Shao Cheng was angry and immediately put away the storage ring, “Mess!” ”

Am I like that kind of person?

You don’t want to take any of this spirit stone.

Xiao Yi smiled and asked, “Master, what did you do to him?”

“How could his attitude change drastically?”

When Shao Cheng dealt with the people of Song Yundao, he hid far away from everyone.

Shao Cheng raised his head proudly and said proudly, “Reason with the teacher.”

Xiao Yi immediately understood, “Master, you beat him?

Lu Shaoqing nodded secretly, “It’s strange that he didn’t say that the master comes first, it turned out to mean this.”

“Serve people with force, Master, I thought you could serve people with virtue.”

Song Yundao’s strength is very watery, and he has been cleaned up by Xiao Yi, where will still be Shao Cheng’s opponent, he will naturally be cleaned up and obeyed.

Shao Cheng snorted and said unpleasantly, “For him, I don’t want to convince people with virtue.” ”

Dare to say that you want to teach me an apprentice?

Beating him in the face without hitting him in the face is considered to give him face.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand to Shao Cheng, Shao Cheng understood, slapped out, and knocked off Lu Shaoqing’s hand, “Have you ever contributed?” ”

Don’t think about a spirit stone.”

Lu Shaoqing wailed, “Master, you don’t bring this, spirit stone, give me spirit stone.” ”

Shao Cheng left very satisfied, who let you this bastard kid talk nonsense?

Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh, “I miscalculated.” ”

I already knew that I would converge just now, and I didn’t open my mouth casually.

Forget it, Master take it, when the master comes back, I will be coquettish, does Master still have to obediently give it to me?

Then Lu Shaoqing stared at Zhuge Xun viciously, “Brother Pig, why hasn’t anyone from your family come yet?”

Zhuge Xun snorted, “You said I didn’t use it.”

Xiao Yi nodded, “Yes, Second Senior Brother, you said that Sister Zhuge ‘s ransom is directly used as a bride price…”

Lu Shaoqing and Zhuge Xun spoke in unison.

Xiao Yi smiled even more happily, this synchronization, to say that you have nothing to do with each other, I don’t believe it first.

Zhuge Xun reacted, his face was extremely red, and he even lowered his head shyly.

As the proud son of heaven, she couldn’t help but be shy at this time.

Compared to Zhuge Xun, Lu Shaoqing was much calmer and gave Xiao Yi a hammer, “Nonsense, she is such a tall and mighty demon race, five big and three thick, and her skin is darker than me, do you think I will look at it?” ”

Tall and mighty, five big and three thick?

Zhuge Xun’s anger was instantly full, “Bastard! ”

Am I a beauty, okay?

Although my height is a little taller than your Terrans, it is not much taller, and my figure is just as petite and slender.

As for the skin, Mad, your skin is so white, sissy, you are still proud?

“The bastard can’t look at you either.” Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said proudly.

“Abominable!” Zhuge Xun couldn’t help it, rushed towards Lu Shaoqing, and bit when he opened his mouth.

What she can do to Lu Shaoqing now may be her silver teeth.

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Lu Shaoqing hurriedly dodged, “You are Brother Pig, not Brother Dog, are you crazy?” Bites at every turn. And

at this moment, the surrounding fog suddenly dispersed.

The sky outside was revealed again, and above the surrounding sky, there were still a few cultivators.

Xiao Yi was surprised, “Is the formation invalid?” ”

Lu Shaoqing has already restarted the formation before, isolating the onlookers from outside.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and looked outside, “Someone is coming.”

And the monks who stayed behind to watch also suddenly noticed that a group of people came from a distance.

A man in blue at the head.

“Hey, who is that guy?”

“Qian of the Qi family, Ao De of the Ao family, and Gongsun Ci of the Gongsun family actually followed behind him, what is his origin?”

“Who is he?”

“Wipe, there is a good show to watch again, hurry up and call people to watch it together…” The

people around immediately sent out messages, and various communication tools rushed up to the sky, and the light in the sky flickered.

Xiao Yi was immediately surprised when he saw the person coming, “Second Senior Brother, Mu Yong?

Lu Shaoqing nodded and gritted his teeth, “Yes, Mu Yong that bastard.”

“Lu Shaoqing hated Mu Yong, if it weren’t for Mu Yong, he wouldn’t be so embarrassed on the side of the demon world, and he had to fight with the sacrifice god, and he almost finished playing.

Mu Yong came to the mid-air condescendingly, looked at Lu Shaoqing from afar, and greeted with a smile, “Young Master Lu, I haven’t seen you for a long time, don’t come unharmed, right?”

Lu Shaoqing also slowly rose into the air, nodding with a smile, “Yes, I haven’t seen it for a long time, and I’m very worried.”

Both of them were smiling, like a spring breeze, and their tones were so soft that they greeted each other as if they were old friends they hadn’t seen for years.

Zhuge Xun frowned, she didn’t expect Mu Yong to come in person.

Mu Yong’s identity, she is not very clear, only knows that Mu Yong has a close relationship with the Holy Lord.

The elders of the clan asked her to come here to obey Mu Yong’s orders, and she must not easily disobey orders.

Lu Shaoqing and Mu Yong knew each other, she was not strange, after all, Lu Shaoqing had gone to the Holy Land to make trouble.

But, is the relationship between the two so good?

She couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi, “He has a good relationship with Mu Yong?”

“Well, so good that they both want to kill each other.” Xiao Yi shrugged, “If it weren’t for the fact that my two senior brothers were more powerful, they would have been killed by him. Mu

Yong’s gaze fell on Zhuge Xun, and then on Kou Yu and the others in the distance.

Zhuge Xun looked at it without any problems and was treated favorably here.

Kou 㭯 they look much more embarrassed, real prisoner treatment.

Mu Yong’s expression remained unchanged, and his gaze fell back to Lu Shaoqing again, “I thought you would stay in Qi Zhou and not come out, I thought of finding a time to visit you in Qizhou, but I didn’t expect you to appear here.”

Lu Shaoqing also smiled and said, “Knowing that you are coming, I miss it so much, so I rushed here as soon as possible.”

“It’s a relief to know you’re still alive.”

Mu Yong felt depressed in his heart.

Abominable fellow.

Thanks to the fact that he had seen the power of the Xun Demon Stone before, otherwise he would definitely have the same fate as Jian Wu.

“I am also very pleased to hear your news in Qizhou,” Mu Yong also colored.

“Qizhou?” Lu Shaoqing was strange, “What happened in Qizhou?” I don’t know….”

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