“Plop!” Zhuge

Xun fell heavily on the ground again, causing her tears to burst into tears.

“Bastard!” Zhuge

Xun only hated that Lu Shaoqing was not in front of him, and she couldn’t bite people.

When she got up, she looked up and roared, “Bastard!” and

she froze.

There was no one in the sky, and Lu Shaoqing didn’t know where to run.

Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but panic in his heart.

Her heart beat violently, this bastard, shouldn’t she really care about her?

In this unfamiliar and strange and dangerous place, she is like a mortal, without the slightest power to protect herself.

Zhuge Xun looked around, and indeed there was no trace of Lu Shaoqing.

I really panicked.

This damn guy.

Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, “Bastard, you must not die well…” ”

Hey, curse people like this, do you mean it?”

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded from behind her, startling her.

Looking back, that hateful face appeared, and she inexplicably felt at ease.

But, more of an anger.

When she was ready to spray Lu Shaoqing’s saliva on her face, Lu Shaoqing warned her, “You try to make another noise?”

Subconsciously, the surging words of cordial greeting in my stomach were all pressed.

She took a deep breath and looked at the smiling Lu Shaoqing, forcing the urge to bite.

“How do you regain your strength?”

but at this question, Zhuge Xun quickly regretted it.

Sure enough.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, still those two words, “You guess!”

She snorted coldly, “Don’t say it, who is rare.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, where can this kind of thing be said.

Having said that, Zhuge Xun couldn’t do it either.

After all, Zhuge Xun’s painting style is normal.

After devouring the native Void Wind Spirit of this world, Lu Shaoqing was not suppressed by the rules of this world and recovered his strength.


, the feeling of a call was even stronger, as if a voice was calling him.

Lu Shaoqing frowned and looked into the distance, his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle.

Lu Shaoqing thought for a while, took out the boundary piercing disk, and patted it, “Broken disk, how is it here?” The

boundary climbed out, stood on the boundary crossing disk, and said to Lu Shaoqing with a bitter face, “I can’t feel it.”

“Boss, this place has quirks.

“It’s like being cut off. When

Lu Shaoqing heard this, he stretched out his hand and flicked the boundary flying, “There is something strange here, you don’t need to say it.” The

world was ejected and rolled on the ground a few times, and the embarrassed look made Zhuge Xun look happy.

Little bastard, you also have today.

Sure enough, the wicked have to be grinded by the wicked.

Lu Shaoqing put away the boundary piercing disk, sighed, waved behind him, and took Zhuge Xun into the sky.

At the same time sighed, “Alas, a bunch of unconscious guys.

“Zhuge Xun was angry, saying who is not worried

?” “Bastard, who are you talking about?” Lu

Shaoqing did not look back, “I didn’t say you, don’t be sentimental.” ”

Don’t talk about me

? Do you mean your sister?

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Zhuge Xun was uneven in the back.

But now she can’t do anything except be indignant and greet Lu Shaoqing in her heart.

Even, she had to secretly pray that Lu Shaoqing would not leave her behind.

Lu Shaoqing did not leave Zhuge Xun behind, and took Zhuge Xun all the way to the sky.

Zhuge Xun, who was above the sky, saw the Void Wind Spirit everywhere on the ground, and he was even more determined to shut up.

Don’t provoke Lu Shaoqing for the time being.

Turning into a mortal, Zhuge Xun couldn’t even calculate how long time had passed.

I just felt that after a long time, Lu Shaoqing finally stopped.

Lu Shaoqing led her to a cave.

Zhuge Xun looked around curiously.

The cave is not large, only two or three meters high.

The inside of the cave entrance is dark and there is no light, and the light here cannot shine in.

“Where is this place?”

Zhuge Xun still couldn’t help but ask Lu Shaoqing.

After asking, she wanted to slap herself again.


Shaoqing also stared at the entrance of the cave to observe, but his divine sense probed in but couldn’t find anything.

He shook his head, “I don’t know. Zhuge

Xun didn’t believe this at all.


stared at Lu Shaoqing vigilantly, “Don’t you want me to go in and investigate?” When Lu Shaoqing

heard this, his eyes lit up, “Your method is so good!”

Zhuge Xun showed a gaze that wanted to bite again.

Bastard guys.

If there is any problem

, I have encountered a problem when I enter with such strength, and I am afraid that I will not be able to shout it.

Zhuge Xun took two steps back and made a defensive posture, “Don’t even think about it.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “You forgot one thing!” Before


Xun could react, she felt a light light under her feet, and she soared into the air.

“Go you!” Zhuge

Xun was shocked, this bastard, it turned out that it was not a discussion, but a notification.

“Bastard!” she

could only scream angrily, and then the whole person was thrown into the cave.


Xun threw himself on the ground, in pain, and it took a long time to get up.

The cave is dry here and not as damp as expected.

Zhuge Xun closed his eyes and took a while to adjust to the light here.

Although it is dim, at least you can see in front of you, and you can’t see your fingers as imagined.

The breeze blows here in the cave, blowing from deeper into the cave.

The wind was very light, with a trace of warmth, like a gentle hand caressing Zhuge Xun.

Zhuge Xun’s heart slowly relaxed, as if returning to her mother’s embrace, making her give up her tension and fear.

But, the next moment,

a fierce wind blew out from the depths of the cave.

The wind howled, with a cold and strange wind, like a dark wind blowing from hell.

Zhuge Xun stumbled and fell to the ground, the cold aura invaded, fear permeated his body, and Zhuge Xun’s body couldn’t help but tremble.

Just now it was warm as the day, and the next moment it was a cold winter day.

Just when Zhuge Xun was afraid, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “Why are you lying on the ground…”

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