Zhang Conglong stood in front of Lu Shaoqing, and at this moment, his gaze was calm and calm.

Lu Shaoqing saw Zhang coming up from the dragon.

First stunned, then furious.


I didn’t plan for you to settle accounts with you, you are good, not grateful to Dade, but came to tear me down?

I scolded here for most of the day, scolding so much that my saliva was dry, and you bastard suddenly came up.

Didn’t this make me fall short of my achievements and scold in vain?

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was not good, and he had the urge to clean up Zhang Conglong.

“What are you going to do?”

Zhang Conglong was indifferent in everyone’s gaze, glanced at Lu Shaoqing, and slowly spoke, “I’ll compete with you.”

“Excuse me?”

Lu Shaoqing seemed even more angry, pointing at Zhang Conglong’s nose and scolding, “What are you?” ”

The second person in Qizhou, how mighty, the ninth layer of Jiedan came to bully me, a weak and uncontrollable person, are you okay?”

“Will Guiyuan Pavilion get out of you guys who bully the small with the big?”

Everyone was speechless at Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Weak can’t help the wind, you dare to say this?

You can’t help but be weak, what about Du Jing?

Zhang Conglong was not angry, but said, “Your strength is the Jiedan period.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart was awe-inspiring, Zhang Conglong had some skills.

Guess his strength.

“You said yes?” Of course, Lu Shaoqing did not want to expose his strength.

Otherwise, how will you live your salted fish life in the future?

However, Zhang Conglong no longer planned to talk to him more.

A long sword appeared in his hand and shot out blatantly.

The long sword slashed down, and a sword qi struck towards Lu Shaoqing.

The sword qi was dazzling and fierce, as if it could cut space.

Zhang Conglong’s strength is the ninth layer of Jiedan, and he is a fierce killing move as soon as he strikes.

He trusted his own judgment, and Lu Shaoqing was definitely hiding his strength.

As for how strong he is, he does not know, but it does not prevent him from making a move.

I felt that Lu Shaoqing’s strength was not very good, and at most it was the foundation building period.

The pride and self-esteem in his heart did not allow him to bully this weakness, even if it made him angry enough.

And today’s experience of Du Jing let him know that Lu Shaoqing’s strength is by no means what he imagined.

It showed the strength of the late foundation building, but easily defeated Du Jing.

Others saw that Lu Shaoqing was relying on a self-detonating magic weapon to defeat Du Jing while he was unprepared.

But Ji Yan has rich experience in fighting, and what he sees is that Lu Shaoqing is hiding his strength.

With the strength of the Jiedan period, he can make a move.

Come up and don’t talk nonsense, decisively shoot.

With Lu Shaoqing’s mouth, no one can beat him, and grinding and rubbing will only bring humiliation to himself.

This is the lesson he learned before.

Lu Shaoqing saw Zhang Conglong coming up without a few beeps and made a move.

He hurriedly retreated, and while throwing out the folding fan in his hand, he cursed, “Bastard, you dare to sneak attack? ”

The folding fan has already been injected with spiritual power by Lu Shaoqing, and it collided with the incoming sword qi.

With a loud bang, it exploded.

Xiao Yong froze, and the three second-grade magic weapons he sent were all self-detonated by Lu Shaoqing.

The point is that there are two more pieces for Ji Yan and Shao Cheng.

They were all blown up.

Xiao Yong really wanted to rush up and grab Lu Shaoqing and ask.

How are you embarrassed?

Don’t take out your own ones?

Are you thinking of asking me to give a gift?

Smoke billowed again in the field.

Zhang Conglong’s gaze became even colder, and he further affirmed, “It is really hiding strength. ”

Ordinary people will not have Lu Shaoqing’s quick reaction, nor will they be able to make the folding fan belonging to the second-grade magic weapon self-detonate so quickly.

The second-grade magic weapon self-detonated, and Zhang Conglong, who was on guard, calmly coped with it and easily defused.

Zhang took a step forward from the dragon, his spiritual power skyrocketed, and the surroundings suddenly seemed to blow a ten-level hurricane, and the howling wind blew away the surrounding smoke.

Zhang Conglong took a step again, and the howling wind changed his body, instantly turning into countless wind blades.

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The whistling wind blade made a whistling sound in the air, cutting the surrounding space, and flew towards Lu Shaoqing densely.

Lu Shaoqing was furious, did he really want to force me to use all my strength?

Lu Shaoqing shouted loudly and ran the technique.

A huge fireball appeared in the sky.

Fairy Fireball.

Like a meteorite, it streaked across the sky, firmly locked Zhang Conglong, and fell towards him.

Zhang Conglong snorted coldly, and the dense wind blade changed direction and rushed straight towards the fireball in the sky.

The fireball made him feel threatened and had to be addressed first.

The wind blade collided with the fireball in the air, producing a violent explosion.

Above the sky, like fireworks blooming in the sky, gunsmoke is filled with gunfire, and the flames are scattered, which is very beautiful.

A terrifying fluctuation, with a furious power, spread out towards the surroundings, destroying the decay.

Zhang Conglong’s face became more solemn.

This time the confrontation made him feel that Lu Shaoqing’s strength was even stronger than he imagined.

Good fellow, at least the strength of the middle period of Yudan.

Zhang Conglong’s fighting intent became even stronger.

I underestimated you before.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was even more angry, “Abominable fellow, look at the move!” ”

Dare to spoil me for good deeds, don’t let me find an opportunity to kill you.”

Lu Shaoqing drew his long sword, a tooth for a tooth, the long sword swung out, and a sword qi appeared.

The sword qi carried a furious aura and went straight to Zhang from the dragon.

Lu Shaoqing did not use his sword intent.

Until the last minute, he didn’t want to use his last hole card.

Zhang Conglong’s eyes brightened, and seeing Hunter Xinxi, he said excitedly, “Good come.” He

also backhanded a sword, and the same sword qi came out.


The two sword qi collided, on a par.

Zhang Conglong just wanted to do something, but the next moment, his expression changed.

A furious sword qi struck him.

“This, how is it possible?”

Zhang Conglong was terrified and hurriedly dodged, and the sword qi grazed his cheek, almost giving him a face.

Zhang Conglong couldn’t figure out what was happening for a while.

He obviously blocked Lu Shaoqing’s sword qi.


Zhang Conglong’s gaze became horrified.

Unless the other party’s kendo attainment is stronger than him.

But Zhang Conglong couldn’t believe it, he thought that his kendo was only weaker than Ji Yan, and he didn’t comprehend the sword intent.

Why is anyone better than him?

Zhang Conglong stared at Lu Shaoqing with dead eyes.


Lu Shaoqing’s heart jumped, lying in the groove, it seemed to be overdone.

Lu Shaoqing’s mind turned sharply, and he cursed, “What are you, your skills are not as good as others and you are still embarrassed here?”

“If I comprehend the sword intent, the first sword will kill you just now.”

Zhang Conglong did not speak, he still had doubts in his heart.

Ji Yan comprehended Ji Yan, and Xiao Yi also comprehended the sword intent.

So did this hateful guy in front of him also comprehend the sword intent?

Zhang Conglong, who did not speak, attacked Lu Shaoqing again.

This time, he no longer kept it.

Zhang Conglong’s aura soared wildly, exuding a terrifying aura, like a barbaric beast.

This imposing terror made the scalps of the cultivators below the Jiedan realm who were watching around tingle.

Many people have difficulty breathing and are extremely afraid in their hearts.

This aura alone was enough to kill many cultivators in seconds.

“I don’t believe I can’t force your strength out.”

Zhang Conglong’s tone was cold and awe-inspiring, “You still dare to retain your strength in front of me, I will kill you.” ”

Scare whom?”

Lu Shaoqing drank heavily, and a spirit talisman appeared in his hand.

Pointing at Zhang Conglong, “You drag it again?” ”

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