Lu Shaoqing fell straight to the ground and fell to the ground.

He got up and rubbed his chest, he hadn’t tried this naked pain in a long time.

The pain of mortals is a long time ago.

When Lu Shaoqing was wondering, a scream came from his head.


Lu Shaoqing looked up and saw Zhuge Xun pulling one hand on the cliff.

This will no longer be able to support and fall from above.

Zhuge Xun found that he did not have the slightest spiritual power in his body, just like a mortal, and he was frightened.

The sense of weightlessness and panic made her seem to have truly become a mortal girl, screaming in panic and waving her hands and feet to fall down at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Zhuge Xun, who was getting closer and closer, and suddenly took a step to the side.

Zhuge Xun rubbed his body and fell.


Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but nod, the physical fitness of the Demon Race was indeed stronger than that of the Terran Race.

“Ah…” Zhuge

Xun was about to go crazy, she got up and bit at Lu Shaoqing, “Bastard, you deserve to die!”

“Are you a reincarnation of a dog, or do you say that your dog clan has taken the house

?” “Bites at every turn!” Zhuge

Xun shouted angrily, “Bastard, can I die if you take it?”

“Men and women are not intimate,” Lu Shaoqing said squarely, “Moreover, you said that you want to take care of it?”

Shitty men and women are not intimate.

You bastard did it on purpose, deliberately making me ugly.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t get used to her, raised his foot, and kicked Zhuge Xun.

Zhuge Xun’s side was pounced, and Lu Shaoqing’s feet appeared in front of her again.

Zhuge Xun ate a solid kick, completely crazy.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing ran towards the distance without saying a word, “Brother dog, calm down, the situation here is unknown, don’t be impulsive.” Even

if it is a sea of fire and fire here, I will bite you bastard to death.

Zhuge Xun couldn’t listen to anything anymore, and just wanted to deal with Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing could only run towards the distance, just now outside the mainland in a circle, although he couldn’t see all of it, he also saw a rough idea.

It’s right to go to the middle.

“Bastard, don’t run!” Zhuge Xun was murderous in the back.

Lu Shaoqing turned around, “Brother dog, don’t follow me.”

“Otherwise you’ll regret it.” ”

I regret not following you.

Zhuge Xun hated it, this time is definitely a good opportunity.

Everyone has become mortals, my holy family has a powerful physical body, I don’t believe I can’t take you down.

Don’t bite you a few times, this breath can’t be vented.

After running for a long time, Lu Shaoqing turned back again, “Brother dog, give you one last chance.”

Zhuge Xun ignored it, but suddenly accelerated, and then jumped high and rushed straight to Lu Shaoqing.

“Bastard, look where you are fleeing!” Zhuge

Xun looked fierce, this pounce, she was bound to win.

Whatever stinky fist you are, if you dare to make a move, I will be able to clean you up.

Zhuge Xun was full of confidence this time, and the timing and place she chose was just right.

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Whether Lu Shaoqing made a move or went back, she was confident that she would pounce on Lu Shaoqing.

She secretly decided in her heart that as long as I pounced on this bastard, I must bite and not let go, and bite this bastard to death.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was getting closer and closer to Zhuge Xun, and Zhuge Xun’s gaze became sharper.


Lu Shaoqing suddenly shrunk his head and squatted down.

Zhuge Xun pounced on his head.

“Haha…” Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s okay, no matter how you are, I’ll clean you up.

As long as I land, I can catch you in the first place.

Zhuge Xun’s mind was already sketching the trajectory of the next action.

However, she suddenly felt a softness, as if she had hit something.

Then, the wind blew around.


Zhuge Xun landed, a gust of wind blew, and her hair flew in the wind, revealing her stunned face.

A Void Wind Spirit slowly appeared in front of her.

This Void Wind Spirit fused with the surrounding environment, and Zhuge Xun did not find it.

Looking at the wriggling gray surface, it was like a gray poisonous snake slowly opening its mouth and revealing its fangs.

Zhuge Xun’s body was cold, her body was as stiff as a log, and she glanced back with difficulty.

At this look, I almost vomited blood.

Lu Shaoqing had already run towards the distance.


“Bastard!” roared Zhuge Xun.

“Whew…” The

invisible wind hit like tentacles, whipping Zhuge Xun fiercely.

“Poof!” Zhuge

Xun was pumped away, and blood spurted out.

“Brother dog, come on!” Lu Shaoqing shouted loudly in the distance, “Take out the strength you want to bite me to bite it.” Zhuge

Xun got up and heard Lu Shaoqing’s words, and was so angry that he spat out another mouthful of blood.


Zhuge Xun hated Lu Shaoqing to the point of itching her teeth, she also knew that if she didn’t defeat the Void Wind Spirit in front of her, she would be fierce.

Therefore, Zhuge Xun did not retreat, but rushed directly towards the Void Wind Spirit.

But without exception, she was all pumped away by the Void Wind Spirit.

The Void Wind Spirit is different from her, here, it is its home field, it is not restricted.

Easily control the invisible wind to attack Zhuge Xun.

Although Zhuge Xun rushed towards the Void Wind Spirit again and again, he did not cause any damage to the Void Wind Spirit.

Instead, he was beaten by the Void Wind Spirit.

Even if the body is strong enough, it is quickly covered with scars.

Zhuge Xun was once again desperate.

She is now like a mortal, she can’t use spiritual power, she can’t use magic weapons, she can only fight with the Void Wind Spirit with her bare hands.

The Void Wind Spirit abused her easily.


After a few rounds, the Void Wind Spirit manipulated the invisible wind to bind Zhuge Xun and lift her high…

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