With the appearance of the golden ball of light, Aragami knew that he could not beat Lu Shaoqing.

It rushed in was a mistake.

also knew that he was deceived, and Lu Shaoqing was deliberately injured to lead it into the urn.

After knowing that he was invincible, Aragami responded immediately.

He did not hesitate to spend most of his Origin Power to deal with Lu Shaoqing.


The near-self-detonating Aragami erupted with terrifying power.

The terrifying energy raged in the sea of knowledge, and in an instant, Lu Shaoqing’s sea of knowledge was like a collapse of the sky.

The earth shook, the heavens and the earth collapsed, and the waves were terrifying.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t expect Aragami to be so decisive.

This is equivalent to a Mahayana period of self-detonation in one’s own body.

Even if it is a weak Mahayana period, it is also a Mahayana period.

It’s like a nuclear bomb, no matter how small the yield, is also a nuclear bomb.

Boom, exploded in his sea of knowledge, who can stand it?

At least, Lu Shaoqing smelled the breath of death at this moment, as if he saw the ancestors of the previous generations of the Lingxiao Sect.

The severe pain and the breath of death made Lu Shaoqing scream in the void holding his head.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to urge the golden ball of light, but at this time, he was already in pain and almost dying, and he couldn’t urge the golden ball of light at all.


Lu Shaoqing panicked in his heart.

Drop the chain at the critical moment, it’s really finished!

However, under the shadow of death, Lu Shaoqing still hurriedly made various remedial measures.

Sword intent?

As soon as it came out, it was defeated.


It hurts too much to use.


Just swallowed two bites and almost exploded.


A black lightning bolt fell from the sea of knowledge.

Countless black mist dissipated in the lightning, the power was reduced, and Lu Shaoqing felt much better.


Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, and he urged immediately.

Compared to the golden bastard, black lightning is what belongs to him.

Black lightning filled the sky over the sea of knowledge, falling continuously, crushing the black mist.

But Aragami’s power was too strong, and the black lightning quickly weakened.

The intense pain struck again, and the breath of death intensified again.


Lu Shaoqing scolded her mother in her heart.

The mind moved again, and in an instant, the sound of thunder sounded in the sky again.

Gold, yellow, and red lightning hovered in the air, like three roaring thunder dragons.

Black lightning and three lightning bolts hovered, forming a circle in the air.

At the same time, lightning bolts continued to fall, and the black mist dissipated under four lightning bolts of different colors.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was relieved, but it was also a breath, and Lu Shaoqing found that the golden, yellow, and red lightning was rapidly weakened, and it could not be supported for long.

Your sister!

Lu Shaoqing scolded her mother in her heart.

At the end of the day, he is still weak.

Lu Shaoqing had no choice, so he could only continue to think of other ways.

His eyes flickered, and Lu Shaoqing’s eyes appeared Yin and Yang Taijitu.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Lu Shaoqing was almost blind.

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A dazzling light dominates the world.

Looking and finding, Lu Shaoqing finally found a gray light at the last moment, and regardless of whether he could understand it, Lu Shaoqing grabbed it without saying a word.

After exiting that state, a ray of green lightning appeared on Lu Shaoqing’s palm, the same size as gold, yellow, and red lightning.

Green lightning soared into the sky and merged into the sky.

The gold, yellow, and red lightning flashed brightly, and the falling lightning became more powerful.

The rumbling lightning fell like a thunder pool, and countless black mist dissipated.

However, Aragami’s power was too strong, and after a few breaths, the lightning completely disappeared, and Lu Shaoqing almost fainted.

At this time, the golden ball of light that could not be urged moved.

Golden light descended from the sky, and countless black mist dissipated under the golden light.

Lu Shaoqing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Watching the black mist continue to dissipate, countless pure energies were swallowed by golden balls of light.

Lu Shaoqing cursed in his heart, “Lean, give me some!” ”

Also the first time to rob the golden ball of light of these energies.

This is the origin power of the Aragami God, and eating a bite can save a lot of cultivation time.

Saving cultivation time is saving spirit stones.

Other Lu Shaoqing can let it, but Lingshi must not let this aspect.

However, Lu Shaoqing only absorbed a little, and a gloomy and cold aura struck.

A wisp of black mist was like a black worm, shuttling through the lightning and heading straight for Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing is not shocked and rejoiced, just waiting for you.

“Parallel goods, I specially thought you escaped!”

A gloomy divine thought came, “Ant, die!” With

a deep urgency in his thoughts, he couldn’t wait to swallow Lu Shaoqing in one bite.

Whether it was black lightning, or four other lightning bolts, or a golden ball of light, it made Aragami salivate.

Others may not know how powerful these are, it knows.

It can be said that once Lu Shaoqing is devoured, these are all it.

In front of these, the emperor sword had to lean back.


The black mist was fiercely intertwined with Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense.

Aragami was overjoyed that he had completed a big step from its purpose, and he was close to the last step.


The next moment, Aragami was shocked.

A more powerful devouring ability came, and its devouring ability was like a small vortex and black hole compared to Lu Shaoqing.

Aragami couldn’t believe it.

Why did Lu Shaoqing have such a terrifying devouring ability.


Aragami was terrified, thinking of escaping.

In order to deal with Lu Shaoqing, it detonated almost all the origins, which was its last point.

Once devoured, it is also like that.

However, the huge suction force made it unavoidable, and it could only watch itself being devoured by Lu Shaoqing.

“Damn it!”

Aragami roared, still thinking of doing something.

But like the sharp power of a sword, it was like being struck by lightning, and it wailed.


In the end, powerless to resist, it was completely devoured, and its consciousness fell into darkness and disappeared completely.

Zhihai gradually calmed down, and Lu Shaoqing’s pain subsided a lot, but it was still painful.

His sea of knowledge has been hit hard, and it won’t be better in a few years.

“Bastard Aragami!”

Lu Shaoqing cursed, but being able to kill Aragami was still worth the price.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing is not without gains…….

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