Lu Shaoqing and his party came quickly and left quickly.

Less than half an hour before and after.

Xiang and Di looked at Lu Shaoqing and his group after leaving.

Di couldn’t help but ask, “Is it really him?”

Xiang snorted, seemingly still angry, “Besides him, who else can make people angry half to death with a few words?”

“Do you think there will be anyone as shameless as he is besides him?”

Di chuckled and shook his head, “Not really.”

Then he asked, “Did he find out who we are?”

Xiang shook his head slightly, “Probably not, if you find out, it will definitely not be like this.”

“He’s testing our identity.”

“Hmph, cunning thing.”

Xiang seemed to have a great grudge against Lu Shaoqing.

“Will there be a problem with you when the time comes?” Di became worried, “If our identities are exposed, it will be a big trouble.” ”

The Second Holy Son has already sent out the Zijia Holy Guard, and we are no match for the Zijia Holy Guard.”

“Zijia Shengwei didn’t come at us, it’s okay,” Xiang smiled confidently, “He is also a wanted criminal in the Holy Land, and what he does in the Holy Land is even more hateful.”

“When the time comes, let his identity be exposed first, what else can he do?”

“Have to help us obediently?”


Lu Shaoqing and the three left, Xiao Yi immediately pulled the corner of Lu Shaoqing’s clothes and asked, “Second senior brother, there is a problem here.”

Lu Shaoqing slapped Xiao Yi’s opponent, “Nonsense, if you have a disease in the brain, you know that there is a problem inside.”

“But fortunately, I was about to take this opportunity to find out the identity of the other party.”

Xiao Yi understood.

Lu Shaoqing and Xiang are both ghosts in their hearts, and they will definitely be very wonderful at that time.

Xiao Yi immediately raised his hand, “Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, I will follow when the time comes.” ”

a fart!”

Lu Shaoqing glared at her, “You give me a good stay here.”

“What are you going to do?” In the period of refining, it is also a hindrance to go.

Xiao Yi sold Meng, begging to follow, but the trick of selling Meng was of no use to Lu Shaoqing.

I can only go back with my mouth open.

After Lu Shaoqing returned, he looked around.

This is an independent cave mansion, which is very private and will not be easily disturbed.

But for Lu Shaoqing, it is not enough.

Therefore, the materials in his hand appeared, and after laying down several formations again, he entered the Time House with peace of mind.


After coming in, Lu Shaoqing first looked at the coffin carefully.

“Big sister, are you awake?”

The coffin did not move, and Lu Shaoqing’s waist gradually stood up.

His face began to become stunned, like an upstart, he waved his big hand and was full of arrogance, “Give me a hundred years.” Now

that there were almost ten billion spirit stones on his body, Lu Shaoqing felt that he could speak louder.

800,000 spirit stones a month, 9.6 million a year, 960 million in 100 years.

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The spirit stones on his body could allow him to cultivate for a thousand years.

Provided that the price remains the same.

What Lu Shaoqing was worried about was that the little brother of the dead ghost was also the master of the eyes of money, knowing that he had earned so many spirit stones, he would definitely find a way to scavenge and squeeze him.

So, while it is now available, it is better to use it as soon as possible.

For a hundred years, he was used to it.

“Cultivating once in ten years, it seems too cold for me now.”

Lu Shaoqing was very forced, so he shook his head deeply, “Alas, is this the trouble of having money?” Lu

Shaoqing threw the spirit stone into the incense burner, the light flashed, the spiritual energy gathered, Lu Shaoqing sat down cross-legged, and quickly fell into cultivation.

Time gradually passed, Lu Shaoqing sat in it, motionless, and the aura around him roared and surged, constantly absorbed by Lu Shaoqing.

At the beginning, Lu Shaoqing spent less than twenty years to break through a small realm and enter the six-layer realm of the Fusion Period.

The battles along the way have benefited him a lot, and he can break through a long time ago.

But then, with simple cultivation, his speed slowed down.

Time flew by, and ninety years passed all of a sudden, with the last ten years left.

But Lu Shaoqing did not break through to the next realm.

Already on the edge, but still a little closer.

Lu Shaoqing’s brows furrowed, and he seemed a little anxious.

Qianying quietly appeared, glanced at Lu Shaoqing, and finally stretched out his hand and waved.

The white flower spirit stone hidden by Lu Shaoqing in the storage ring appeared in front of her.

After watching it for a while, a smile appeared on her face, “It’s mine sooner or later!”

Then her gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Whispered to himself, “This is the normal speed, the outside world is just fertilizer…” Lu

Shaoqing’s brows twisted deeper, and his breath became impetuous.

Qianying shook her head, “I’m anxious.”

Then he stretched out his hand, intending to give Lu Shaoqing a hand.

But at this moment, her expression moved, and she disappeared immediately.

And Lu Shaoqing stopped cultivating and opened his eyes.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and scolded unpleasantly, “Lean!”

But soon he controlled his emotions, pinched his chin and thought for a while, and whispered to himself, “I haven’t practiced serious for a long time.”

“It’s not used to such a slow speed.”

“Get used to being fast, you have to get used to slow.”

“A little longer, a little longer is a real man.”

Summed up in a low voice, flipped his wrist, and the Tianji card appeared in his hand, and then it was immediately put away again, “Forgot, there is no signal here.” After

thinking about it, after searching in the storage ring, a smile appeared on his face.

Some books appeared on the ground.

All of them are books such as bizarre anecdotes, travelogues, wild historical tales and so on.

Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh, “Alas, there is no way, the Tianji card has no net, and I can only read books.” ”

This is Lu Shaoqing’s method of cultivating the state of mind.

I have always looked at the Tianji card not only to obtain news and intelligence, but also to cultivate my own state of mind.

Now that he found that his cultivation was a little anxious, he simply stopped cultivating and let himself relax first.

Lu Shaoqing flipped through the pile of books, took out a color picture book, and laughed lewdly, “Uncle Huang, I haven’t seen you for a long time…”

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