The two figures also smashed on the ground like meteors, smashing the solid ground into a deep pit.

Zhuge Xun was startled, and after seeing the person who fell clearly, her face instantly became ugly.

The person who fell to the ground was none other than Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian.

The two had scars of different sizes on their bodies, and blood flowed.

The sluggish breath told everyone that they were not only suffering external injuries, but also internal injuries.

Even, Gong Zhong Pengtian’s right hand was soft and fluffy, showing an abnormal shape.

Half of Gong Zhongpengtian’s face was swollen, Sima Huai’s shoulder was pierced, and both of them had passed out.

Xiao Yi pointed at the two, “Look, I’m right, right? ”

If the second senior brother wanted to kill someone, the two of them would have died too much longer.

Zhuge Xun felt that his face hurt.

She suddenly wanted to bite again.

Lu Shaoqing slowly appeared, smiled, waved his big hand, dropped the ban on the two, and then took the storage ring of the two.

And also open in public.



Xuan Yunxin saw the scene of Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian vomiting blood, which made her face red, ashamed, angry and other emotions mixed.

Can’t help but scold at Lu Shaoqing’s back, “Bastard!

Lu Shaoqing searched and cursed, “Really poor, the two of them only have more than 50 million spirit stones combined?” ”

Shit hidden family, are they all so poor?”

In fact, Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian must have a lot of spirit stones, magic weapons, and materials in their hands.

However, it was violently dismantled and most of it disappeared into the void.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t get much.

Zhuge Xun saw that Lu Shaoqing skillfully snatched Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian of the essence, and his heart jumped.

Subconsciously touched his storage ring.

This guy, robber.


Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian woke up, and after discovering what had happened, the two of them went crazy with hatred.


, mean…” The

two struggled, their badly injured bodies making them miserable, and it was difficult to even stand up.

“Don’t argue, I’ll clean you up if you make any more noise.”

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “You are my prisoners now, give me honesty.” The

two stared at Lu Shaoqing, looking very embarrassed, and no longer had the high-minded look of the hidden family.

There was anger, resentment, shock, and fear in the eyes of the two, how could they not expect that Lu Shaoqing was actually a realm of refining the ninth layer of the void.

To be honest, even if Lu Shaoqing was a realm of refining the ninth layer of the void, they would not be too worried.

The two join forces, even if they can’t fight, they can still do it if they want to escape.

However, they never expected Lu Shaoqing to be so outrageously strong.

One shot seriously wounded both of them, and the next few rounds beat them like dogs.

Lu Shaoqing then glanced around, shook his head, and continued to blame the two, “Look at the good things you guys did?”

“If you tear down people’s places without saying a word, are you still human?”

It’s not that you hide inside and don’t come out, will we tear it down?

The two of them hated in their hearts, and Gong Zhongpengtian gritted his teeth, “You let me go, I want to fight you again.”

“Hit what? I am a peace-loving person and do not like to fight. ”

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It’s shameless enough, you are embarrassed to say such things?

Sima Huai looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, “What do you want to do to us?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, making himself look very gentle, like a humble son, “You have come from afar, I want to invite you to a meal.”

“Can’t let you laugh at us for not being polite.”

“I will ask my master to cook by himself!”

The faces of Xiao Yi behind him became strange.

Sima Huai and Gong Zhongpeng were stunned.

Isn’t it, such a big gift?

Sima Huai quickly reacted, “What do you want to know from us?

Lu Shaoqing gave him a thumbs up, “Talking to smart people is a pleasure.”

“Yes, I want to ask, what are you doing there in Dontown?”

“Want to know?” Gong Zhong Pengtian sneered, “Dream away!” Although

he became a prisoner, Gong Zhong Pengtian did not intend to give in.

Big deal.

“Snap!” A crisp slap sounded, and Lu Shaoqing slapped Gong Zhong Pengtian’s face, and everyone was stunned.

Zhuge Xun’s eyebrows jumped.

If you say that you change your face, you really belong to a dog.

Gong Zhong Pengtian was stunned, covering his face in disbelief.

When he grew so big, it was the first time someone had slapped him.

“You, you damn it!”

Gong Zhong Pengtian roared, struggling to pounce and fight with Lu Shaoqing.

His eyes were red, and he had lost his mind.

“Snap!” Lu Shaoqing slapped Gong Zhongpeng Tian with another slap.

“Try noisy again?”

Sima Huai hurriedly pressed Gong Zhong Pengtian, with jealousy in his eyes, “It’s useless if we want to tell you, because we swore an oath.”

“Can’t reveal the slightest.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned.

“Despicable Muyong!”

Blue is better than blue.

Abominable fellow.

Lu Shaoqing said lightly, “Mu Yong asked you to deal with two women, right?”

Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian’s expressions did not change.

Without answering, Lu Shaoqing could not get confirmation from the expressions of the two of them.

The two are not fools either.

I was also worried that I would be swallowed back by the oath, so I controlled my expression for the first time, and did not intend to let Lu Shaoqing see the clue.

As a cultivator in the refining period, if he didn’t want to, outsiders wouldn’t be able to see through his mind at all.

“Did they fall into Muyong’s hands?”

The two were like mutes, expressionless, allowing Lu Shaoqing to ask, but not answering any questions.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to beat the two up, “Despicable Mu Yong! ”

He doesn’t even know if his guess is correct.

Xiao Yi leaned over, “Second Senior Brother, are you going to find Mu Yong?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No hurry!”

“Go, go back, let them taste Master’s craft…”

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