Zhuge Xun didn’t know why a sudden wave of sadness surged up.

Eyes reddened and tears flooded.

“I’ll go!” Lu Shaoqing was shocked, he was most afraid of this.

Lu Shaoqing immediately threw the pot and looked at Yu Ling, “Ling Xiaoniu, you scared people to cry.” ”

Yu Lingqi, shut her up.

“It’s you, only you bastard will cry popularity.”

Lu Shaoqing called Qu, “It’s obviously you, your eyes at that time seemed to swallow her alive, and scared people to cry.”

“Little girl, I have never seen the world, where have I seen you like this cannibalistic eyes.”

Zhuge Xun next to him was even more aggrieved, and tears were about to flow out.

Xiao Yi hurriedly persuaded, “Sister Zhuge don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, when the time comes, I will ask Master to help you clean up the second senior brother.” ”

Idiot!” Lu Shaoqing hammered over, “It’s about my.”

“It was Ling Xiaochi who scared her, and she cried herself.”

The plane tree next to him said faintly, “Actually, she thinks that you and the spirit girl bully her together, so she will feel wronged.” ”

Others can’t see clearly, but after living for so long, the plane tree, which has become fine, can see clearly.

Zhuge Xun is not bullied and crying, but a sense of xenophobia grievance.

Lu Shaoqing and Yu Ling made Zhuge Xun feel like an outsider, making her feel like an outsider who would cry.

This guy!

The plane tree looked at Lu Shaoqing and sighed in his heart.

Unconsciously, he subtly gathered everyone around him.

Even if he was a prisoner, he subconsciously regarded him as his own.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Old Tree, don’t talk nonsense.

“I never bully people.”

Everyone looked sideways.

Even Zhuge Xun didn’t want to cry anymore.

Open your eyes and tell nonsense.

Here is a random person to pick out, which one has not been bullied by you?

Xiao Yi also learned from Lu Shaoqing to pout, “Senior brother, you are all bullied.” ”


Lu Shaoqing cursed and pointed at Ji Yan, “Do I call it bullying him?”

“He is not serious as a master brother, what if I don’t look closely at him and ruin the reputation of the master?”

Do you dare to say this?

Everyone looked sideways again.

Ji Yan squinted, “Want to fight here?” ”

Good, good,” Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed, “It’s best to fight here and destroy the Zhuge family.” ”

Naked threats.

But Zhuge Xun didn’t dare to gamble, in case the two really fought here.

Any move can bring down the Zhuge family.

Zhuge Xun looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily again, “You, what do you want?” ”

Spirit stones!”

“Damn it!” Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth, “You know it’s unrealistic.

“What’s unrealistic, you just promise.”

I promise?

I promised that the Zhuge family would have to starve to death, what is the difference between being killed by you?

Abominable bastard, only bullying me.

The more Zhuge Xun thought about it, the more angry he became, the more aggrieved he thought, and the tears that had just dispersed began to flood again, and his eyes turned red.

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“I’ll go, you’re crying again?”

Yu Ling was the first to speak, “You bullied her.” Lu

Shaoqing’s head was big, and he cried at every turn.

“Even if you cry, I won’t ask for one less spirit stone.”

Zhuge Xun’s tears were even more and about to fall.

“Alas,” Lu Shaoqing’s head grew bigger, and finally, he sighed helplessly, “Well, there is another way.”

“What way?” Zhuge Xun was overjoyed in his heart, there is a play?

“Issue a statement that it will no longer unite with the Holy Land to attack the Ancestral Star.”

“That’s it?” Zhuge Xun was stunned.

Everyone was stunned.

Xiao Yi was curious, “Second Senior Brother, why?”

“Didn’t you say not to get involved in these things?”

Ji Yan knew Lu Shaoqing the most, and he opened his mouth lightly, breaking Lu Shaoqing’s thoughts.

“The demon clan got Yanzhou, bordered Qi Prefecture, and the sect bore the brunt in the future.”

“Weakening the strength of the demon race is helping the sect reduce the pressure.”

Ji Yan’s eyes showed satisfaction, “You really fit the right master.” ”

Although I am not in charge, I also run for the sect and work hard.

Lu Shaoqing pointed to Ji Yan, “If you don’t speak, no one will treat you as a dumb.” After

listening to Ji Yan’s words, everyone suddenly realized that it was for the sect.

Zhuge Xun understood, and at the same time she felt a pang of horror in her heart.

“You already had such a plan when you were in Rucheng?”

The more Zhuge Xun thought about it, the more terrifying he felt.

At that time, the capture of her, Gong Zhong Pengtian, and Sima Huai was planned for today?

If so, then the depth of Lu Shaoqing’s city mansion is terrifying.

“Whatever!” Lu Shaoqing denied, “I don’t even plan to come here.” If it weren’t for Mu Yong on Dog Day, what would I be doing here? ”

Have you eaten enough?”

Hearing Mu Yong’s name, Xiao Yi immediately asked, “Second Senior Brother, are you targeting Mu Yong?”

“I’m never interested in Dog Day Mu.” Lu Shaoqing scolded, “I don’t know the villain.

“I’m a big man, and I’m going to save the world.”

Zhuge Xun hesitated, she did not dare to agree to this condition easily.

“Wouldn’t you?” Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Little chick, are you not willing to agree to this?”

Zhuge Xun shook his head, “Just quit casually, I’m afraid the Holy Land won’t agree.” ”

The Holy Land is also powerful, and when the time comes, the hidden family will not be able to please.

“It’s simple,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Zhuge Xun, “You almost died at the hands of Mu Yong, is that enough?”

Zhuge Xun took a look and was speechless.

Xiao Yi took it and subconsciously read it out, “Mu Yong on the dog day, selfish, stingy, in order to save a few spirit stones, disregarding human

life, regardless of the life and death of others of the same race…” “Brutal and unkind, sinister and cunning, mutilating the same race

…” “Kicking the widow’s door at night, grabbing the lollipop on the road, specifically attacking the old sow…”

An article came down, saying that Mu Yong was the biggest evil person in the world.

The crowd was speechless.

Also said that he was not interested in Mu Yong?

Who wrote these words? And it seems that it will definitely not be written in a moment.

It’s been ready for a long time.

After Xiao Yi finished reading, he felt that Lu Shaoqing was too exaggerated, “Second Senior Brother, didn’t you say that you don’t know Mu Yong in general?”

“Yes, it’s not general knowledge, I’m too lazy to pay attention to him, I’m looking for a reason for the chick’s family…”

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