Countless thunders descended, and in an instant, heaven and earth became thunder pools.

The terrifying thunder exuded terrifying pressure like a heavenly calamity.

Zhuge Yutang looked at it and was extremely excited in his heart.

“Good, good, this is my Zhuge family’s thunder purgatory, he is dead.”

Every word seemed to be said through gritted teeth, which showed the hatred in Zhuge Yutang’s heart.

Soak his daughter, and ask his daughter to turn her head to the Ge family.

This crime is not resentful of a thousand cuts.

He turned his head to look at his daughter, and although her daughter would be sad, it didn’t matter.

Time dilutes everything.

However, seeing the nervous look on his daughter’s face, he inexplicably felt a wave of anger in his heart.

Raise such a hard-working flower yourself, the bastard humans want to take away?


He snorted unpleasantly, “Don’t worry, it’s useless to worry anymore, he’s dead.” ”

This is our Zhuge family’s heaven-level spell!”

“None of you can escape!”

He even turned around and stared viciously at Ji Yan, Xiao Yi and the others.

None of these accomplices can run away.

However, what he saw was an indifferent, even pitiful gaze.

Heck, you don’t know repentance until you die?

Just as he was about to speak, Zhuge Xun spoke, “Father, the second elder is not an opponent. ”


Was it cheated?

Zhuge Yutang was worried.

Can’t you still see the identity of the scammer?

He looked at his daughter, pointed to the overwhelming thunder in the sky, and said in a deep voice, “See clearly!” ”

The thunder in the sky gradually dissipated, and the terrifying coercion dissipated.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s figure appeared with him.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, Zhuge Yutang lost his voice, “Impossible!” ”

Lu Shaoqing is intact, not to mention injured, even the bent hair of electricity has recovered.

The clothes were brand new, as if they had changed their clothes, and the scorched traces just now disappeared.

Zhuge Fu also lost his voice, “Impossible! The

other Zhuge people were dumbfounded, their minds blank, and they couldn’t react.

Shouldn’t it be that there is nothing left of the slag?

Why is it still good?

At this time, Zhuge Xun’s words sounded faintly and spread in everyone’s ears.

“The Heavenly Tribulation can’t help him, but what can the Thunder do?”

“Father, there is still the Mahayana period behind him.”

Until now, Zhuge Xun can only continue to break the news.

These words frightened Zhuge Fu’s hand trembling, and he almost couldn’t hold the magic weapon in his hand.

And the Mahayana period?

How horrible is this?

Who are they?

Lu Shaoqing was furious when he heard this, “Lean!” With

a flip of his wrist, the Mo Jun sword appeared in his hand and stabbed at Zhuge Fu.

Zhuge Fu’s side was startled, and his reaction was half a beat slower.

By the time he reacted, the sword light was already dazzling in front of him, and the sword intent was surging.

The bursting sword intent, the terrifying sword intent, made Zhuge Fu smell the breath of death.

Facing Lu Shaoqing’s sword, he could only hurriedly resist.

The magic weapon in his hand lit up, and a barrier appeared.


The barrier shattered, and the sword light devoured Zhuge Fu.


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A scream.

Under the terrified gazes of many Zhuge people, the blood of their second elder fell down violently.

“Second Elder!”

Zhuge Yutang ran over as soon as possible.

He was terrified.

There was something wrong with Zhuge Fu, he was the head of the family, who let his daughter bring someone back.

Zhuge Fu slowly stood up, and he pushed away the Zhuge Yutang that he wanted to support.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing in shock, his eyes flashing with fear.

Just a sword, Zhuge Fu understood how terrifying Lu Shaoqing was.

“You, why?”

Zhuge Fu didn’t understand, so strong, why did he pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger just now?

It was clear that he could defeat him in the first round, but he had to bite him hard.

Lu Shaoqing stood with his sword in his hand and said with a smile, “Otherwise, my conscience is uneasy.” ”

A bad conscience?

When everyone still didn’t understand, Lu Shaoqing pointed at Zhuge Fu and Zhuge Yutang and hated, “Compensation!”

“Hurt me, pay me medical expenses, ten billion spirit stones!”

Everyone now understood what Lu Shaoqing meant by uneasy conscience.

Deliberately ate Zhuge Fu’s blow, pretending to be injured, not only has an excuse, but also can be at ease with the lion open his mouth.

“You…” Zhuge

Fu wanted to vomit blood, but the other party was obviously playing with him, and he had not put him in his eyes.

Lu Shaoqing wrenched his fingers, “I calculate, 10 billion in rewards, 10 billion in consultation, 100 million in travel expenses, and 10 billion in medical expenses for my injuries.” ”

Three hundred and one billion spirit stones!”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes narrowed with a smile, as if he had seen the white-flowered spirit stone waving to him.

Lu Shaoqing’s tone became much softer, “Are you going to give it today, or do you want to raise spirit stones in a few days?” ”

Make, dream!”

Zhuge Fu trembled, humiliated, naked humiliation.

The other party actually blocked the door of Zhuge family to blackmail.

Zhuge Yutang and many Zhuge family members were also extremely resentful.

Some people’s eyes even fell on Zhuge Xun, resenting Zhuge Xun for bringing people to humiliate the Zhuge family.

Zhuge Xun felt the sight of the clansmen, and she wanted to cry a little.

It’s so bullying.

The painstaking effort she just stood up for was in vain.

She said to Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t deceive people too much!”

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “Who is deceiving people too much, you have to find out, it was your second elder who made a move on me first.” ”

Don’t you have to pay compensation for hurting someone?”

“You Zhuge family, don’t deceive people too much.”

Too much deception?

Some of the Zhuge family’s clansmen felt a sweetness in their throats.

Who is deceiving people too much, don’t you have a point in your heart?

“Damn it!”

“I can’t stand it!”

Ahhhhhh When did the Zhuge family suffer such humiliation? ”

Second Elder, Patriarch, fought with them…”

the clansmen of the Zhuge family roared one after another.

Zhuge Yutang gritted his teeth and seemed to have made up his mind, “Boy, don’t go too far. ”

Don’t force our Great Elder to make a move!”

“Yes, we still have the Great Elder!”

“Patriarch, let the Great Elder make a move, kill him!”

“Kill him!”

“Oh!” With a sword sound, the Wuqiu sword volleyed out of its sheath, and the cold light shocked all directions, and a ray of light

pierced the depths of the Zhuge family in the shocked gaze of the Zhuge people…

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