As soon as he entered the door, Xiao Yi was suddenly surprised.

“Senior Brother Xiang, Senior Brother An?” The

hall here in the Yongxian Building was full of people.

Among them, she saw acquaintances.

The personal disciples in charge, Xiang Yuchen, An Huai, the personal disciple of her uncle Xiao Chuang, and a group of disciples of the Lingxiao Sect were all here.

Some of these disciples had depressed expressions, some had a calm demeanor, and some were restless.

In the center of the hall, there are dancers dancing, and there are also girls with flowers shuttling among the disciples.

Fairy sleeves fluttering, tulle dancing lightly, warblers singing and laughing, fragrant, like fairy women.

Xiao Yi was stunned, “What’s going on

?” Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Have they enlightened themselves, do they understand the truth that life is short and happy in time?”

“Bastard, it’s not you who caused trouble

?” Lu Shaoqing was slapped firmly, and Lu Shaoqing muttered, “Master, so many people are watching, is it okay to give some face?”

Shao Cheng huffed.

“Senior Uncle Shao

!” “Junior

Brother Shaoqing!” “Senior Brother Shaoqing!” Xiang Yuchen, An Huai, and other disciples came over to greet Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing one after another.

The appearance of Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing attracted the attention of many disciples of the Lingxiao Sect.

Everyone hurriedly saluted, “I have seen Uncle Shao (Peak Lord)!”

Many people saw Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing for the first time and were full of curiosity.

“You guys stay here,” Shao Cheng waved his hand at Xiang Yuchen and the others, and then pulled Lu Shaoqing upstairs, “You give me up

!” “Ouch, Master, so many people, give some face!”

Xiao Yi followed behind with a grin, like a flying elf, which made many Lingxiao Sect disciples look straight.

Only after Shao Cheng and them disappeared above did everyone start talking in a low voice.

I’ve been in business for almost ten years, and I’ve seen him for the first time.”

“I’ve been almost thirty years, and it’s not the first time I’ve seen him?”

“It’s too much like that such a person can become a personal disciple.”

“The one next to him must be Senior Sister Xiao, it’s really beautiful.”

“Alas, if only I could join the Heavenly Royal Peak.

“What kind of shit dream, Tianyu Peak is not so easy to join.

“Why don’t you see

Senior Brother?” “Yes, why didn’t my idol come?” ”

How can Senior Brother tolerate the shame of the sect with him, alas, it’s really unimaginable…” Xiang

Yuchen and An Huai looked at each other, and these personal disciples whispered, “It seems that they have become stronger.” ”

Master said before that he was already in the Transformation God Period, now, it should be the late stage, right

?” “Can Uncle Shao persuade Ancestor Master to bring him?” Everyone

looked at Xiang Yuchen.

Xiang Yuchen showed a wry smile, “I don’t know.”

An Huai scratched his head, very depressed, “Alas, the ancestor will come when he comes, and he shouldn’t call the head of the house.”

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“It makes us disciples come here every day like a dian.”

Immediately, other disciples spat bitter water, “But no? Now everyone outside says that our Lingxiao Sect is good at double cultivation.

“Many people say that we should not be called Lingxiao Sect, we should be called Hehuanzong…”

“Hehuanzong, this name is also good, it sounds very domineering.” Upstairs, Lu Shaoqing raised his finger to affirm the name.

Seeing this, Shao Cheng, who had just said the matter, was angry and kicked him over fiercely, “It’s not because of you who is a bastard?” ”

You actually tricked the ancestor to drink flower wine, and said to cultivate the mind?”

Lu Shaoqing shouted unjustly, “I just brought the ancestor to experience it, who knew that the ancestor was addicted and took people to clubb every day.”

“Ancestor Master did this, there must be his reason, let’s not disturb Ancestor.”

“Master, let’s go back.

Shao Cheng kicked over again.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly dodged, “Master, just now in front of outsiders, I gave you face, but now it won’t.”

“Be careful, don’t flash your waist.” ”

Mess with the account…”

Shao Cheng escorted Lu Shaoqing to the second floor.

Here in the hall on the second floor, Ke Hong, Yu Chang, Ji Pengyue, Xiao Chuang and a group of elders gathered here.

The lords of the five peaks, only Lu Ji and Si Yao were not here.

There are also dancers dancing here, girls shuttling between everyone, or sitting next to pouring wine and laughing about the wind.

Xiao Yi directly covered his face.

It’s only been a long time since the upper echelons of the Lingxiao faction degenerated to such a point?


Cheng and his group of three appeared, and Yu Chang jumped up excitedly when he saw Lu Shaoqing.

“Bastard boy, you’re finally back.

Then like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Lu Shaoqing.

The burly body is full of flexibility, and likewise, the sense of oppression is full.

Looking at Yu Chang’s gritted teeth, Lu Shaoqing was sure that Yu Chang was definitely not happy to see him.

Yu Chang’s actions seemed no different from snails in his eyes.

If he could, Lu Shaoqing could even give Yu Chang a kick.

However, this is the master, or not.

Lu Shaoqing’s figure flashed and came to Ke Hong’s side.

Sitting down beside Ke Hong generously, he said to Ke Hong with a smile, “Ancestor, is this wine delicious?” Lu

Shaoqing’s figure flashed, and the faces of everyone present suddenly became serious.

Yu Chang stood next to Shao Cheng and couldn’t believe it.

Even Ke Hong stared at Lu Shaoqing in amazement.

“Boy, what realm are you?” these

words made Yu Chang and the others prick up their ears.

Although it was only a slight flash, the worst of everyone present was also in the Yuan infancy stage, and they could not see Lu Shaoqing’s trajectory at all.

Even, Lu Shaoqing appeared beside Ke Hong, and there were not even fluctuations around.

They couldn’t see through Lu Shaoqing anymore.

Lu Shaoqing picked up a spirit bean from the table, slowly opened it, threw it into his mouth, chirped it twice, and then winked at Ke Hong, “You guess….”

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