
The crowd was puzzled.

But soon, in less than half an hour, Zhuge Xun’s face changed.

Two people appeared in her perception.

They came from below and soon appeared in front of everyone.


“Miss Zhuge ?”

Two young men, one tall and one thin, came here, and they were surprised and delighted to see Zhuge Xun.

“Great, I didn’t expect to run into you here!”

The two are people from the hidden family, and when they came here, they heard that someone from the hidden family appeared.

The two came here to find out, but they didn’t expect to meet Zhuge Xun here.

After Zhuge Xun saw the two, his face became even more ugly.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Acquaintance, oh, great.”

“Who are you?” One of the thin young men frowned and stared at Lu Shaoqing with displeasure.

The positions of Lu Shaoqing and Zhuge Xun can be clearly seen, and everyone is dominated by Lu Shaoqing.

Zhuge Xun could only stand by the side.

Let the young man feel that Lu Shaoqing is stealing the limelight from Zhuge Xun.

“Who are you?” Lu Shaoqing asked with a smile.

“Zhuge Lu!” The thin young man proudly said his identity.

Another tall young man had already reported his identity, “Zichechuan! ”

The four hidden families of the Zhuge family, the Sima family, the Gongzhong family, and the Ziche family are famous.

As long as Cold Star Hughes heard it, they all exuded awe.

However, after Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan reported their names, they could not see any awe on the faces of Lu Shaoqing and his group.

Lu Shaoqing just nodded and snorted.


Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan were furious.

Look down on their hidden family?

“How daring, who the hell are you?” Zhuge Lu glared angrily.

Zichechuan was a little smarter and asked Zhuge Xun, “Miss Zhuge , are they your friends?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, smiled happily, and his white teeth shone brightly, “Yes, friend.”

“Look, the Ziche family is more polite and cultured than the Zhuge family.”

The implication is that the Zhuge family is rude and uncultured.

Zhuge Lu was furious, “Daring, dare to humiliate my Zhuge family?

Zhuge Xun had to open his mouth and stop Zhuge Lu, “Shut up, you guys leave, there is no business for you here.”

Zhuge Xun knew Lu Shaoqing’s horror.

Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan are just ordinary family children, their strength is average, and they are as fragile as chicken cubs in front of Lu Shaoqing.

“Miss, who are they?” Zhuge Lu did not comprehend Zhuge Xun’s kindness, but stared at Lu Shaoqing and his group with skeptical eyes.

What happened on the progenitor star has been passed back.

Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian were killed, thanks to the presence of a doppelganger, they would not completely fall.

Zhuge Xun was captured and disappeared into the void.

The Zhuge family’s side is worried to death.

Now I meet Zhuge Xun here, and I am surrounded by people of unknown origin.

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Zhuge Xun thought with his butt and could probably guess the identity of Lu Shaoqing and his group.

Zhuge Lu pointed at Lu Shaoqing and drank angrily, “Release my eldest lady, otherwise you will not be polite.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Your Zhuge family is not polite at all.

Then he didn’t talk nonsense, and said to Xiao Yi, “Beat him!”


Xiao Yi didn’t say a word, and rushed out with a wave of his fist.

“Arrogant!” Zhuge Lu was even more angry, “I see you don’t know how powerful my Zhuge family is!”


Before he finished speaking, he was flipped by Xiao Yi’s punch.

As soon as the breath in Zhuge Lu’s body was about to erupt, he encountered a plate of cold water that was doused on his head.

Zhuge Lu was shocked, “Refinement, refining period? ”

He is just an opponent in the Refining Void Period, and he was crushed to death by Xiao Yi.

Seeing Zhuge Lu being beaten, Zichechuan couldn’t sit idly by, he stepped forward, “Stop!” Seeing

this, Xiao Yi also shrouded him together.

All the preparations of Zichechuan could not play the slightest role in the face of Xiao Yi’s absolute strength.

Soon, Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan were beaten all over their faces and were in pain.

“Okay!” Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing stopped Xiao Yi and said to Zhuge Lu, “The rude guy go back, tell your family adult, want to redeem the chick back, prepare ten billion spirit stones, less than half will not work.”

Zhuge Lu was beaten, and his heart was full of hatred, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “You, damn it!”

Lu Shaoqing glared at him.

An invisible force impacted, and Zhuge Lukou sprayed blood and flew out.

Zhuge Lu was horrified.

He and Zichechuan no longer dared to fart more, and the two hurriedly left here.

Soon, Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan left the city and went straight to the east.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly and said to everyone, “Let’s go, follow them.” At

this moment, everyone understood.

Make a fuss here in the Far East City and attract people from the hidden family to come.

Beat up the people of the hidden family and let them go back to move the rescuers.

Then quietly follow behind them, and you can easily find the location of the hidden family.

Zhuge Xun almost fainted, she only hated that she couldn’t transmit a thousand miles to inform Zhuge Lu.

“Despicable, despicable!”

Zhuge Xun trembled, both angry and terrified.

She never expected that Lu Shaoqing could easily let people lead the way for free.

People who can see the existence of hidden families here in Extreme East City.

The depth of the city and the meticulousness of his mind made Zhuge Xun’s heart chill again.

Such a guy, it’s terrible.

Lu Shaoqing despised, “Will it praise people?” This is called cleverness, do you understand? Zhuge

Lu and Zichechuan were also very cautious along the way.

Shuttling through the mountains and jungles, while using means to cover their figures, it is difficult to find them.

Even if there is a follower behind you, it will be quickly removed.

However, the realm of the two is the Transformation God Period, and in the face of the tracking of the Convergence Period, everything they do is useless.

No matter what they did, they couldn’t get rid of the tracking of Lu Shaoqing and his party.

Lu Shaoqing wandered behind him, easily following behind the two, like a leisurely stroll.

With the passage of time, the figures of Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan suddenly disappeared, completely disappearing into Lu Shaoqing’s perception…

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