Zhuge Xun has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

She was like a tigress, viciously pounced on Lu Shaoqing.

But another big foot appeared in front of her.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to have known that she would make a move, and took the first step.

Zhuge Xun looked at the familiar sole, she wanted to retreat, wanted to dodge, but it was already late.

Sturdy was stomped on the face by Lu Shaoqing.


Zhuge Xun was about to go crazy, screaming, and the breath in his body spread rapidly like an explosion.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, blocking her erupting breath.

Reached out again and flicked it on her forehead.

It was very light, but his wrist shook Zhuge Xun with a huge force.

The next moment, powerful divine consciousness surged and once again attacked her sea of knowledge.


exclaimed Zhuge Xun holding his head.

It was not good enough, and the strength was not completely restored.

Hit again, Zhuge Xun gave up resistance and lay on the ground, unloveable.

“Really!” Lu Shaoqing quickly restored the restraint on her body again and controlled her, “Why do you say you are suffering?”

Zhuge Xun’s tears were full of pain, already a small woman’s posture, but the ferocity was undiminished, “I must kill you.”

Lu Shaoqing was very disdainful, “Cut!” Lu

Shaoqing threw Zhuge Xun aside and stared at Shao Cheng’s meal, “Master, what have you learned in the demon world?”

“Disgusting!” Lu Shaoqing cried out in pain, “Master, have you learned to favor women over men in the demon world

?” “Women are useful, men are useless, right?”

Shao Cheng also frowned in pain.

Has your craft mutated

? What went wrong?

What’s wrong?

This feeling, painful.

Shao Cheng said depressedly, “I don’t know what the problem is.

Zhuge Xun stood up, glared at Lu Shaoqing resentfully, and then said to Shao Cheng, “I am willing to try your meal and help you find out the problem.” Zhuge

Xun understood that although Shao Cheng’s meals were unpalatable, they had a great effect.

It has obvious effects on strength improvement.

Not sure why, but it’s an excellent opportunity.

Zhuge Xun’s little calculation, Lu Shaoqing and Shao Cheng could hear it clearly.

Shao Cheng didn’t want to, but Lu Shaoqing didn’t care, “It’s okay, Master, you just treat her as a guinea pig and improve your craft.”

“After stabilizing your craft in the future, we can open a restaurant to make money.”

As Lu Shaoqing spoke, the corners of his mouth lit up.

Meals that can make women break through, hundreds of thousands, millions of meals, right?

In the future, you can lie down and count the spirit stones.

Oh my good….

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A few days passed, and no black monsters appeared in the crack.

The Terrans began to study how to close the cracks.

However, they must have returned in vain, even if they personally intervened during the refining period, they could not close the crack.

Faced with black lightning, they were helpless.

Looking at the inconspicuous black lightning, it contains terrifying power.

Even if it is encountered during the refining period, it will turn into ashes in an instant.

The Terran cultivators had already suffered a lot of losses here, and a Transformation God Stage cultivator was even devoured by black lightning in front of everyone and turned into nothingness.

Lu Shaoqing was on the tree, looking at the crack in the distance.

Seeing that the Terran cultivators were helpless against the black lightning, Lu Shaoqing smiled, “If it were so easy to close, my Lingxiao Sect would not have been poor for so long. If

it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing’s painting style, he wouldn’t have been able to close the crack.

Seeing everyone busy there, Lu Shaoqing should watch the play, and he didn’t plan to make a move.

The Lingxiao faction can stop the black monster for thousands of years on its own.

Zhongzhou’s current strength is only stronger than the Lingxiao faction at that time, even if they can’t close the crack, they can withstand the monster’s attack.

“Now, just wait for Muyong.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “Damn guy, what the hell are you thinking?” ”

If you don’t come to me again, I’ll cut all the guys from the Yinshi family.” ”

Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother!” Xiao Yi shouted and rushed down from the sky.

“Huh?” Xiao

Yi saw Lu Shaoqing sitting on the tree intact, nothing at all, surprised and a little disappointed.

“Second Senior Brother, haven’t you been struck by lightning?” Lu

Shaoqing stared at Xiao Yi with an unkind expression, “Why? You feel very disappointed?”

“Sister Nan is also a little hard, so report your name, I thought…”

“I thought I would be slashed by lightning, right?” ”

Lu Shaoqing is not happy, if I am not lazy to go down, I will have to clean you up.”

Jian Bei, Jian Nan and Guan Daniu also returned.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing didn’t have anything at all, Jian Bei and Guan Daniu were also surprised.

“Big brother, are you all right?” Jian Bei wondered.

Jian Nan looked at Lu Shaoqing with complicated eyes.

This guy is really special.

The first time it was like this, Jian Nan felt a little unreal.

With the name reported, the Heavenly Tribulation really eased down and gave himself enough time to rest.

“Is the crossing over?” Lu Shaoqing snorted and stared at Guan Daniu, “You crow shouldn’t be talking nonsense, right?”


Da Niu Fat Meat snorted, and said breathlessly, “You are the crow, you are the crow mouth.”

“You’re being smacked by lightning. It is clear that you have done a bad thing that the heavens are angry with people, and the heavens will see that you are not pleasing to the eye before chopping you. ”

I did something bad and was struck by lightning, and I was still on my head?

It’s a really hateful guy who wants to beat me up and make excuses in every possible way.”

“You’re the crow’s mouth.

“If my mouth were so spiritual, I said, there will be thunder slashing you now, do you see if there is…” As

soon as the words fell, a thunder fell from the sky….

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