Lu Shaoqing pointed at Sima General, also disdainful of him.

“The more you live, the more you go back, you dare to take out parallel goods like you?”

“Your Sima family is far worse than the Zhuge family, and the Zhuge family has no parallel goods.”

In the distance, Zhuge Fu couldn’t help but say, “I don’t know whether I should be angry or happy.” ”

Is that praise?

But being praised by a person who defeated himself is awkward how to see and hear.

Having fought with the Mahayana period, Lu Shaoqing’s strength has gone further.

At least, he can not put it in his eyes during the merging period.

The feeling is more acute, at least the Sima General in front of him, the seemingly thick and round breath reveals a little vainness.

Such an opponent is a parallel commodity in Lu Shaoqing’s opinion.

Thanks to the relaxation of the suppression of heaven and earth, we can get to this realm.

Just like the exam, the test questions are simple, and the scumbags can also get high scores.

Actually, that belly ink didn’t increase much.

Lu Shaoqing’s truth was arrogant in the eyes of the people of the Sima family.

They shouted and cursed.

“Humans who don’t know the height of the sky, damn it!”

“Parallel goods? Say it yourself, stupid human.

“Find death!”

“Are humans so arrogant?”

“Elder, kill him and let him know how powerful the Sima family is.”

When Sima Jiang heard this, he was not angry, he still looked down on Lu Shaoqing, and he didn’t care about the mockery of an ant.

He stood proudly and looked at Lu Shaoqing contemptuously, “I don’t know if I’m dead or alive…” Then,

he coldly stretched out his hand to Lu Shaoqing and pressed it fiercely.

An invisible force squeezed towards Lu Shaoqing.

Even, it also shrouded Ji Yan and the others behind Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes helplessly.

Parallel goods, dare to be so big?

Since the other party is big and does not put him in his eyes, he is not polite.

As soon as Mo Jun’s sword came out, the sword light instantly covered the sky.

A sword enveloped Sima General in it.

The sword light was as dazzling as sunlight, causing everyone in the Sima family to subconsciously close their eyes.

In the dazzling light, they could not see anything, as if the world had been swallowed by the sword light.

At the same time, a scream reached their ears.


When the light dissipated, everyone’s eyes immediately fell on Sima Jiang.

This look frightened the people of the Sima family.

Their Fusion Stage Elder, the Sima family’s body was covered in blood, their bodies were shaky, and they were extremely heart-wrenching to look at people, and they were afraid that they would fall from the sky in the next moment.

“This, this…” The

people of the Sima family couldn’t believe what they saw.

This is the existence of the merging period, and it was beaten like this in one round?

Could it be that what the other party said was true? Since the parents are always parallel goods?

In the distance, Zhuge Fu couldn’t help but sneer, “Idiot! ”

Zhuge Fu saw that someone’s situation was the same as his own, and he looked even more embarrassed, and he felt so comfortable in his heart.

“Even I suffered his loss under my carelessness, not to mention Sima Jiang, a guy in the early realm.”

Zhuge Qu looked solemn, “The lethality is too strong, I’m afraid it is the most lethal sword cultivator in this world.”

Sima Jiang looked down at the scars on his body, his face full of disbelief.

What kind of lethality is this?

At that moment, he seemed to see his grandmother.

The whispers below made his anger burst out.

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“Damn it!”

“I’m going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces.”

Sima Jiang roared like a wounded wild wolf, “Sneak up on me while I’m careless? Inferior humans, die! ”

At this time, don’t forget to find a reason for your injury.

“Sneak attack?”

Many people from the Sima family were stunned.

“That’s right, it must be a sneak attack.”

“Yes, shameless and despicable human beings.”

“Elder Sima General, kill him!”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Sneak attack?

“Parallel goods are indeed parallel goods!”


Lu Shaoqing’s long sword swept away, and countless sword intents moved, surging out, turning into a red divine bird.

The surface burned with flames, the blazing temperature spread, and everyone felt a wave of heat rushing towards them.

The sound of birdsong sounded, and the divine bird rushed down into the sky and rushed straight at Sima General.

Sima General shouted, “Eagle insect trick!” ”

The sword intent incarnation also dares to take it out in front of him?

He waved his big hand, and when he was about to fight back, he saw the eyes of the divine bird roll.

What rice?

Sima thought that he had seen it wrong, and he fixed his eyes and saw a disdainful look in the eyes of the divine bird.

What is it?

A sense of danger came out of my heart.

The spiritual energy in the body instinctively turned far away, and the spiritual power barrier appeared instantly.

At the same time, Sima would instantly counterattack, and a force erupted from his body, forming an invisible storm outside his body.

The divine bird submerged into the turbulent storm, gently flapping its wings, and the terrifying storm of power instantly dissipated.


With a soft sound, the spiritual power barrier was torn apart by the divine bird like glass.

The violent sword intent, as if the sun was falling, instantly swallowed Sima Jiang.

Indiscriminate killing!


Sima carved this to understand how strong Lu Shaoqing really was.

Countless times stronger than him.

Lu Shaoqing is right, he is a parallel product.

After the screams, the sacred bird dissipated.

Sima Ji’s blood spurted directly in front of everyone’s eyes, forming a blood mist and spreading in the air.

His body fell straight from the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

His breath was weak and weak, he had passed out, and the breath of life was extremely weak.

“Chief, Elder!”

“Elder Sima General!”

“Ah, it’s not true!”


The people of the Sima family were frightened and stupid.

This is their Fusion Stage Elder, why is it so vulnerable?

Zhuge Qu couldn’t help but sigh, “Very strong!”

“It’s really terrifying to easily defeat Sima General without even using a move.”

Zhuge Fu was scolding his mother in his heart, but Lian Shang couldn’t help but smile.

The stronger Lu Shaoqing performs, the less shameful he is.

The people of the Sima family wailed continuously, and Sima was easily defeated, and it hit them hard.

Lu Shaoqing took a sword flower and asked Sima Liren with a smile, “How is it?” Do you still have parallel goods at home?

“Let them come together…”

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