Green Building?

Drinking flower wine?

Dirty man, bastard, what is he going to do?

The stealth family of the Holy Family, the famous eldest lady of the Zhuge family, was taken to drink flower wine and passed it out, does she still use to mix?

Zhuge Xun is going crazy, open your mouth and bite!

“Hey,” Lu Shaoqing took two steps back and hid behind Xuanyunxin, “Don’t bite without moving.” ”

Watch out for the lady image.”


I have been brought here by you, what image do I have?

“I’m going to fight you!”

Zhuge Xun looked like he would not give up if he didn’t bite Lu Shaoqing to death.

Lu Shaoqing hid behind Xuan Yunxin and said to Xuan Yunxin, “Hey, little chick, you persuade her.” ”


Xuan Yunxin also wanted to bite Lu Shaoqing.

Bring a woman for a flower wine, what do you think?

“What are you going to do?” Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help it.

She couldn’t guess Lu Shaoqing’s true intentions for a while, so she might as well ask directly.

Lu Shaoqing answered truthfully, appearing very sincere, “Didn’t you say that you want to go to a secret place?” This is exactly the place!

Zhuge Xun was even more angry, “I’m going to kill you!” ”

The secrecy of shit, don’t you see the eyes of the people around you?

“Hehe, let’s go, get in!” Lu Shaoqing ignored Zhuge Xun’s murderous gaze and took Zhuge Xun straight into the Drunken Immortal Tower.

Xiao Yi and Xuan Yunxin stood behind them, looking very speechless.

Xiao Yi muttered, “What is the second senior brother going to do?”

“Does he like to take women around places like this?”

When Xuan Yunxin heard this, he secretly grinded his teeth, “He also brought others?”

“Yes, I brought Sister Jian Nan here before.”

When Xuan Yunxin heard this, he deeply despised it and cursed in a low voice, “What a bastard guy.

Xiao Yi hurriedly helped his second senior brother to defend, “The second senior brother also had a purpose before, helping Sister Jian Nan hone her Dao Heart and clean up the others by the way.

“This time, I think it is also aimed at Muyong.”

“Let’s go, go first, see what the second senior brother is going to do, if he dares to come nonsense, stop him.”

Xuan Yunxin walked in coldly, “Who cares if he lives or dies?” Here

, as soon as he entered the door, he heard Lu Shaoqing’s voice, which echoed very arrogantly here in the Drunken Immortal Tower, “Is there a man?” ”

Give this demon girl a few.”

“Don’t snub the distinguished Demon guest for me, this is a person from the Demon Hidden Family, snub her and demolish your broken building.”

When Xuan Yunxin heard this, he stumbled under his feet and almost fell over.

Xuan Yunxin once again cast a sympathetic gaze towards Zhuge Xun.

This bastard is so bad.

The concubine of the hermit family came to the Qinglou here, and the public wanted to find a man.

Pass it out, I’m afraid it will make many people fall off their glasses, right?

Zhuge Xun’s side jumped to his feet in anger, “Bastard, bastard, I, I’m going to kill you, I must kill you.”

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“How? Unwilling? Lu Shaoqing looked puzzled, “You don’t like it?

“Rub, do you like women?”

“I like your size!” Zhuge Xun burst out, “You kind of released your aunt, and your aunt will definitely make you regret it.”

“Gee!” Lu Shaoqing praised and touched his head, “In addition to my head, other parts are also good, don’t you like it together?”

“I’ll bite you to death!”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, took a step back, and then asked the guy next to him, “Is your boss there?”

“I have a demon chick here, does he want it?” Give me a billion spirit stones, and I sold her…” Although

the owner of the Drunken Immortal Building was very impressed, he did not have the courage.

Even if there is a backer behind the Zuixian Tower.

In the next few days, Lu Shaoqing took Zhuge Xun to stay here in the Zuixianlou.

“Come, come, Brother Pig, peel some spirit beans for me.” Lu Shaoqing Xia Mimi said to Zhuge Xun next to him.

Without saying a word, Zhuge Xun picked up the wine vessel on the table and smashed it.

“Lean!” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, fixed the drink in the air, and threatened her, “Don’t make trouble.”

“Or I’ll find you some men to serve you.”

“Disobey again, I will sell you.”

Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth, “Who dares I see?” ”

Zhuge Xun is almost angry to death, although when she comes here, Lu Shaoqing didn’t do anything to her.

But coming to this kind of place is already a very shameful thing for her.

Not to mention that Lu Shaoqing shouted from time to time to find a man for her.

There has already been a lot of rumors outside.

She hated Lu Shaoqing in her heart.

Xiao Yi and Xuan Yunxin followed beside them, and the two did not understand what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

Xiao Yi’s side couldn’t help it, “Second Senior Brother, what are your plans here?”

“If we eat and drink here, can Master come back?”

Lu Shaoqing glanced at her, “So many things can’t block your mouth?” ”

Coming here, I want to say that the happiest person is Xiao Hei, followed by Xiao Yi.

The delicious food called was the favorite of the two of them.

“Second Senior Brother, it’s all like this anyway, don’t sell it.”

Zhuge Xun also looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, “What are you going to do, you open your mouth, don’t humiliate me here.” ”

This kind of place, Zhuge Xun feels that even the air is smelly.

“No,” Lu Shaoqing said to Zhuge Xun, “Is there no one in your family?” Why hasn’t anyone come yet?

“Or did that bastard Muyong abandon you?”

“Until now, I haven’t seen a single person coming.”

“If he doesn’t come, it’s hard for me to do it.”

Xuan Yun’s heart moved, and the light flashed, as if she had opened her mind, and she instantly understood what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

Can’t help but nod, “So it is.

“What, what?” Xiao Yi immediately came over, “Sister Yunxin, you know?

Xuanyun nodded and looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Are you thinking that Mu Yong came to you to bring her back?” ”

Mu Yong came to find Lu Shaoqing and Lu Shaoqing went to find Mu Yong, it seemed that they were all the same, but in fact, whoever took the initiative was passive.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, did not answer yes or no, but said to Zhuge Xun, “No one has come until now, it seems that you are not very important.”

“Alas, it seems that it can only sell you….”

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