The high-ranking members of the Lingxiao faction, headed by Yu Chang, the head of the Lingxiao faction, appeared on the high platform in front of the square.

The five Yuan Babies exuded a powerful aura, making everyone who came here look solemn and even pale.

There is an urge to escape from here.

The cultivators of refining qi, building foundations, and settling dan trembled their legs and would kneel down at any time.

The breath of the five Yuan Babies was as powerful as a mountain, pressing on everyone’s bodies.

As unfathomable as an abyss, it seems to be able to devour people and plunge them into endless darkness.

The crowd felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Under this pressure, breathing is like a luxury.

The five Yuan Babies exuded their own aura at the same time, without any concealment, making this aspect of heaven and earth surging, and countless spiritual qi roared.

Many people looked at the five Yuan Babies of the Lingxiao Sect like gods, and their hearts were extremely terrified.

Countless people’s hearts were trembling, what did the people of the Lingxiao faction want to do?

Some people were even wondering if the people of the Lingxiao faction were going to take the opportunity to kill them all.

Thus dominating Qizhou.

However, soon the five Yuan Babies converged their breath.

Calm returned to heaven and earth, and everyone felt a light pressure and breathed a sigh of relief.

If it does not converge, it is estimated that some people will be scared to death.

Looking at Yu Chang and the others, their eyes were even more in awe.

People with active minds guessed the intention of the Ling Xiao faction’s move.

“This is a warning to us not to cause trouble.”

“Hey, play a good hand.”

“But according to the information I inquired, hehe, Ji Yan has not yet cleared the customs.”

“In other words, this ceremony does not have a protagonist?”

“Well, it’s no wonder, without the protagonist, this ceremony is destined to lose a lot of color.”

“Why stop being discolored, without the existence of this chief disciple, Ji Yan, do you say that others can suppress the position?”

“After all, everyone is not here just to watch, juniors are not allowed to practice their hands, compare and compare?”

The people below started talking.

Everyone came out to mix, and it was easy to guess what the Lingxiao faction would encounter next.

“Let’s get ready to watch the play.”

“Hehe, I plan to let the juniors of my family go up and show their faces…”

“In addition to Ji Yan, the other disciples of the Lingxiao Sect are not bad, the younger generation of disciples do not have a pill period, but the older ones are different.”

“They are not easy to mess with in the Jiedan period, be careful of capsizing in the gutter.”

“What’s the panic, I don’t believe that Gui Yuange will sit and watch.”


Yu Chang stood up, his voice sounding, clearly and accurately transmitted to every cultivator present.

“Thank you fellow travelers for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come to our Lingxiao Sect Ceremony.”

“This time a little wine, the gift is not counted, I still hope that you are fellow Haihan…” Lu

Shaoqing and Xiao Yi sat together, Xiao Yi looked to the right, it was Uncle Xiao Chuang’s apprentice An Huai and other Chiyue Peak disciples, then Yin Qi and other Biyun Peak disciples, and then Danding Peak and Yuanyu Peak.

Each peak has at least more than ten family members and core disciples, and the most Biyun Peak has dozens of people.

Only Tianyufeng, just her and Lu Shaoqing.

The number of people is thin and few.

At this moment, Xiao Yi deeply understood why his master wanted to accept a few more apprentices, or recruit some core disciples and outer disciples to enter the Heavenly Royal Peak.

There are too few people.

Not to mention going out to fight, cheering and cheering are few people.

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Let’s just say that like the meeting now, there are fewer people and it looks pitiful.

Lu Shaoqing noticed that Xiao Yi’s head was looking around, and he was still sighing from time to time.

Knocked lightly on the table and reminded, “Pay attention, listen carefully to the nonsense of the boss, and look around here.”

“This is a big occasion, be serious, don’t disgrace Tianyu Peak.”

Xiao Yi looked at the second senior brother who was almost lying on the ground, and felt powerless, second senior brother, how can you say this without blushing.

Xiao Yi raised his head and looked at the disciples of the other peaks, everyone was sitting in front of each other, serious.

Only Tianyufeng has two single seedlings, one is like unwatered and fertilized, wilted, and the other is like a small grass, fluttering in the wind.

There are many people looking at other peaks, and there are few people on their own side.

Xiao Yi felt a little embarrassed in his heart, especially those people in the square below, Xiao Yi always felt that their gaze fell on his side.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but ask, “Second Senior Brother, don’t you feel embarrassed?” ”

Lu Shaoqing is strange, this girl took the wrong medicine today?

“The head is talking nonsense, what are you embarrassed about?”

“The head is not embarrassed, you are embarrassed for him?”

Is it your girl’s turn to worry about the affairs of the boss?

Xiao Yi shook her head, she didn’t have the heart to listen to what the head said, what embarrassment could she have.

“Second Senior Brother, I mean that there are too few people in our Heavenly Imperial Peak, won’t it be embarrassing to be looked at like this?”

“That’s a lot of people.” Lu Shaoqing’s voice was lazy, as if he was about to fall asleep, “This is the largest attendance at Tianyu Peak.

“Before, as long as the conference was held, once your senior brother is not available, this place is empty.”

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment and wanted to ask why, but quickly reacted.

Master Shao Cheng definitely doesn’t have to sit here, he has his own place.

Senior Brother Ji Yan said that once he practiced in retreat, he would definitely not come to participate.

As for his second senior brother, Xiao Yi could guess what he would do.

After Xiao Yi understood, he couldn’t laugh or cry.

Yes, today is really the largest number of people from Tianyu Peak participating in the sect conference.

Two people, oh, plus a bird.

“Don’t be in a daze, peel some spirit beans for me.” Lu Shaoqing ordered Xiao Yi to work, “The nonsense of the head is not finished in an hour. ”

Now the head is still speaking, and everyone is listening carefully.

Didn’t see anyone eating.

Besides, the monk didn’t eat for ten days and a half and a month, and there was nothing at all.

Xiao Yi found a reason to refuse, “Second Senior Brother, I want to listen to the leader’s speech.”

“Do you listen with your ears or with your hands?” Lu Shaoqing’s words made Xiao Yi unable to refute it.

The master is not there, the master brother is not there, and the second senior brother is the biggest.

As a junior sister, she was powerless to resist, so she could only obediently obey and accept exploitation.

So, Xiao Yi began to peel the spirit beans.

Lu Shaoqing ate, Xiaohong also ate, and one person and one bird ate happily.

Xiao Yi listened while peeling it, but listening, listening, she also felt that what the head said was nonsense.

It’s the same whether you listen or not.

So, while peeling the spirit beans, he went to ask Lu Shaoqing.

“Second Senior Brother, Senior Brother can’t catch up, what should I do?”

Lu Shaoqing was already completely lying on the ground, not caring about the eyes of others at all.

“Cold mix, what else can I do?”

“Second Senior Brother,” Xiao Yi suddenly asked such a question, “If Senior Brother doesn’t come, will the head let you go up?” Lu

Shaoqing suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight…

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