
?” Xiao Yi asked the plane tree curiously, “Is there another mother tree?”

Lu Shaoqing immediately pointed to the plane tree and shouted, “Scumbag, beast.” ”

It’s funny to make the plane tree so angry that a few leaves pop out of its head.

Seeing that Wutong Shu’s attitude was so resolute, Xiao Yi also went into battle to persuade him, “Grandpa, you can follow my second senior brother, he can protect you.”

“Fart,” the plane tree was not willing to kill him, “can he protect a fart? What can he do?” ”

My divine tree doesn’t want a face?

With such a guy, an old face is lost in the Nine Xiao Palace Que, and eighteen layers of hell are lost.

Xiao Yi continued to persuade, “My second senior brother is really powerful, and people of the same level are not his opponents. ”

Well, except for Senior Brother.

The plane tree sneered, “Powerful? How powerful can it be

?” “I’ve seen too many powerful geniuses, and in the end, it’s not a pile of loess?”

Saying that, the plane tree felt deeply, and the anger in his body also disappeared, feeling that he should not be seen with a little ghost at his age.

“Boy, let me go. The plane tree said to Lu Shaoqing, “This world is far more terrifying than you think.

“You don’t have a little strength to do whatever you want.

Lu Shaoqing blinked and asked Xiao Yi, “Did you transmit something to him, how is it like a different person?” Hearing

Lu Shaoqing speak, Wutong Shu couldn’t help but be angry in his heart, snorted coldly, and didn’t want to speak.

Xiao Yi shook her head, she saw the appearance of the plane tree, thought there was a play, and continued to persuade, “Grandpa, really, my second senior brother is very powerful.”

“You follow him and promise not to suffer.”

The plane tree sneered, “Powerful?

“When I met that person, I saw you kid kneeling down and crying and begging for mercy. ”

I wipe!

I can’t bear this, Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan angrily, “When I meet you, do I need to kneel and beg for mercy?” The

corners of Ji Yan, who had not spoken next to him, curled up, and his good impression of the plane tree instantly increased.

Ji Yan held his hand and said lightly, “You know it in your heart.”

Lu Shaoqing immediately cursed, “Do you want to fight?

“Afraid you won’t make it?” The

plane tree next to him suddenly felt that his brain was a little inadequate.

He looked back and forth at Ji Yan, and finally looked at

Xiao Yi, “This…” Xiao Yi laughed, she liked to see this expression on other people’s faces, she said with a grin, “It was my senior brother who cut the Wutong Mountain.”

Sycamore was shocked and couldn’t believe it was true, “Is it really him?”

That sword, even he saw it for the first time.

Such a terrifying sword, the genius he had seen before was not made by anyone at all.

Or rather, no one can grasp this step at all.

“It’s not him!” replied Lu Shaoqing, pointing to the plane tree and replying, “It’s you, the one who destroyed the plane tree is you, not us.” Shameless


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The plane tree only hates itself for being trapped and not biting people.

What is not generally seen, to hell with it.

This kind of hateful guy is very unflat.

Xiao Yi was even happier when he saw the shocked look of the plane tree, and said while the iron was hot, “Grandpa, you just go from it.”

“You can’t run away anyway.

“Is there anything bad about following us?”

“At least it can keep you safe.”

Sycamore Tree’s gaze fell on Ji Yan, and it seemed that he hadn’t heard Xiao Yi’s words, and he said to Ji Yan, “Can you let me see your strength?”

Cold, arrogant, and incomprehensible.

The eyes of the plane tree are brighter, so that it looks like a master.

He stared at Ji Yan tightly.

The plane tree himself did not know how long he had lived, and after countless storms, he had already made his eyes extremely vicious.

He stared at Ji Yan, the more he looked at it, the brighter his eyes became, and the more he looked at him, the more he found that Ji Yan was extraordinary.

The eyes are sharp, the body is straight, and it exudes a temperament that goes forward bravely and never retreats.

The thick and obscure aura in his body made him like a divine sword hidden in the scabbard, and once it was unsheathed, it would definitely shine with cold light and alarm all directions.

Needless to say, it is faint that you can know that Ji Yan is a master by looking at his appearance, and he is also the kind of existence that is ridiculously strong.

The appearance of Ji Yan is in line with the image that a master should have.

Lu Shaoqing’s image of a scoundrel.

Ji Yan was stared at like this by the plane tree, his expression was displeased, and he snorted.

A sharp sword intent erupted.

Sycamore Tree’s eyes instantly shed tears, and in that instant, Sycamore Tree saw countless long swords piercing him.

Terrible, terrible.

Such a terrible teenager, he met for the first time.

What’s more frightening is that from the point of view of its bone age, it is less than 100 years old.

He was shocked in his heart, he couldn’t care about the tears in his eyes, and looked at Ji Yan with his eyes, “This prince, can I follow you?”

Why did this guy suddenly offer to follow Ji Yan?

Xiao Yi glanced at Ji Yan, and then

at Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, what do you think?” “Look with your eyes, how else do you look?” Lu Shaoqing replied casually, he was not angry, but muttered to review, “Could it be that I used the wrong method at the beginning

?” “Do you have to use this kind of pretense to catch him over?”

, really. ”

The plane tree heard it and wanted to hit someone.

You’re cheap, and because you’re so cheap, I don’t want to follow you.

Ji Yan also asked, “Why?”

Wutong Shu did not hide it, and said it directly, “Gongzi is unparalleled in the world, it is good for me to follow you.”

But someone immediately objected, it was Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing hummed, “I am against …

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