Lu Shaoqing stared at the sword intent like a transparent fish, for a long time, he let out a long sigh, “The painting style is more biased.” ”

Devouring that black mist not only raised his realm, but also increased his devouring ability.

If his previous devouring ability was a small vortex, then now his devouring ability is a small black hole, and his ability to devour is thousands of times enhanced.

The surrounding sword intent just now launched an attack as he broke through.

In a hurry, he could only devour all of these sword intent.

After devouring these sword intent, he was almost burst, but fortunately, at the critical moment, he found that he could transform these sword intent.

In the end, he almost exhausted all his strength before he converted these sword intent.

If only a little more, he would have exploded.

“It’s too dangerous to do this in the future.”

“You can’t become a big fat person in one bite.”

Although it is very dangerous, the gain is not small.

The power of this wisp of sword intent was beyond Lu Shaoqing’s imagination.

Lu Shaoqing estimated that once it broke out, it would be like a blow in the Mahayana period.

“Hehe,” Lu Shaoqing laughed again, carefully putting away the sword intent, “When the time comes, when you meet Mu Yong, use this to greet him directly.” ”

I hate Mu Yong to the bone.

I just want to use my strongest move to greet Mu Yong.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and looked at the sword intent barrier in front of him, thinking in his heart whether to stretch out his hand again.

The origin of the ugly ghost is far beyond his imagination.

Just a small wisp of origin can multiply his ability by ten million.

What if more?

Well, forget it, a little more, maybe you will be killed.

The big guy who can fight the ugly ghost, the emperor sword that can be held in the hand by the big guy, is also so big that it can scare people to death.

The sword intent in front of him was emitted by the emperor sword.

Will you reach out again and see two terrifying battles again?

That ugly ghost has a strong sense of copyright, and he doesn’t show it if he doesn’t open a member.

Just a small wisp of black fog almost killed him.

Lu Shaoqing knew that what he saw should be some memories left over from the battle in the distant era of the Emperor Sword, and he accidentally saw it.

For that kind of existence, he sees it, which is equivalent to meeting that existence across time and space.

He wasn’t sure if he had finished reading it just now.

If he looked at it again, Lu Shaoqing was afraid of being remembered.

Alas, trouble!

Lu Shaoqing looked at the flow of sword intent barrier sword intent in front of him, and he looked very headache.

The sword intent above still made him feel frightened.

For a while, Lu Shaoqing was in a dilemma.

I don’t know if I should reach out or not.

Just when Lu Shaoqing was embarrassed, Kaoru’s voice sounded, “You, are you okay?” The

surrounding sword intent was devoured by Lu Shaoqing, and Zhuge Xun finally leaned over.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she found Lu Shaoqing staring directly at her with both eyes.

Noticing Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, Zhuge Xun’s heart jumped, and his face turned red.

She subconsciously took a step back, “You, what do you want to do?”

Zhuge Xun’s heart fluttered up, a little flustered.

What is this bastard going to do?

Wouldn’t want to take advantage of me here, would you?

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Thinking of this, Zhuge Xun took a step back again.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, and Zhuge Xun was brought to him by an invisible force.


Zhuge Xun’s face instantly turned red.

Bastards, impudent guys….

Zhuge Xun’s body was a little soft at this moment, and the strength of his body seemed to disappear.

“Hey, why is your face so red?” Lu Shaoqing was curious, “Do you have a fever?” Or are you whining? ”


Zhuge Xun was furious, “Let go of me, what are you going to do?”

“Nothing, you go in and take a look.”

Get in?

Zhuge Xun looked at the white barrier in front of him, and the sword intent on it flowed, like mercury pouring down the ground.

Zhuge Xun was creepy.

What’s the difference between letting her in and killing her directly?

At the same time, she understood what Lu Shaoqing was staring at her.

It turned out that he wanted to make himself a pioneer again.

A wave of shame erupted in her heart, erupting like a volcano.

“Bastard!” Zhuge Xun roared, “You die!”

“You thunderous bastard, you die.”

Zhuge Xun opened his mouth, only hating that his neck was not long enough to bite people.

Lu Shaoqing blinked his eyes aggrievedly, “So you still scold people?”

“It’s just for you to explore the way, and there is no danger.”

Zhuge Xun struggled up, eager to pounce and bite Lu Shaoqing to death, she pointed to the sword intent barrier, “This is called no danger?” ”

Why aren’t you going?”

Those white flower sword intent, sharp breath, are all fake?

Are you blind or stupid?

Zhuge Xun believed that if she provoked these sword intents herself, she would be able to disappear with just one breath, and even the slag did not rise much.

I never thought that Zhuge Xun’s words were despised by Lu Shaoqing, “Cut! ”

It is also said that you are a genius of the hidden family, and sure enough, you hidden family pills.”

“There is danger to me, but not at all to you.”

Zhuge Xun sneered, she didn’t even believe half of Lu Shaoqing’s punctuation, “Are you stupid for me?

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Seriously, didn’t you see that I gave up any resistance and defense just now?” ”

Do you see something wrong with me?”

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Xun also reacted.

Just now, Lu Shaoqing suppressed his breath and let himself become a mortal and walked over like a mortal.

When it comes to his own knowledge blind spot, Zhuge Xun is also embarrassed to open his teeth and dance his claws.

Lu Shaoqing pointed to the sword intent barrier and said, “Didn’t you notice that these sword intent was very domineering?

“It can’t tolerate anyone being stronger than it, I estimate that the Broken Emperor Sword is used to being the boss, so no one is allowed to be arrogant in front of it, and no one is allowed to dare to provoke it.”

“When it encounters an ant, it is tired of even stepping on it.”

Zhuge Xun was very smart and immediately understood what Lu Shaoqing meant.

It is to be a grandson in front of Jian Yi, so that the sword intent in front of her will not attack her.

“Why aren’t you going?” Zhuge Xun understood this truth, but she didn’t understand why Lu Shaoqing didn’t continue.

“I’m guessing, so I’m going to experiment with you…”

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