Zhuge Xun was originally unhappy with Lu Shaoqing.

Hearing the conversation between Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t bear it even more.

Inside and out, it seems that if Lu Shaoqing does not make a move, the problem in front of him cannot be solved.

Humans, that’s how fond of bragging.

Lu Shaoqing did not refute, but agreed with Zhuge Xun’s words, “Ah, yes, yes, you are right.

“This world is so big, there are many talents, I am a mortal, where can I do these things?”

Then he looked stunned and said to Shao Cheng, “Master, don’t say these words nonsense.

“Save someone, jealousy.”

When he spoke, he deliberately glanced at Zhuge Xun, making Zhuge Xun angry and half dead.

“Bastard!” Zhuge Xun grinded his teeth and wanted to bite.

She simply turned around and walked away, staying with Lu Shaoqing for a while, she felt that she would be angry to death.

“Oh, chick, where are you going?”

“Where do I go, do you want to care?” Zhuge Xun turned back angrily, looking like he was about to bite.

“I don’t care where you go, but now you go shopping with me.”

“Dreaming!” Zhuge Xun refused without thinking about it.



What are you?

In my house, you are not even qualified to talk to me, and you still want to go shopping with me?

It’s disgusting.

Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand and pulled Zhuge Xun closer to him.

Zhuge Xun was shocked, looking at the distance less than half a meter away from Lu Shaoqing, as if smelling the smell of Lu Shaoqing, Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but panic.

It was the first time since she was born that she had been so close to a strange man.

“You, what are you going to do?” Zhuge Xun’s body became stiff, and his face became a little more rosy.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t speak, and a pair of deep eyes stared at her, which made Zhuge Xun’s heart more flustered and his face redder.

Xiao Yi next to him suddenly lit up his eyes, isn’t it, the second senior brother wants to confess in public?

However, what about Sister Yunxin next to her?

Have a new love and forgot the old people?

It’s not okay to start chaotic and give up.

Although the second senior brother has a bad personality, he is not so scumbag, right?

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but worry about Xuan Yunxin next to him.

She turned her head and saw that Xuan Yunxin next to her was expressionless, but a pair of eyes were still staring at Lu Shaoqing tightly.

Xiao Yi wanted to comfort Xuan Yunxin, and when he was organizing his words, Lu Shaoqing spoke.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, seemingly very satisfied, “It’s okay, although it’s a little dark, but at least it’s not too ugly.”

“Take it out, don’t worry about losing my face.”

Is this the reason?

Xiao Yi was stunned, and then he saw Zhuge Xun’s body begin to tremble.

First the two swords trembled slightly, then her body trembled, and then she roared, “Damn bastard! Zhuge

Xun was about to explode, and he opened his mouth and bit down on Lu Shaoqing.

What are you?

Not worried that I will lose your face?

What did you take me for?


See I can’t bite you.

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“Yes, what are you going to do?”

“Are you a dog? Bites at every turn!

Zhuge Xun became even more angry, anger swept through his body, and then rushed straight to his brain.

Extremely angry, she instantly broke through many prohibitions.

The imprisoned strength was partially restored.

The spiritual power in the body rotated, and instantly burst out with more powerful power, and the speed increased sharply, rushing straight at Lu Shaoqing like a shooting star.

Zhuge Xun was already consumed by anger at this time and lost his mind.

She just wanted to pounce on Lu Shaoqing and bite Lu Shaoqing, a bastard human being.

When he was about to pounce on Lu Shaoqing, a big foot appeared in front of Zhuge Xun.

The shoes with a dark bottom are as clean as new, even if they step on the sludge, they will not be stained in the slightest.

This firm foot stepped on Zhuge Xun’s face, looking as if Zhuge Xun himself pounced.


Zhuge Xun screamed and flew back upside down.

Zhuge Xun never thought that he would be trampled on like this in his life.

It doesn’t hurt, but it’s shameful enough.

“I’m going to fight you.” Zhuge Xun was completely crazy.

The breath in the body boiled, and the tyrannical breath spread, although he did not completely control his body, but it was enough to make himself self-detonate.


Lu Shaoqing drank loudly and quickly rushed towards Zhuge Xun.

It bounced Zhuge Xun’s brain, and Zhuge Xun’s breath suddenly froze.

Lu Shaoqing took the opportunity to make a move, and once again placed a ban, imprisoning Zhuge Xun again.

“Really, as for? If you can’t move, you will blow yourself up, life is precious, do you know? ”

People in this year are too impetuous and will blow themselves up at every turn.

The world is falling!

“Damn guys!” Zhuge Xun’s eyes were red, like a monster in the sky in the distance, staring at Lu Shaoqing viciously, only hating that he couldn’t bite Lu Shaoqing.

“Isn’t it just to let you accompany me for a shopping trip, why are you so angry?”

Lu Shaoqing looked innocent, and Zhuge Xun was trembling with anger again.

I’m angry that you don’t have a point in your heart?

Bastard things that you yourself do, you yourself are not clear?

Xiao Yi heard Xuan Yunxin next to him whisper, “What a bastard guy.”

In this situation, Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help but feel sympathy for Zhuge Xun.

When she met Lu Shaoqing, she was also unlucky.

“Let’s go, go shopping, I’ll take you to see the most prosperous city in Zhongzhou, and let you, the demon clan, see the world.” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, and Zhuge Xun was supported by a force, even if she was reluctant and there was no way.

“Release, let go of me, I’m not going!” Zhuge Xun drank angrily.

Who wants to shop with you?

Shao Cheng couldn’t help it, bastard boy, is the bubble girl soaked like this?

“Shaoqing, don’t come nonsense, people are also girls.”

Puff girl, do you understand? Gentleness must come first.

“If people don’t want to, don’t force it.”

Zhuge Xun immediately seemed to meet his soulmate, yes, that’s it.

You, the master, hurry up and stop him.

Bastard guy, can you learn from your master?

Lu Shaoqing said to Shao Cheng, “Master, I’m shopping with her, it’s about Master, are you sure I’m not reluctant?”

When Shao Cheng heard this, he immediately changed his words, “Oh, this way, let’s go.” ”

Zhuge Xun: ???

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