In the midst of the clouds, Ji Yan came to his senses.

He found himself transformed into light.

A white light mixed in the surrounding light, colorful, like a river rushing into the distance.

Ji Yan frowned!

It wasn’t what he wanted.

He is him, he does not want to go with the flow, let alone become such a being.

Thinking of this, he stopped.

In an instant, unparalleled power surged from behind.

Ji Yan felt as if countless mountains were pressing down, and the unparalleled power seemed to be crushing him into a meatloaf.

At the same time, he felt as if countless pairs of big hands were pushing him, wanting to push him to continue walking, not allowing him to stop.

No turning back.

Ji Yan withstood the strong pressure, dead back, against the current.

However, the resistance was too great, and even a slight step would almost exhaust all of Ji Yan’s strength.


Although it was a ray of light, Ji Yan seemed to be able to hear his heavy breathing.

Just one step made him feel extremely difficult, and there was even a voice in his heart that made him give up.

However, this voice was strangled by Ji Yan as soon as it appeared.

He never gave up.

This time, he is going to swim against the current.

Kill it again.

I felt tired and didn’t have any strength.

But Ji Yan had no intention of stopping and resting and swimming against the current again.

Slowly, firmly took the second step.

The second step takes more time than the first step.

Ji Yan felt that time seemed like ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years.

Finally, the second step is taken.

The pressure around him was even greater, and Ji Yan once again took the third step firmly.

Step four, step five….

Ji Yan didn’t know how many steps he had taken, and Ji Yan began to feel relaxed.

The time to take a step has also become shorter.

The pressure he felt gradually decreased.

His pace gradually increased, and gradually, Ji Yan’s light also became faster.

It becomes a backlight that goes against the current, the light is brilliant, gradually covering the other rays.

And Ji Yan also gradually recovered in the upstream, from the appearance of the old man to the appearance of the youth.

Finally, Ji Yan stopped and stood in the light, as if standing in the raging, rushing and roaring river.

And his appearance has returned to the time when he fell here.

Ji Yan raised his head, and above his head, there was a brilliant starry sky.

Ji Yan took one step, broke away from the river, and came to the shore.

He looked at the rushing river below, his palm open, and a silver light shone in his hand.

The white light shimmers, the same color as the river below.

He stared at the silver light for a long time, and finally he was sure that the silver light did not enter his body.


There seemed to be a roar in his body, and his injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was not able to return to good condition, but it was also mostly restored.

Ji Yan smiled gently, and the sword intent on his body came out, emitting a sound of gold and iron, as if he was cheering.

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Then, the sound disappeared, and they quickly spread around like evil wolves.

The next moment, the scene in front of Ji Yan disappeared, and the endless river disappeared.

The golden dragon reappeared in front of his eyes.

Ji Yan looked directly at the golden divine dragon, but there was a trace of panic in the golden divine dragon’s eyes, it wailed, its body retreated, and it slowly dissipated in front of Ji Yan.

The surrounding white lightning also dissipated.

Then, the clouds rolled and retreated around.

As if afraid of something.

In this way, Ji Yan didn’t have to do anything, just stood in place, and the surrounding clouds dispersed.

However, it still converged above the sky, only this time it ran higher.

This scene made the onlookers dumbfounded.

“What happened?”

The clouds dispersed and gathered in the higher heavens, looking as if they were afraid of something before running to a higher place to hide.

However, seeing Ji Yan’s figure appear in the sky, and his aura recovered a lot, his state looked good.

Shao Cheng was more or less relieved.

No matter how weird what happened just now was, it would be fine if Ji Yan was fine.

Xiao Yi muttered, “What happened inside, what did Senior Brother do?” ”

Oops, curious, curious.

Really want to know what’s going on inside.

The abominable clouds, black and linen, can’t see inside at all.

Does Heavenly Tribulation also value privacy?


“Maybe Senior Brother has a heart for the Heavenly Tribulation, the Heavenly Tribulation is angry, he is going to die…” As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words were finished, Shao Cheng’s slap had already waved.

“Bastard, I told you to shut up, you still say.”

Ji Yan’s current state looks a lot better, can’t you bastard kid say less?

“You raven mouth, shut up for me.”

Lu Shaoqing covered his chest and shed tears, “I’m not a crow mouth.” ”

Marde, dead fatty, you wait, sooner or later I will beat you up.”

Xiao Yi covered his mouth and smiled, the second senior brother said that people are crow’s mouths all day, now it’s his turn, right?

There is reincarnation in the way of heaven.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the Heavenly Tribulation in the distance, and then saw Ji Yan standing motionless in place, although he wanted to shut up.

But the mouth still couldn’t help it, “It’s not finished yet, is it?” What about the ninth way?

“Haven’t come out for so long?”

Xiao Yi reminded, “Senior brother is not provoking, you should give senior brother a little time, right?” ”

Heavenly Tribulation must also be reasonable.

However, as soon as Xiao Yi’s words fell, Ji Yan raised his long sword and pointed at the clouds in the sky again.

Lu Shaoqing was very happy, “Look, it’s a slut, right? The

clouds rolled, as if provoked again.

However, the clouds were just rolling, and after a few breaths, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes contracted sharply.

He stared at the Nine Heavens Above, others did not notice it, but the golden ball of light in his body jumped.

He sensed as if something had fallen from the sky and entered the clouds.

Before Lu Shaoqing could figure it out, the rolling thunder began to turn.

A golden robbery thunder emerged from the calamity cloud, like a spirit snake sticking out its head, and half of its body was still hidden in the calamity cloud.

Another special thunderbolt.

Lu Shaoqing’s brows furrowed, special thunder.

The golden thunder stayed in the cloud, sticking out its head, as if observing something…

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