The starlight burst out suddenly, like a brilliant firework, blooming beautiful light above the sky

, brilliant, brilliant, dazzling, but under the beautiful light, there was a terrifying murderous intention.


, click…” The space was broken, shattered, and the terrifying power was pervasive.

Every ray of starlight can tear a world apart.

Feeling the horror of the starlight, Shao Cheng almost jumped.

Ji Yan is shrouded in it, is there still life?

The rampant gods can’t hold it.

You two guys, can’t you converge a little?

Playing with your life?

Xiao Yi blinked his eyes, pinched his fingers, and muttered secretly in his heart again.

The second senior brother really wants to kill people and kill people.

Gee, it’s not rare to say in the mouth, but the body is still very honest.

Kill the senior brother, take a step back, defeat the senior brother in front of the ancestor and the leader, and let everyone know that he is the right leader?

When he became the leader, the spirit stone of the sect was the first to suffer.

Ke Hong also looked solemn, “Two brats, what are you going to do?” The

terrifying explosion made the sky shake, and the terrifying fluctuations made him feel the danger in this refining period.

Shouldn’t you be unable to stop it?

It’s just a competition, it won’t make a real fire, right?

Yu Chang and the others were also numb in their scalps, and the fluctuations that came made them feel like monstrous waves rushing towards them, pressing them to breathe.

Under such a terrifying explosion, there is no scum, right?

The master brother of the Lingxiao Sect was killed?

“Shaoqing, what are you going to do?”

“Kill people?”

“Bastard guy, it’s too heavy, right?”

The four peak lords couldn’t help but speak, even Lu Ji, a taciturn person, couldn’t help but change color, “It’s too strong, Ji Yan won’t be fine, right?”

Shao Cheng saw that everyone was worried, and although he was also worried, he still waved his hand to comfort the others, “It’s okay, they have their own proportions.”

Xiao Chuang disagreed, and came here thinking that Ji Yan could beat Lu Shaoqing hard, but he didn’t expect to be taken advantage of by Lu Shaoqing.

That’s very unpleasant.

My eldest brother was grounded, and he sent a hundred notes to scold me overnight, and my life was not easy.

Xiao Chuang frowned, “Junior Brother Shao, you can’t help but believe them too much, right?”

“They are still young and angry, and if they can’t control themselves in a fight, it’s not impossible to lay a dead hand.”

Ke Hong nodded and agreed with Xiao Chuang’s words, “If I knew they would be like this, I would have stopped them a long time ago.” ”

Two people, either of them has an accident, it is a huge loss for the Lingxiao faction.

Si Yao had already taken out the medicine bottle here, and the white porcelain bottle emitted a strong medicinal fragrance.

When everyone smelled it, they all felt a shock in their spirits, and immediately became energetic.

Lu Ji’s eyes widened and he was surprised, “Madam, did you succeed?”

Xiao Yi leaned over and sniffed like a puppy, “What, what? ”

She didn’t look at the explosion in the distance.

“Uncle Yao, what kind of elixir is this?”

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Si Yao held the porcelain bottle in her hand, looking at the explosion in the distance, the rumbling explosion, and the terrible fluctuations worried her.

“The pill that Shaoqing gave me, I studied for a long time before refining a small amount.”

“The effect is very powerful, as long as there is only one breath left, it can be saved.”

Take it out, the purpose is self-evident.

It was the fear that Ji Yan would be killed.

Xiao Yi saw that everyone was so worried, and said with a grin, “Don’t worry, the second senior brother has a sense of proportion.” ”

The second senior brother really wants to kill the senior brother, then it will definitely kill you, and it will not give you a chance to save.

Xiao Chuang, who was devastated by a hundred transmission notes, was unhappy, “Hmph, Xiaoyi, what do you understand?” ”

Don’t think you’ll get to know him by following that kid.

I know him better than you do.

“Ji Yan, if you haven’t broken through for so long, you must be injured, maybe…” As

soon as the words fell, a different voice suddenly came from a distance.

Knock, knock….

A dull sound sounded, like the beating of a person’s heart, beating one by one.

The voice echoed between heaven and earth, as if it came from the ethereal void of heaven, and as if it came from everyone’s body.

The voice fell in everyone’s ears, making everyone’s hearts jump with it.

Moreover, the sound is getting faster and faster, at first it is still a little bit, slowly, like raindrops.

The hearts of the crowd jumped with it.

Knock knock….

The sound becomes rapid and dense.

The faces of the crowd were flushed, and they felt very uncomfortable.

A heart beat violently, as if it wanted to pop out of its chest.

Ke Hong was the first to react, he gritted his teeth, “Don’t stop, don’t be influenced by the outside world.”

Everyone did it subconsciously, even closing their ears, but the sound seemed to be able to penetrate the soul, so that they could not avoid it.

The sound of banging came and made them more and more uncomfortable.

Soon, their hearts were no longer about to jump out, but like they were about to explode.


everyone’s breathing became heavy, and they tried to find a way, even if they took out the magic weapon, they could not resist the voice.

Even Kehong couldn’t do anything in this situation.

He is also only a little better than the others, but he can only take care of himself.

Just when everyone felt desperate, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “Hey, what are you doing here?” Although

I usually feel that Lu Shaoqing’s voice is very bad, but at this moment, everyone feels that it is a heavenly sound.

As Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, the surrounding space seemed to be isolated, and the booming voice disappeared, and everyone also recovered.

Except for Ke Hong, everyone in the Avatar Stage turned pale, and their bodies were wet with sweat, as if they had been fished out of water.

“What’s that?”

Shao Cheng looked at Lu Shaoqing, “There won’t be a problem with Ji Yan, right?” ”

For the first time, I still care about my apprentice.

Lu Shaoqing’s tone was relaxed, and he didn’t see any signs of a big battle just now, “What can be the problem?” Can’t die again.

“Then he…”

The words did not fall, and in the distance, there was a sudden bang.

An invisible fluctuation suddenly erupted, spreading in all directions, and then, a terrifying aura permeated, and the sky, suddenly, was covered with dark clouds…

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