
plane tree disdained, and even shook its branches contemptuously to show its disdain.

A sword can scare me,

and I won’t be afraid if you come with an axe and a saw.

But the next moment, the plane tree was stunned.

The Origin Power in his body was disappearing, and the Mo Jun Sword inserted into his body had begun to devour and absorb his Origin.


Sycamore was terrified.

The first time I saw such an evil weapon.

The plane tree wanted to stop it, but found that he couldn’t stop it at all.

Origin energy is constantly being devoured.

Not fast, but enough to scare the tree to death.

Just when the plane tree wanted to stop it, a black lightning bolt appeared from Lu Shaoqing’s fist.

The plane tree was too hard, and Lu Shaoqing wanted to see if the black lightning wrap could be useful.

Black lightning, of unknown origin, has now become his handy tool.

And the plane tree saw the black lightning, trembling, as if seeing a ghost, “This, this, this can’t be

…” “You, you…” The

plane tree immediately turned into a human form, and the Mojun sword was inserted into his ass.

But the plane tree did not care about the Mo Jun sword, he was like a weak woman, screaming at Lu Shaoqing, “You, don’t come over!”

At the same time, the black lightning in his hand swelled further and became even larger, lingering on Lu Shaoqing’s two hands, turning into lightning gloves.

The plane tree was scared to death, “You, stop!” ”

Do you promise?

Looking at the black lightning that made a moisturizing sound, the plane tree felt that his heart was about to pop out.

Lu Shaoqing approached step by step, giving him great pressure.

Finally, he bowed his head, “I, I promise.”

“I promise to follow you.

Lu Shaoqing not only did not stop, but approached a few steps again, and the black lightning almost hit his face, “Swear!”

But faced with such a situation, he had to bow his head and obediently swear.

“Oops!” The black lightning on Lu Shaoqing’s hand disappeared instantly, and Lu Shaoqing also changed into a kind and friendly smile, “Wouldn’t it be like this for a long time?”

Didn’t scare you, did I? Just kidding you.

The plane tree was shocked, and looked at Lu Shaoqing with a slightly pale face.

This guy changes his face as fast as lightning.

He slowly turned his butt around, and Mo Junjian was still inserted on it.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, pulled out Mo Jun’s sword, and Mo Jun jumped out, “Boss, I just ate a little, I didn’t eat enough.” Mo

Jun pinched a green light mass in his left and right hands, which was the origin of the plane tree’s body, and the plane tree almost cried out after seeing it.

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Eat and take, and pack it out?

“Give it back to me!” the plane tree gritted his teeth in hatred.

The master is not a thing, not even a sword.

“Don’t give it!” Mo Junjian immediately hid his two small hands behind him, “I want to bring Wuqiu and Lan.”

The Wutong Tree was so angry that he looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Humiliate me?”

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and flicked it on Mo Jun’s brain, “Return it to others, and it will be a family in the future.” Hearing

Lu Shaoqing’s words, Mo Jun could only reluctantly return the two Origins to the Sycamore Tree.

Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands, “Okay, fuss.” The

plane tree stayed on the sidelines like a mourner, depressed.

Xiao Yi looked at the plane tree with a smile and said to him, “Look, I said it all, you don’t believe it.” The

plane tree looked up to the sky and sighed, who would have thought that this guy was so evil

, but for the sake of face, the plane tree snorted, “I am testing him, if you want me to follow, you must be able to withstand my test.” ”

Less bragging here,” Lu Shaoqing was not accustomed to the plane tree, and slapped it over, “You are a slut.” ”

Sure enough, the method of being nice and angry is useless.

It is necessary to use strong and beat it hard.

Ji Yan suddenly interjected and asked the plane tree, “What is the origin of the black lightning in his hand?”

Lu Shaoqing also stared directly at the plane tree, “If you know something, say it.”

The plane tree shook his head, “I don’t know where the black lightning came from, but I do know that its appearance is accompanied by destruction.”

“Every time it appears, the world suffers a catastrophe, with countless deaths and injuries, and the heavens and the earth wither.”

“In my few remaining memories, heaven and earth seem to be dead.”

With this statement, the expressions of Lu Shaoqing’s three senior brothers and sisters instantly became solemn.

Because they have seen black monsters and know how powerful black monsters are.

If they appear, it will indeed cause the world to suffer a catastrophe, whether it is the human demon race and the demon race, it will be killed and injured, and even the extinction of the race is not alarmist.

Xiao Yi asked in surprise, “No, how do you know?” The

plane tree did not hide it, “I have experienced such a great disaster several times, and each time it is a matter of life and death.”

Looking at the eyes of the three, Sycamore added, “I don’t know the specifics, in the catastrophe, I also experienced nine deaths, it is already very good to survive, and the memory has long disappeared with the calamity.” ”

In the midst of great disasters, all the power is used to save lives.

Cutting off memories may be able to better protect yourself.

Then the plane tree said to Lu Shaoqing, “Although I didn’t know that you got to come like this, but this thing is very evil, and if it goes on, no one knows what will happen.”

“If you can, give it up as soon as possible and don’t get involved with it.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he wanted to cry.

He said faintly, “I want to too.” ”

His painting style is biased to this point, is it not because of black lightning?

This feeling, who understands.

The plane tree was shocked and looked at Lu Shaoqing, “No, it seems that I will be able to recover my freedom soon.” ”

I’ll hammer you to death…”

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