Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

Lu Shaoqing was obviously smashed by the golden ring several times, and the blood was sprayed more than a bowl, but he was not injured?

“Hurt!” Lu Shaoqing rubbed his chest and shouted loudly, “Didn’t you see me vomiting blood?”

“It hurts to death!”

“The old guy also doesn’t know how to love the young, and he has no etiquette and integrity.”

Damn it!

Gong Zhongshu’s gaze was gloomy, “You humiliate me?

“Who humiliated you?” Lu Shaoqing glanced below, his gaze fell on Zhuge Qu and Zhuge Fu, and then smiled slightly, “I’m just waiting for someone.”

“It’s a pity, coward!”


Say who?

“Damn it!” Gong Zhongshu shouted angrily and sacrificed the golden ring again.

This time, he used almost all his strength, and the golden ring roared.

Lu Shaoqing coldly swung out a sword.

The golden ring and the long sword collided fiercely.


The surroundings seemed to stir up layers of ripples, and terrifying sound waves spread.

It roared like a hurricane.

Gong Zhongshu’s face flushed, and a force recoiled back, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to Gong Zhongshu, “Haven’t you eaten?”

“Damn it!”

Gong Zhongshu jumped like thunder, and once again controlled the ring to attack Lu Shaoqing.

“Whew…” The

golden rings turned into each other, and golden lightning struck Lu Shaoqing again.

Lu Shaoqing still swung his sword to block.

“Ouch!” With a scream, Lu Shaoqing’s long sword was knocked away, and he also flew upside down again.

“Huh!” Gong Zhongshu sneered, taking advantage of this time to manipulate the ring to continue attacking Lu Shaoqing.

His gaze was fierce, and the killing intent appeared on his face, making him very vicious.

A junior, still a human.

If you don’t solve him, you can’t mix.

The golden ring roared, and the surrounding power was extracted by it.

Under the blessing of terrifying power, it was like a divine mountain of hundreds of millions of catties smashing towards Lu Shaoqing.


Gong Zhongshu’s eyes gradually widened, and his breathing was rapid.

Killing this bastard human can make him excited.

However, the next moment, his sinister smile froze, and his expression was shocked.

I saw that Lu Shaoqing actually stretched out his hand and grabbed his ring, and the powerful force suddenly shook, spreading around with him as the center.


Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help it, and suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood.

The breath fell rapidly, and this time, he was really injured.

However, he firmly grasped the golden ring in his hand.

“No, it can’t be!” Gong Zhongshu was shocked, and subconsciously urged his magic weapon.

The ring is constantly trembling, making a buzzing sound, and seems to be desperately struggling to get rid of it.

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, holding the ring desperately, and finally grabbed it with both hands, his body was trembling slightly, and he was desperately suppressing the ring.

“Damn, let go!” Gong Zhongshu drank angrily, and was also desperately urging the magic weapon, hoping to get rid of Lu Shaoqing’s control.

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However, no matter how much he urged, he just couldn’t reclaim his magic weapon.

Lu Shaoqing opened his mouth, and another mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, and his white teeth were full of blood, and he was hit hard again.

Seeing that he still had no choice, Gong Zhongshu shouted angrily again, gritted his teeth, moved his heart, and increased his strength again.

The surface of the ring flashed, and a golden spirit appeared.

His body exuded a sharp aura, and an icy voice sounded.

“Find death!”

The golden light skyrocketed, and the struggle was even stronger.

Lu Shaoqing even felt that his hand was about to break, and he drank, “Broken sword, special, want to eat or not come to help?” ”


Mo Jun sat on Mo Jun’s sword and rushed over, roaring sharply, “Coming, coming.” Then

he jumped up and jumped onto the ring, and kicked the golden spirit on it.

“Give me a peace of mind.”

“Buzz!” The golden spirit was kicked into a golden light.

This is its energy, equal to human blood.

That is to say, Mo Jun kicked it.

The injured ring’s aura dimmed a little.

It just wanted to do something, but Mo Jun had already pressed it on, almost riding on it, saliva flowing.

“Here, let me take a bite, just one bite…” ”

Don’t, don’t hide, just take a bite!”

“Poof!” Mo Jun bit the golden instrument spirit fiercely, like a vampire, and instantly absorbed a part of the energy.

“Ah…” the golden spirit was terrified, when had it ever seen such a terrifying instrument spirit.

Strength is not to say, open mouth bite, can directly devour its energy.

The golden spirit was frightened, and shrunk back without saying a word.

“Don’t run!” Mo Jun shouted, and also seemed to be submerged into the ring.

Gong Zhongshu’s side was already vomiting blood one after another.


The spewed blood turned into a mist of blood and dissipated in the wind.

“No, no, maybe!” Gong Zhongshu shouted in disbelief.

He felt his control over the magic weapon drop by a notch.

And his connection with the magic weapon is getting weaker and weaker.

Gong Zhongshu panicked and hurriedly increased his strength again, but the development of things made his heart sink slowly.

Finally, he felt the demise of the spirit of the magic weapon, and the power of the regurgitation made him spit out blood.

Mo Jun came out of the ring and burped proudly, “Hehe, delicious, delicious!” ”

Delicious fart!” Lu Shaoqing scolded.

The green light in the sky on his side had already shrouded, and Lu Shaoqing had no time to dodge.

Sima Fan waited for the opportunity to make a move, like a cunning fox sneaking attack, the timing of the attack was fierce, and Lu Shaoqing was not allowed to give a thumbs up.

The power of terror is overwhelming and surging like a tidal wave.


Lu Shaoqing was directly overwhelmed by this force.

“Eight Forbidden Ghost Kings!”

Lu Shaoqing shouted, and the spiritual power in his body was instantly emptied.

The silver light fell, huge patterns and figures appeared under the feet, and the surrounding space became thick.


Sima Fan laughed proudly, “No matter how powerful you are, it can’t be a rival between the two of us.”

“Brother Warlock, you have to drag him down this time, otherwise I really can’t help him…”

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