The two streamers were very fast, and in a blink of an eye, they appeared in front of Zhuge Qu and several people.

When the two young men, Zhuge Qu and Zhuge Fu, were wondering about the identity of the comer.

Zhuge Xun revealed the identities of the two of them.

“Sima Huai, Gong Zhong Pengtian!”

“What are you doing here?”

Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian looked at the mess around them, and they were secretly surprised in their hearts.

What happened?

After Sima Huai looked around, he looked at Zhuge Qu and Zhuge Fu.

The two elders rarely showed up, and even their own clansmen had many people who had never seen them.

When they knew the identities of the two elders, Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian were even more surprised in their hearts.

The two Fusion Stage Elders were both injured, how powerful was the enemy?

Sima Huai bowed to everyone and said politely, “The two of us heard that Miss Kaoru had returned, and we came to visit on purpose.” Gong

Zhong Pengtian nodded, “I wonder how Miss Kaoru came back?” ”

To say it’s a visit, it’s actually to inquire about news.

What happened on this continent could not be concealed from the hidden family.

Who doesn’t have a few spies?

From Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan hurried back, the other families knew that Zhuge Xun was back.

The main body was killed in Zuxing, and Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian hated Lü Shaoqing to the bone.

So after receiving the news, I rushed to it as soon as possible.

Zhuge Xun looked at the two expressionlessly, “How to come back, I don’t have to tell you, right?”

“What about Lu Shaoqing?” Gong Zhong Pengtian simply asked directly, “What about the others?” ”

If it weren’t for the long distance, maybe the two of them would have been wiped out by Lu Shaoqing.

Can such a great feud not be repaid?

As soon as he said Lu Shaoqing, Zhuge Xun was angry in his heart, and said coldly, “Dead!” ”


Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian looked at each other, and both saw the disappointment hidden in the surprise in each other’s eyes.

It’s a bit of a pity that you can’t personally blade the enemy.

The two did not suspect that the Great Elder and the Second Elder of the Zhuge Family were here.

If this can’t kill Lu Shaoqing, the hidden family will still be a fart.

Sima Huai smiled and said, “Miss Gongzi Xun is able to slash enemies. ”


Zhuge Xun was upset in his heart, “Hmph, you’d better go back and take a look.” ”

Go back?”

Zhuge Yutang had to remind the two people, “Two virtuous nephews, they should go to your house.

“Go back and get ready.”

As for the rest, he didn’t want to say more, and he didn’t want to say more.

A little reminder will do.

Zhuge Yutang is also desperate that other families are the same as the Zhuge family.

“Not dead?” Sima Huai and Gong Zhongpengtian were shocked.

Zhuge Xun actually lied?

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“Dare to trouble us?” Gong Zhong Pengtian felt his anger burning.

“I haven’t gone to look for him yet, and he dares to come to him?”


, good…” Sima Huai’s face was also gloomy, “Very good, I will let him know how good we are.” ”

A period of convergence also dares to be arrogant?”

Knowing that Lu Shaoqing might go to his family’s trouble, Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian had no intention of staying here longer, and after the two took their leave, they returned as soon as possible.

On the way, Gong Zhong Pengtian said to Sima Huai, “They still haven’t told us anything.

Sima Huai said lightly, “There must be something to hide.”

“But it doesn’t matter, dare to come to the door, they are dead.”

Gong Zhong Pengtian was a little worried, “I’m afraid things won’t be so simple, didn’t you see their elder injured?” ”

Hehe,” Sima Huai smiled even more happily, full of confidence, “even if their strength is strong?

“How much better would they be if they fought like this with the two elders of the Zhuge family?”

“No one can easily defeat the existence of the merging period.”

Gong Zhong Peng Tian thought about this truth.

Good evil is also the existence of the merging period, and it is the anchor of the family.

It is the top combat power in the hidden family.

Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian both believed that even if they could defeat the two Fusion Stage Elders, it would definitely not be much better.

Sima Huai smiled, laughing, and his gaze gradually became grim, “At that time, I must personally kill him.” ”

Gong Zhong Pengtian is similar, hating to the point of gritting his teeth.

The two were captured by Lu Shaoqing without saying anything, and finally they were killed like chickens in full view, and they didn’t even leave their last words.

This feud does not share the heavens.

Zhuge Xun looked at Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian, who were leaving, and opened his mouth to say something, but finally fell silent.

But, in the end, I couldn’t help it, “Father, I’m going to take a look.”

“I’m going to see how that bastard died.”

Zhuge Qu shook his head, “They are very strong, which is why they dare to come here.” ”

The Hidden Family, there is trouble.”

Zhuge Xun said, “He asked, knowing that our hidden family did not dare to come during the Mahayana period. ”

No Mahayana period?” Zhuge Qu smiled, “You’re wrong. ”

What?” Zhuge Xun was shocked, “I, we have a Mahayana period?

Subsequently, she couldn’t help but secretly guess in her heart that the hidden family had a Mahayana period, so the bastard must have run away with his tail between his legs, right?

Zhuge Xun looked at his father and found that his father was also confused, and Zhuge Yutang did not know.

Zhuge Yutang perked up, “Really?

“The Zhuge family does not have it, the Sima family, the Gongzhong family, and the Ziche family do not have it, but the Yinshi family does.”

Zhuge Qu’s words made Zhuge Yutang and Zhuge Xun puzzled, “Great Elder, what is the explanation for this?”

Zhuge Qu looked up at the sky and said faintly, “This is the most core secret of the four major families, and only the cultivation period is qualified to know.

“Thousands of years ago, several of our families came here and planned to settle here, but we never thought that this was a hidden place for adults.”

“The adults did not care about our disturbance, and generously agreed to our placement here.”

The first time they heard such a secret news, Zhuge Yutang and Zhuge Xun were shocked.

“Will adults shelter us?” Zhuge Yutang is even more exciting.

Zhuge Qu shook his head, “The adult didn’t say it explicitly, but if someone disturbs the adult, maybe the adult will make a move…”

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