

The streamer streaked across the sky and finally landed in front of them.

Several tall Demon Cultivators dressed in black armor appeared in front of them.

Looking at the cultivator in black armor, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan raised their eyebrows.

Old acquaintances.

The Holy Lord’s guard, the Zijia Holy Guard.

In front of him is the configuration of five people, half a squad.

The person at the head is the Avatar Period, and the next four people are in the Yuan Infancy Stage.

According to the power of Zijia Saint Guard, it can deal with the existence of the late Yuan Infant period.

The first person stepped forward, and the gloomy gaze shot out from under the helmet, which was chilling.

“Why are you here?”

“Passing by!” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly came out and said with a smile, “A few adults, a few of us came from abroad. Although

I don’t know why Zijia Shengwei appeared here, Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to pay attention to it.

He just wants to keep a low profile.

However, he wanted to keep a low profile, but the other party did not give him a low profile.

The Zijia Saint Wei’s gaze became even more gloomy, and his voice was like ice, “Outsider?

“I don’t look like the Holy Family.”

The four Zijia Saint Guards behind him spread out even more, half-encircling several people, and a killing intent pervaded.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart jumped.

Although the Demon Race is also a Terran race, in the harsh environment of Cold Star, the Demon Race is generally tall and dark-skinned.

And their group really doesn’t look like the Demon Clan.

Even if it is Yu Ling and Yu Meng, the two of them are relatively petite.

“Lord!” Lu Shaoqing stepped forward again, revealing nervousness and panic, “I, we are a saint family that is like a fake bag.

“We came from the Southern Wilderness Yongning City, and we just wanted to come to the Holy Land and settle here.”

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing’s words came out, and the killing intent around him became even stronger.

“Southern Wilderness? Yongning City?

The Zijia Saint Wei at the head said coldly, “The rebels are raging over there, and I suspect that you are the traitors of the rebels. ”

Lu Shaoqing has a bitter face, is the Southern Wilderness fighting?

Hehe, Kui Xiao that old guy finally made a move.

Lu Shaoqing had no choice but to continue acting, “Sir, it was precisely because of the turmoil caused by the rebels that our group had to take refuge here in the Holy Land. ”

Don’t talk nonsense,” Zijia Shengwei shouted, “bind your hands, obediently let me put a ban, and follow me back to find out.” Otherwise, let’s kill. ”


As the guard of the Holy Lord, he was too lazy to say, and he ordered directly, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring.

At this time, one of the other four Zijia Saint Guards who had been silent spoke, “Captain, I think they are a little familiar. ”


Lu Shaoqing knew that there was no way.

Without saying a word, the Mo Jun sword appeared in his hand, and the sword light lit up, directly shrouding the five Zijia Saint Guards.

“I don’t want to cause trouble, why are you guys coming together?”

“Yes, it’s Lu…”

Zijia Saint Wei, who was shrouded in sword light, was suddenly shocked, and seemed to know Lu Shaoqing’s identity.

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But by this time it was too late.

Their strongest is nothing more than the Avatar Period, facing the sudden attack of the Convergence Period.

Can’t resist it at all.

This was a scream, which dissipated in the sword light.

As Lu Shaoqing Xiao Yi said, the ashes flew away, and the soul flew away.

Lu Shaoqing took his sword and stood with a heavy face, “Alas, sin, sin!” ”

You have to commit slut, you can’t blame me.

Yu Meng couldn’t help but scream, “It’s so powerful!”

“But isn’t doing that contrary to what he said?”

Yu Ling shook his head and said to his sister gently, “If he says it, you can be a fart.”

However, Zijia Shengwei’s words also reminded Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “Cover your face and don’t leak it out casually.”

“You are a wanted criminal in the Holy Land, don’t cause me trouble.”

Ji Yan smiled, “Compared to me, it is estimated that the Holy Land wants to kill you more.” ”

Lu Shaoqing’s character is enough to make many people very unwilling to kill him.

“Cut!” Lu Shaoqing was triumphant, “Impossible things, I see people here in the Holy Land, and flowers bloom!” ”

Transfiguration modification is simple for monks.

Without the help of props, you only need to move your mind, you can easily change your appearance, which can be unrecognizable to your mother.

Of course, if you fight, you can know your identity through your breath.

“Let’s go, you shouldn’t stay here for long.” Lu Shaoqing frowned, “Zijia Saint Guards all ran out, what is the Holy Master of Dog Day doing?”

Xiao Yi guessed, “Second Senior Brother, it won’t be coming at you, right?”

“Didn’t you say that the Holy Lord is very concerned about you?”

Lu Shaoqing was a little flustered in his heart, and quickly drank, “Close your crow mouth.”

Yu Ling, who had mixed in the Holy Land, shook his head, “Zijia Holy Guard is said to be the Holy Lord’s guard, but the Holy Son can also be mobilized.

“However, being able to send Zijia Saint Guard to chase and kill, it is also very important to think about identity.”

“Whoever he is, it doesn’t matter to us anyway.” Lu Shaoqing secretly relaxed in his heart, as long as it was not aimed at himself.

Everyone soon came to the Holy Land, feeling the bustle and bustle of the Holy Land.

Lu Shaoqing had a feeling of being in a world away.

From Rucheng entering the void to the present, more than ten or twenty years have passed.

The bustling city is full of life.

“Second Senior Brother, where to go now?”

There are many people around.

And because they are all demon cultivators, they are full of fierce and brutal aura.

Many people’s eyes were round and vicious.

Xiao Yi felt that if he came to this kind of place when he was a few years old, he would be scared and cry at the first time, and then he would be arrested and eaten.

Just because these demons in front of them look terrifying.

The tall figure, fierce expression, and brutal aura are worthy of the title of their demon race.

Lu Shaoqing and his party walked in the tall crowd, like children.

However, not all of the demon races are tall and powerful, so their group did not attract attention.

It’s just that sometimes it is looked at with contempt by some people.

After all, only a few meters tall in their opinion, is a third-degree disability.

“Huh?” Suddenly, Xiao Yi pointed to the front curiously, “Second Senior Brother, there seems to be something to look at…”

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