Here, the starlight is dim and the white fog is almost stagnant.

A lifeless look.

No way?

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, and the battle with Aragami affected the little brother of the dead ghost?

Something is wrong.

The dead ghost brother didn’t seem to help.

He also checked the storage ring for the first time after the battle, and it was not affected.

Lu Shaoqing approached the coffin carefully and asked softly, “Dead ghost, are you all right?” ”

The light on the surface of the coffin is also dim, giving people a feeling of dullness.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart jumped, and said gently, “I have a bad heart, don’t scare me.” ”

If something went wrong with the storage ring, he would have to cry to death.

“Where are you uncomfortable? Squeak it.

“Otherwise, it’s okay to cry, female ghost, it’s not a big deal to cry.”

There was no reaction, as if he was really dead.

Lu Shaoqing was even more worried.

It’s already a dead ghost, and if it’s dead again, it can’t be resurrected, right?

Dead and dead, Dragon Ball can’t do anything.

“It’s not really going to be dead, is it?” Lu Shaoqing stared at the coffin, his eyes flickering.

“Would you like to open the coffin and take a look?”

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin and was thinking.

Thinking about it like this, I felt that my head had an even more headache.

Lu Shaoqing finally decided to open the coffin and take a look, and it was difficult to determine if he died.

As soon as Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, a voice sounded, like thunder.

“Get out of here!”

Lu Shaoqing felt as if someone was shouting in his ear.

Lu Shaoqing screamed, angry, “What for?” ”

Fake corpse!”

“Don’t say a word about fraud, sincerely, right?”

“I care about you, do you understand?”

“Get out!” The dead ghost little brother was obviously in a bad mood, and his voice seemed to come from inside the coffin, “One more word, one million spirit stones a month.” ”


Lu Shaoqing gasped, just about to open his mouth, and then covered his mouth with his hands for the first time.

Grandma Li!

What happened to the dead ghost little brother?

Each word revealed a thick fire, as if there was a bomb hidden in the coffin.

With such a big temper, who provoked her?

Is there still an aunt period when you die?

Or late menopause?

Can’t mess with it, can’t afford to mess with it!

Lu Shaoqing was provoked.

A million spirit stones a month, selling him is not enough.

Lu Shaoqing secretly took two steps back, away from the coffin, and protected himself.

The living do not remember the dead.

Living people are generous, not like dead ghosts.

Forget it, forget it!

If I stay in peacetime and don’t share with the dead ghosts, I won’t be surnamed Lu.

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Not seeing her in general, it is not that I provoked, but that I am generous and too lazy to calculate.

Lu Aqing muttered in his heart while taking out the spirit stone and throwing it into the incense burner.

Instead of speaking, he wrote a piece of paper and threw it into the incense burner together.

It means that he will take ten years.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, burning paper money, the dead ghost little brother should be able to see it.

Cover your heart casually and find a place to sit.

800,000 spirit stones a month, 96 million spirit stones in ten years.

Almost 100 million, Lu Shaoqing not only had a headache, but also a heartache.

The surrounding aura rolled, the thick white mist filled the air, and at the same time, the stars in the sky also shone brightly.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it and relaxed in his heart.

This is a normal time house.

Just now, the place was lifeless, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Lu Shaoqing was shrouded in a thick white mist.

After a long time, the silhouette in the coffin, with her appearance, the unconcealed beautiful face had a faint sadness.

The Time House is once again enveloped in sadness.

It seemed that even the starlight that shone through became sad.

She kept staring at Lu Shaoqing, and her sad gaze seemed to affect Lu Shaoqing as well.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression couldn’t help but change a little, as if he was about to be sad too.

She hurriedly collected her sadness and turned into that cold, high-ranking look again.

She raised her head and stared at the starry sky.

“The Supreme Saint Emperor Sword…” the

sad voice echoed through the Time House again.

It took a long time before she seemed to really return to normal.

Her gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing, her tone was faint, with determination, “I don’t have to retreat…”

She stretched out her hand and waved, and a force of time disappeared into the incense burner.

The paper burned by Lu Shaoqing fell into her hands.

“Little brother, hello, I don’t know if you are menopausal or aunt, I declare first, it has nothing to do with me. I don’t talk either, don’t think about taking advantage of me.

“Here comes that, bad temper, I can understand. Don’t see it with you, remember, drink more hot water…


flame appeared out of thin air and completely burned the paper in his hand, and there was no ash left.

Her body trembled slightly, gritting her teeth, “Damn bastard boy, wait…” Ten

years passed, and Lu Shaoqing also woke up from the retreat.

Stand up, shake your head, stretch, and the feeling of recovery is good.

Lu Shaoqing came to the coffin, and just wanted to speak, but he suddenly reacted.

One more word, one million spirit stones a month.

The phrase tumbled in his head.

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing covered his mouth again, thought about it, and burned a piece of paper into the incense burner again.

After Lu Shaoqing left, she appeared in the coffin again, stretched out her hand, and the burned paper reappeared.

“Little brother, is it better? Drink more hot water…,”

the voice of gritting teeth sounded again, “Bastard…”

After Lu Shaoqing came out, he did not go out immediately, but lay in the cabin and slept.

The flying boat shuttled through the void, and it took several years for a while.

Suddenly, the flying boat shook suddenly, slowing down.

The people in meditation woke up.

Lu Shaoqing stood up from the deck and felt that he was almost at the coordinate point given by Shi Ling.

However, looking at a huge storm group in the distance, Lu Shaoqing scratched his head and muttered, “There should be no problem, after all, I am also their brother…”

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