Watching Lu Shaoqing open the portal, everyone had a question mark, not knowing what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “Come, come with me.” Ji

Yan didn’t ask more and stepped in.

Lu Shaoqing turned to Shao Cheng and said, “Master, you wait for me for a while.” Then

he stepped in.

“Second Senior Brother, wait for me!” Xiao

Yi hurriedly followed, carrying Xiao Hei around his neck and running into the portal with a cigarette, nimble like a dog.

Even Shao Cheng didn’t have time to react, and the portal closed.

“Depend, you idiot, what are you doing here?” Lu

Shaoqing looked at Xiao Yi speechlessly, wanting to beat her back.

Xiao Yi tugged at Lu Shaoqing’s clothes and said pitifully, “Second Senior Brother, you let me follow you and Senior Brother.” ”

Hmph, there are a lot of exciting things to follow you guys.

Such a fun thing, I don’t want to miss it.

I can’t help with fights, and I have to make up for it.

At the same time, he secretly pinched Xiao Hei’s white tender feet, and Xiao Hei also said, “Dad, let’s follow you together.” ”

Lu Shaoqing doesn’t eat Xiao Yi’s selling cute, but her daughter’s selling cute occasionally eats.

After thinking about it, it was not a big deal, Lu Shaoqing snorted and beat Xiao Yi’s head, “Give me good obedience, if I mess around, clean you up.”

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue and assured with a smile, “Second Senior Brother rest assured, I will definitely be obedient.” Ji

Yan looked around and found that this place had already been here.

They were here before watching the Flying Bird Clan sneak attack on Qi City, and they also slaughtered a few Mo Crow Clan refining period here.

There are still traces of the original battle here, revealing a broken and desolate atmosphere.

“What are you doing here?”

Xiao Yi was also very curious, “Yes, this is not far from Qi City, are we going to Qi City?”

Healing, protector?” Xiao Yi blinked.

“Nonsense, don’t you look at what kind of state we are in now?” In

a battle with the rampant gods, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were already in remnant blood.

Now that they can stand and jump alive, they are both physically strong.

The body has reached the ultimate state, and if you touch it slightly, it may immediately break like porcelain.

“There is a battle?” asked Ji Yan, his voice weak.

“Are you afraid?” asked Lu Shaoqing.

“You’re not afraid of me. Ji Yan sat down very crisply and healed his injuries directly.

“Can you do something useful?” scolded Lu Shaoqing, while scolding, while arranging formations such as the Gathering Spirit Array beside Ji Yan.

Then he also found a place to sit down and heal his injuries.

A month or so passed, and Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes.

Feeling his state, he shook his head, “Trouble.” ”

In his current state, the strength he can exert is only about fifty percent of his usual strength.

“It’s a pity!” Lu Shaoqing touched the storage ring depressedly, and the cracks on it were shocking, like a worm lying on it.

If only I could use this. ”

There is a crack in the storage ring, and the spirit stone cannot change time.

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You can only rely on this method to restore part of your strength.

However, this part of the strength is enough to protect itself.

He woke up, and Ji Yan also opened his eyes.

Lu Shaoqing stared at him, “How is it? Can it work? Ji

Yan said calmly, “Almost, I can exert about forty percent of my strength.” ”

Fighting with the rampant gods, the body is almost broken, the real exhaustion, and the strength of forty percent can be exerted for about a month is enough to show the terrifying nature of Ji Yan.

With the strength of Ji Yan, the strength of the fourth layer is enough to kill most of the people of the demon clan in seconds.

Unless it is Wang Li and Yuanba who come at this level.

Xiao Yi secretly stuck out his tongue, not a senior brother.

“Okay,” Lu Shaoqing nodded, “barely, not a burden.”

Then he rose from the sky, “Let’s go!”

Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly held Xiao Hei to catch up, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?”

“What? ah…”

Xiao Yi fell directly from the sky.

After a while, it flew up.

With an expression that shocked me for ten thousand years, “Second Senior Brother, what did you just say?” Xiao

Yi seriously suspected that she had been in a trance because she was too bored in the past month.

So now there is a problem with hearing.

“Destroyed Qi City and Fengcheng. Lu Shaoqing repeated, “Do you have a problem with your ears?”

It is always unexpected for this junior brother to do things himself.

“Nothing, just want to destroy them, is there a problem?” Xiao

Yi opened his mouth, and finally suppressed the urge to spray people.

This is his second senior brother, who dares to spray and is waiting to be cleaned up.

Xiao Yi adjusted his mood, and then said, “Second Senior Brother, the problem is big.”

“This is the royal city of those beasts, their lair, you destroyed it, aren’t you afraid that they will fight with you?” Qi

City and Fengcheng are of great significance to the Beast Walking Clan and the Flying Bird Clan, and they are their foundations, and it is not even an exaggeration to say that they are spiritual beliefs.

Otherwise, the Flying Bird Clan also wanted to capture Qi City to deal with the Beast Race before.

Qi City and Fengcheng were destroyed, and a large number of people had to cry to death.

And there is a high probability that he will establish hatred for Lu Shaoqing.

At that time, even the great benefactor will do it.

Offending so many demon races, Xiao Yi felt terrifying when he thought about it.

“I’m afraid of a hair!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t care, disdaining

the strength of the demon beasts, “Just by their strength?” “The strongest of the demon beasts’ strength now is the existence of Liu Chi, Fierce Chu, and Yingjie, the existence of the nine-layer realm of the refining period.

Next is Wang Li, Yuanba and others.

But these people are almost sucked up by the rampant, and it will take several years to recover.

A group of wounded soldiers and defeated generals, Lu Shaoqing was not afraid of them.

Xiao Yi did not intend to persuade Lu Shaoqing to change her mind, she was very curious about why Lu Shaoqing did this.

“Second Senior Brother, why are you doing this?” ”

Qi City and Fengcheng are fine, these two cities have not provoked you.”

“Oh, I’m here for seniors…”

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