Didn’t you find him extraordinary?

This sentence fell in Zhuge Xun’s ears, although it made Zhuge Xun feel harsh.

However, she had to fall silent.

She couldn’t argue with that.

Lu Shaoqing was indeed the most outstanding and special genius she had ever seen.

Inside out, everything you do can make your worldview shattered.

It was so special that she vomited blood from time to time.

Seeing Zhuge Xun’s silence, Wutong Shu said again, “Putting aside what he hates, you say, in this world, besides his senior brother, who else can compare to him?”

Zhuge Xun continued to be silent.

But I already have the answer in my heart.


All the geniuses she had met were eclipsed in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Claiming to be a genius in front of Lu Shaoqing is simply insulting the words of genius.

Sycamore smiled slightly, although that bastard boy was very angry, but in terms of talent strength, it was impeccable.

It can be said that he is shameless and indecent, a big bastard,

but only he can’t say that he is a dish.

As a passer-by, he reminded, “Follow him, calm down, you can learn a lot of things, it is not harmful to you.”

“Learn what?” Zhuge Xun finally found an opportunity to refute.

“Learn from him as a vile and shameless bastard?”

“Learn from his inferiority, learn from his disrespect for people?”

If I become him, my father won’t break my legs and break off relations with me?

The plane tree couldn’t help but smile, he couldn’t refute this.

“Leaving that aside, you can learn something else.”

“Using dim sum is very beneficial for you.”

Zhuge Xun fell silent, and the plane tree said this well.

However, she was upset, why should she learn something from that bastard?

She snorted coldly, “Hmph, wait until he can come back alive.”

The plane tree looked at the sky again and shook his head, he didn’t dare to guarantee this.

Finally, his gaze fell on the formation not far away, and Xiao Yi was still meditating.

He sighed, “What kind of day are these!” ”

If you already know it, you won’t mix it with it.

“Let’s hope there are no surprises.”

When Zhuge Xun heard this, he said, “Don’t worry, the most dangerous thing here is Aragami. ”

Aragami leaves, we are safe for now.”

Zhuge Xun looked around, feeling depressed.

Now it seems safe, without destroying Aragami, they are still dangerous in the end.


Zhuge Xun felt the breath in her body, and she felt the spiritual power.

That familiar feeling is back.

Her eyes widened and she looked at the plane tree.

The plane trees also sensed that the suppression here had disappeared, and they had regained their strength.

“What happened?”

The plane tree was experienced and quickly guessed the reason, “The First Spirit suppressed here, but now we have replied, indicating that the First Spirit’s suppression has failed.”

Zhuge Xun’s heart trembled.

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What does it mean that the suppression of the first spirit fails?

It means that Aragami has the upper hand.

“This, Aragami, won?”

Sycamore’s heart was also trembling, Aragami had already regarded him as a delicious snack.

“No, it can’t be.”

Thinking of the possibility of facing the Aragami of the Mahayana period, Zhuge Xun was even more panicked in his heart, “How, what to do?” ”

Zhuge Xun can’t think of any way to escape the Aragami that existed during the Mahayana period.

At this time, Zhuge Xun suddenly found that a faint black mist appeared in the crack.

“This, what is it?”

Zhuge Xun felt a chill in his heart.

The plane tree also raised its head in amazement.

Black mist continued to emerge from the surrounding cracks, very small, very light, very light.

But it doesn’t hold much.

Black mist continued to emerge from the countless cracks, soaring into the sky, which was spectacular.

If you are high above the sky, you will find black mist rising from the entire continent.

One by one, wisps of wisps, cracks emerged from the ground, constantly gathering in the sky.

Soon, the sky was shrouded in countless black mist.

The black pressed piece is like a dark cloud pressing down, like an apocalyptic scene.

A strange and cold aura pervaded the entire continent, and panic enveloped the continent.

Zhuge Xun and Sycamore Tree were scared and their scalps were numb.

“Aragami, Aragami!”

Zhuge Xun felt that his teeth were a little itchy and needed to knock each other.

Sycamore Tree was also a little panicked in his heart, “How can there still be?” ”

There is no doubt that the Aragami body ran to the void to fight with the First Spirit.

An avatar left behind by Aragami waited for an opportunity to seize the Imperial Sword, but was killed.

Now, Aragami actually continues to have a backhand?

Not to mention a Aragami in the Mahayana period and a Arakami in the realm of refining void period, they can be swept up.

“What to do?” Zhuge Xun’s heart continued to chill.

She said to the plane tree, “You still don’t make a move?” ”

Zhuge Xun is seriously injured, even if she can return to normal now, she is also a wounded soldier, and her blood volume is extremely low, and she can’t make a move.

Sycamore wanted to spit out her blood, and he pointed out seriously, “Have you noticed that you and the bastard boy are already a little similar?”

“I’m a divine tree, I’m not good at fighting.” The plane tree pointed out his identity heavily.

Just kidding, I am a divine tree, not a divine weapon, and fighting is not my talent.

Zhuge Xun’s eyes lit up, and his gaze staring at the plane tree was a little hot.

A fetish, everyone loves it.

Sycamore pointed out again, “Look, your expression is exactly the same as that bastard boy.

Zhuge Xun turned his gaze away and said, “I can’t make a move, do I have to sit and wait for death?” The

plane tree looked around, and finally glanced at Xiao Hei in his arms.

“Little black bird, get up, wake up…” Seeing

that the plane tree wanted to shout the little bird that had been sleeping in his arms, Zhuge Xun disdained, “Is it useful?”

“A little bird, woke up, afraid that he was frightened to death?”

Sycamore Tree smiled hehe, as if laughing at Zhuge Xun’s lack of knowledge, “What do you understand?” This little bird has a lot of origins, and her cheap father does not know her origins.

“You know?” Zhuge Xun was a little curious, “What’s the source?”

“I don’t know!” Sycamore was serious, “But I know she’s not simple.

Zhuge Xun rolled his eyes, and at this time, above the sky, countless black mist converged, and a black figure slowly appeared…

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