As if seeing a ghost, Aragami’s scarlet eyes stood out, and he screamed in disbelief, “Kill, kill, sword!”

“You, where did you get it?”

Lu Shaoqing drank, “Stinky and faceless, you parallel goods don’t put gold on your face.”

“This is called the pig-killing sword technique, specifically to kill stupid pigs like you.”

Aragami still wanted to ask something, but Lu Shaoqing’s words were too hateful.

Anger instantly devours reason.


Aragami shouted angrily, “I slaughtered you!” With

a loud shout, the sound wave vibrated and turned into an invisible storm that swept through the void.

A bright moon descended from the sky, exuding an aura of destruction, and smashed towards Aragami in the posture of Mount Tai.


The collision of the two strands erupted into an unparalleled explosion in the void, and the space here in the void could not withstand it, and a large area collapsed.

The first spirit who had killed back from a distance was also wide-eyed when he saw this scene.

The surface of his body squirmed in the distance, and it was unbelievable that Lu Shaoqing was actually able to burst out such a powerful force.

A powerful destructive force rushed down and annihilated the sonic attack that Aragami erupted.

Still shuttling through the void, towards Aragami.

Aragami’s eyes flickered, and it did not make any resistance, but allowed this terrifying force to devour it.


A violent explosion sounded, and Aragami disappeared into the explosion.

However, before Lu Shaoqing could be happy, Aragami slowly took a step in the explosion, as if with a special rhythm, layers of ripples rippled in the void.

The ripples spread around, and everywhere they passed, the destructive power of terror weakened and dissipated.

In the end, the entire void returned to calm again, and Aragami stood in the void, staring at Lu Shaoqing with dead eyes.

Lu Shaoqing also stared at Aragami calmly, and it was a pity in his heart that although the Moon Death was powerful, it was still a little worse for a Mahayana period.

“It’s really the Immortal Sword Technique!” Aragami stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly, “Ant, where did you get it?”

Lu Shaoqing blinked, “You guess? ”

The killing intent skyrocketed.

Aragami slowly raised his claws, “The Immortal Killing Sword Technique is very strong, but in the hands of an ant like you, you don’t even have the qualifications to tickle me.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Is it? You kind of spit out the blood, don’t swallow it. ”

In order to personally test whether it was a true Immortal Killing Sword Technique, Aragami did not hesitate to personally bear the frontal impact of the Moon Death.

The power of the Moon Death was not a joke, and Lu Shaoqing could be sure that Aragami was definitely injured.

Even if it doesn’t hurt much, it certainly will.

“Ants!” Aragami jumped like thunder, and grabbed it with his claws, “I’ll know when I devour you.” ”


Huge claws reappeared.

The power rushed in, and Lu Shaoqing didn’t have time to guard against it, and blood spewed from his mouth and flew thousands of miles.


Lu Shaoqing cursed, and then wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but this place had already been imprisoned by the Aragami God.

The huge claw grabbed it, thinking of grabbing Lu Shaoqing.

However, Ji Yan struck again, and the sword light lit up again, cutting off Aragami’s claws.

“Damn ants!”

Ji Yan’s lethality made Aragami furious, attracting its hatred, and simply shifted its target to attack Ji Yan.

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“Aragami!” Shi Ling shouted loudly and killed from a distance again.

Another battle with Aragami, Ji Yan was waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Shi Ling knew that he had almost reached his limit, and at this point, it could not retreat, so it could only continue to fight Aragami.

Only one of the two can live.

Therefore, Shi Ling fought very fiercely, and he was a little unaccustomed to beating Aragami.


The first spirit was once again sent flying, and this time, its light was dim, and its breath was already extremely weak, almost unconscious.

Aragami’s body was also trembling slightly, and it was faintly as if he could hear its gasping sound.

Aragami stared at Ji Yan, if it had teeth, it would have already crunched.

The battle between Aragami and Shi Ling, Ji Yan gave it a look from time to time next to him, making it annoyed to death.

It tried to kill Ji Yanxian several times, but with the first spirit present, Ji Yan was also very cunning and did not give it any chance.

Now that the first spirit had almost lost his combat effectiveness with one blow, Aragami’s target naturally fell on Ji Yan.

He should have taken the opportunity to kill Shi Ling, but Ji Yan’s performance made Aragami hate it to the bone.

Therefore, it has to kill Ji Yan first.

“Ants, die!”

Aragami drank angrily, and his claws fell on Ji Yan.


With a wave of his sword, he easily broke through Aragami’s attack, and once again inflicted a little damage on Aragami.

Ji Yan and Aragami were both stunned.

Then both sides reacted.

Aragami’s strength has declined, and after fighting with the First Spirit for so long, although the First Spirit has been recreated, the Aragami is no better.

Ji Yan’s gaze skyrocketed, and the killing intent in his heart emerged along with the sword intent.

Ji Yan took the lead in striking at Aragami, and the Wuqiu sword slashed out.

As if sweeping the world, he slashed at Aragami with an invincible momentum.

The roaring sword intent once again enveloped Aragami.

“Damn it!”

Aragami was furious, and it actually felt a pressure.

It roared angrily, roaring like a wild beast, and the sound wave carried unparalleled power to annihilate the sword light.

Ji Yan’s blood spurted out, but Ji Yan’s eyes were brighter.

Aragami’s strength really declined.

If it was a normal Aragami, this move could not seriously injure him without killing him.


Ji Yan shouted violently, the human sword was united, and the sword light was wrapped in the sword intent of the sky.

“Get out of here!”

Aragami shouted again, its claws swinging out, and the surrounding space seemed to be fluctuated by it.

Powerful resistance was intercepted layer by layer in front of Ji Yan.

But even so, Ji Yan still broke through the layers of obstacles, and the sword light fell on Aragami again with his killing intent.


Aragami was completely furious, and its ferocity skyrocketed, and it simply ignored this sword and directly pounced on Ji Yan.

Like a beast, he fought hard at the end.

“Poof!” The claw was firmly inserted into Ji Yan’s body. Blood splattered….

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