If you are not strong, you will be destroyed if you are destroyed by rampant gods.”

Yingjie’s smile froze.

There was a moment in my heart that I wanted to hit someone.

However, seeing Ji Yan dressed in blood, the unhappiness in his heart immediately turned into distress.

Hmph, blame that bastard guy for everything.

When his senior brother is very tired, that’s why he talks like this.

Yingjiao did not blame the plan, but blamed Lu Shaoqing.

Think that everything is Lu Shaoqing’s fault.

Even the appearance of rampant gods was Lu Shaoqing’s fault.

Others are speechless, many people secretly grit their teeth in their hearts, you kid is really unpleasant to talk.

No wonder you can become a division brother with that bastard guy.

Fierce Chu looked at the black cloud-like wheel fog in the distance, worried, “Senior, do we need to do something?” ”

In case that kid can’t beat the rampant gods, we…”

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