His eyes were red, his face was terrifying, like a demon, bloodthirsty and hideous.

Fangs and claws, cold light, unmatched.

Black scales, shiny and indestructible.

With wings on its back, it is as fast as lightning.

The body was also filled with black mist, terrifying and strange.

What’s even more terrifying is that in just a few breaths, hundreds of thousands of monsters rushed out from the cracks.

They were like a black cloud, instantly covering the sky, and the sky and the earth were colorless.

After the black monster rushed out, it let out a heaven-shaking roar, and then killed the cultivators who wanted to rush into the crack.

At first, the monks were shocked, but not much worried.

“Where did the monster come from?”

“Dare to strike at us, look for death!”

“Kill them…” The

monks who rushed up into the sky and intended to enter the crack all had confidence in themselves.

Watching the monster rush over, everyone showed disdain.

However, when they began to fight, many monks fell down screaming in an instant.

What’s more, their bodies were shattered under the monster’s sharp and hard claws.

In just a short contact, thousands of cultivators were torn apart by monsters.

“Quick, run away!”


…” “Help, help…” There

were human cultivators and demon cultivators, and they scattered in panic.

The monsters roared and followed closely behind, rushing down into the sky and killing Rucheng.

The lively monks in Rucheng were shocked.

“This, what is this?”

“Look, it’s scary to look at…”

“It’s so scary…”

“Is this a monster coming out of hell?”

“Oh my God, what happened?”


…” “Flee…” Xiao

Yi looked at the monster above the sky and asked curiously, “Second Senior Brother, is it a sacrifice to the gods or a rampant god?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Who knows, sacrifice gods, rampant gods, maybe more than one, or, not dead yet.” ”

The black monster is too mysterious and weird, although he has dealt with a lot, but he knows no more about monsters than others.

Shao Cheng also appeared, looking at the sky, looking worried, “Zhongzhou, can you hold on?” ”

Although the Zhongzhou Yankee is very annoying, after all, it is the same kind, it is a Terran.

These monsters are here to destroy the world, and Shao Cheng does not want them to succeed.

The people next to them looked sideways.

Shao Cheng, their people from Qi Zhou seem to be very familiar with these monsters?

Jian Bei asked again, “Big brother, what is their origin?” The

others were already curious, even Zhuge Xun and Zhan Gui, the two demon races.

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Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “It’s not clear, anyway, you just need to know, Zhongzhou pill.”

Xiao Yi explained to Jian Bei, “They don’t know where they came from. ”

However,” Xiao Yi glanced at Zhuge Xun and Zhan Gui, thought about it, and felt that it was okay to say it, but he had to ask Lu Shaoqing first, “Second Senior Brother, can you talk about the matter in the Northern Desert?” ”

Say, let the demon clan know that they are sorry for the Northern Desert.”

Zhuge Xun frowned, “Northern Desert? ”

Isn’t the North Desert good? What can be done?

Xiao Yi shook his head, his face did not have the slightest smile, and became very serious, “You are only talking about the New North Desert, I am talking about the old North Desert before Hanxing.”

“In order to block the black monster, the people of your demon race abandoned the thousands of cultivators in the Northern Desert, completely blocked the Northern Desert, and isolated it from the Cold Star.”

“Let tens of millions of cultivators struggle under the clutches of monsters, and…” Zhuge

Xun couldn’t believe what he heard, “New North Desert, Old North Desert?

“Why don’t I know?”

Lu Shaoqing glanced at her, “How old are you?”

“Is it three hundred years old?”

“Although you are more than a hundred years older than me, do you know what happened before?”

“But if you go back and ask about your old antiques, flip through the books, you may know.”

Zhuge Xun is angry, I am older than you, do I need you to say it?

Zhan Gui couldn’t believe it, “This, is this true?”

Xiao Yi snorted, “I need to lie to you?

“Don’t you dare to admit the dirty things you did yourself?”

“Thousands of years have passed, those poor cultivators have become the source of monsters, and you demon clan are still kind enough to call yourself a holy clan?”

“Source?” This time the words surprised everyone, “What do you mean?” When

I heard this word, I felt a chill in my heart.

It won’t be what you think in your heart, will it?

“In the dark days of being abandoned by their companions and having no hope, the monks of the Northern Desert were taken advantage of by a powerful monster in their sinking, which became their faith and were honored by them as a sacrifice god.”

“They are like chickens and ducks, living and multiplying, and their children and grandchildren, generations have been seduced by monsters, thrown into the embrace of darkness, transformed by sacrifice gods, and become such

monsters…” When Xiao Yi finished speaking, he pointed to the sky and roared down, fighting with the monks, fierce monsters.

Xiao Yi’s words were very light, but they shocked everyone’s hearts.

They could imagine how miserable the abandoned monks were.

Not only abandoned by his own people, but also oppressed by the enemy.

Zhuge Xun was shocked for a long time and gritted his teeth, “I, I don’t believe it.” ”

The Holy Race prides itself on being nobler than the Terrans, both in strength and conduct.

But Xiao Yi’s words let Zhuge Xun know that there was actually no difference between the Saint Race and the Terran Race.

Xiao Yi regained her smile, she liked to see others like this, she smiled, “This is our personal experience.” ”

Experience it yourself?”

The crowd was shocked again.

Are you so brave?

Guan Da Niu was the first to express his disbelief, “Cut, bragging, why don’t you say that you still killed the sacrifice gods?” ”

Sacrifice to the gods, you know that it is terrible.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “How do you know?”

Then he taught Xiao Yi a lesson, “They all said that they should keep a low profile and kill the matter of sacrificing the gods, can they tell others casually?”

“Beware of other people’s jealousy, do good deeds and leave a name…”

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