Zhuge Xun’s smile froze.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who had disappeared, she wanted to scold her mother again.


divine thought came again, “Help me!” Zhuge

Xun listened with panic.

How can I help?

And then a picture seemed to come to mind.

Under a huge broken sword, Ji Yanpan sat on the ground, and the broken sword glowed slightly.

From the cracks in the ground, the black monster kept crawling, desperately attacking Ji Yan.

The black monster roared like a beast, eager to tear them to pieces and devour them up.

Xiao Yi held a long sword in front of Ji Yan, like a mortal swordsman killing the monsters one by one, the ground was covered with a layer of monster corpses, and black blood soaked the ground.

Behind her, an old man was cheering her up with a bird.

Zhuge Xun was stunned, and where were they?

“Bastard, what a disturbing guy.” Zhuge

Xun seemed to understand that the so-called unconscious guys were not her, but Ji Yan.

Zhuge Xun’s eyes were full of contempt, “Didn’t you run?”

Lu Shaoqing righteously retorted with contempt, “Do you understand the righteousness of the rivers and lakes?”

However, she also knew why Lu Shaoqing came back.

Because of the picture I just saw.

This bastard, too, is a bit of friendship and cares about his own people.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand to bring Zhuge Xun back to the underground palace, Lu Shaoqing raised his head and looked at the void wind spirit above his head, “Where are my senior brothers and sisters?”

“On this continent, but they are already shrouded in the imperial sword, and you can’t enter if you want to save them.” ”

Emperor Sword?” Lu Shaoqing heard this, his scalp was numb, how could there be a new term,

and let people not live

? “What happened to you guys here?

Lu Shaoqing sighed helplessly.

If Ji Yan and Xiao Yi were not here, he would pat his ass and run away without saying a word.

Anyway, he can live in the void.

Get out of here, just find a direction and go all the way to the end, don’t believe you can’t find your way home.

When the divine thought came, Lu Shaoqing and Zhuge Xun both saw a picture.

On the radiant continent, countless Void Wind Spirits were born from the continent.

They frolic and play around the continent like children.

In the endless dark void, this place is like a paradise.

However, one day, a crack appeared in the void, and a broken sword fell from the crack and plunged heavily into the continent.

The paradise-like continent was instantly torn apart, and the Void Wind Spirit on the continent was almost completely destroyed.

At the critical moment, countless ancient Void Wind Spirits merged with each other to form a brand new Void Wind Spirit, which submerged into the continent and preserved this continent.

Countless years have passed, and the mainland has slowly regained its vitality.

The Void Wind Spirit was born again, and the Void Wind Spirit Mother who was born was the Void Wind Spirit fused by countless powerful Void Wind Spirits.

However, I don’t know when, a black mist appeared in the void and descended on this continent.

Many Void Wind Spirits were infected, devouring and killing each other, and the continent that had finally prospered fell into withering again.

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In the black mist hides an evil consciousness, by eroding the Void Wind Spirit, devouring the Void Wind Spirit, an evil and powerful Void Wind Spirit appears.

Its goal was to break the sword, and a monstrous black mist enveloped the long sword.

And the picture is interrupted at this time.

Next, the Void Wind Spirit Divine Thought came, telling Lu Shaoqing and Zhuge Xun what happened later.

“The origin of the broken sword is mysterious and extremely powerful, and once Aragami gets the broken sword, the beginningless realm will be destroyed by it.

“The void will also be destroyed by it, and the whole heaven and earth will collapse with it.”

“In order to stop it, I was only able to shroud the continent and not allow my children to come back.”

“Isolate time, isolate any rules.”

“However, Aragami is too strong, and I am not his opponent, I can only block it as much as possible.”

“If there is no one to help, I will be devoured by it sooner or later, the beginningless realm will perish, the void will also perish, and all the worlds will perish…”

Through the narration of the Void Wind Spirit, Lu Shaoqing and Zhuge Xun also probably knew what was happening.

For Zhuge Xun, such news shocked her for 10,000 years.

It’s like listening to a story.

And Lu Shaoqing covered his forehead helplessly.


! Another one!

Sacrifice god, rampant god, now that you are in Aragami, will there be other gods by then?

Why are you so unlucky.

What others can’t meet in a lifetime, he meets one every few days like a sexual encounter.

Now there is one more prop.


Xun couldn’t help but ask, “You actually don’t know the origin of the emperor sword, why do you know that it is called the emperor sword?”


Lu Shaoqing heard this, he was even more depressed, even the emperor sword that had to compete for at the level of Aragami could be imagined.

It wouldn’t really be the sword used by the Heavenly Emperor, right?

“What strength is Aragami?”

Zhuge Xun also hurriedly pricked up his ears.

This is a concern for everyone.

“Divided by your human realm, it is the Mahayana period…”

“Leave!” immediately bowed his hand to the Void Wind Spirit Arch above his head, turned around and left.

And he didn’t forget to scold Zhuge Xun, “Crow mouth!”

Mahayana period, play fart ah.

In this world, the existence of the Mahayana period is a god-like existence.

If Lu Shaoqing was in the Mahayana period, he would have robbed the five families and three factions as soon as possible.

During the Mahayana period, you can do whatever you want in this world, and you can be willful as you want.

If it is the merging period, Lu Shaoqing can also go to meet the so-called Aragami for a while.

But the other party is in the Mahayana period, so let’s run quickly.

It’s too dangerous.

It is better to wander into the void than to look for death here.

Even the Void Wind Spirit hurriedly transmitted a divine thought at this time, “Wait, my words are not finished…”

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