Lu Shaoqing left satisfied.

In his mind, he recalled the information that Shan Yue gave him about the Dian Xing Faction.

Gu Lie, two hundred and seventeen years old, elder of the outer gate of the Dian Star Sect, late Jiedan, eight-layer realm.

Good at wood attribute talisman combat.

Loyal to the Point Star Faction….

“Hey, the opportunity is in your hands, see if you will show up then.”

Lu Shaoqing whispered to herself.

After Lu Shaoqing left, many disciples of the Dian Xing Sect were dissatisfied.

They surrounded Gulie, expressing their dissatisfaction.

“Elder, he is so hateful, why let him go like this?”

“Yes, even if you don’t kill him, you have to give him a little color.”

“Do you really think that this is the place of the Lingxiao faction, so we can’t help him?”

Lu Shaoqing’s move today is tantamount to provoking them.

The Dian Xing faction is also a well-known faction in Yanzhou, no worse than the Lingxiao faction.

When have you ever been bullied like this?

If in Yanzhou, the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect did not kill Lu Shaoqing, they would not be worthy of being disciples of the Dian Xing Faction.

“Elder, you can’t let him go like this.”

The disciple of the Dian Xing Sect had red eyes and was murderous, “This is a shame, don’t kill him, how can we explain to Senior Sister Xuan when we go back?” Lu

Shaoqing opened his mouth and closed his mouth to be Yunxin, Yunxin.

Naked blasphemy of the goddess in their minds.

If you don’t kill Lu Shaoqing, how can you vent the anger and hatred in their hearts?

Gu Lie was not as angry as the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect, he looked very calm, and lightly instructed the other disciples, “Go in, don’t go out and cause trouble.”

“We’ll get out of here tomorrow.”

As for Lu Shaoqing’s affairs, he said nothing more.

When he returned, he went straight to a room.

And here in the room, there was already a person waiting for him.

Xuan Yun, dressed in a long red dress, sat on a futon.

“Ancient Elder!”

Xuan Yunxin opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his pale face, so that he couldn’t wait to hold it in his arms and love it well.

“How, did you see him?”

Gu Lie nodded, “He just walked on his front foot.” ”

Just left?”

Xuan Yun was stunned for a moment.

When she knew that Lu Shaoqing had actually come here, a trace of surprise flashed on her face, and then she couldn’t help but guess.

Could it be that he knew I was here?

Soon Xuan Yunxin shook her head, she thought that she had not exposed her whereabouts.

Although she came with Gu Lie’s group.

But she never revealed her identity in front of other disciples.

Only Gu Lie alone knows her identity.

Many disciples did not have any doubts about her identity.

As for wearing a red dress, because of her, there are also many female disciples of the Dian Xing Sect who like to wear red clothes.

After she came here, even if she went out, she was alone, going in and out to cover her original appearance, converge her breath, and it was impossible to be recognized.

In that case, why did that abominable smelly guy find here?

“Did he say anything?”

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When Xuan Yunxin listened to Lu Shaoqing’s words, she wanted to rush out to find and beat Lu Shaoqing, tear his mouth, and smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces.

“Damn fellow,” Xuan Yunxin gritted his teeth, full of killing intent, “I will definitely not let you go.” Gu

Lie’s face also showed an angry expression, he was loyal to the Dian Xing Faction.

Lu Shaoqing’s behavior is undoubtedly to recruit the Dian Xing faction.

This kind of behavior seems to him to die a hundred times without resentment.

Gu Lie remembered what Lu Shaoqing said, extremely resentful, “He really took himself seriously.

Xuan Yun’s heart moved, and he seemed to understand Lu Shaoqing’s intentions.

Her brows stretched, she laughed, and her voice was full of seduction.

Even Gu Lie couldn’t help but his heart beating faster.

Gu Lie hurriedly drove the thoughts out of his mind and asked, “Master and nephew Yunxin, have you guessed anything?”

Xuan Yunxin nodded and said softly, “Sort of.” ”

He’s acting, didn’t he say he liked me in front of everyone?” Since the person from our Star Ordering Sect is still here, he has to do the full play. ”

Don’t give anyone a chance.”

“Worthy of you, thoughtful, terrible.”

Xuan Yunxin said at the end, and his eyes became cold.

At the same time, he also raised his vigilance against Lu Shaoqing again.

This guy is even more terrifying than he thought.

She just wanted to use Xia Yu to create some trouble for Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing is still acting.

Do enough drama to prevent her or others from using Xia Yu again to cause him trouble.

Gu Lie also understood, and he couldn’t help but sigh.

Sighing, he snorted coldly, very disdainful of this kind of mind, “The strength is insufficient, no matter how cunning it is, it is useless.”

Xuan Yunxin shook his head and reminded Gu Lie, “Elder Gu, be careful, he must be hiding his strength.

“According to my guess, he must be in the Jiedan period.”

Thinking of Lu Shaoqing’s terrifying spiritual sense, Xuan Yun couldn’t help but shiver in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Gu Lie said with a smile, “He is indeed in the Jiedan period, it should be the early Jiedan period, even if it is the middle Jiedan period, it will only be below the fifth layer of Jiedan.”

Xuanyun’s heart showed doubts in his heart, and he looked at Gu Lie, not understanding the meaning of Gu Lie’s words.

Gu Lie gave an overview of what happened today.

Xuan Yunxin heard that Lu Shaoqing actually shouted in front of everyone to admit defeat, and she was speechless.

Once again, she refreshed the degree of her shameless cognition of Lu Shaoqing.

The sect canon, the skill is not as good as people, and he actually dares to shout in front of everyone to admit defeat, this kind of person has not met in a hundred years.

She couldn’t help but sigh, “The patience of the head of the Lingxiao Sect is so good.

“This can be endured, if it were someone else, they would have slapped him to death.”

At the same time, he secretly guessed in his heart, could it be that Lu Shaoqing was the illegitimate son of the head of the Lingxiao faction?

Gu Lie smiled and said, “It seems that I have to do this for the head of the Lingxiao faction.”

Although he was smiling, he was a cruel smile, and he did not hide the killing intent in his heart.

Xuan Yunxin was not surprised by this, she took a deep look at Gu Lie and said, “Is Elder Gu planning to make a move on him before leaving the day after tomorrow?” Gu

Lie did not hide it, “I can’t tolerate someone ruining the reputation of the Dian Xing Faction. ”

Lu Shaoqing’s provocation and smear of the Dian Xing faction has already made him kill Lu Shaoqing.

Those who dare to insult the Dian Xing faction will definitely die.

Xuan Yunxin did not intend to persuade, but asked, “Do you have confidence?”

Gu Lie’s tone was full of confidence in himself, and he said proudly, “Although he has some strength, I am the eight-layer realm of Jiedan. Xuan

Yunxin began to give Gu Zhi advice, “It’s best to wait until you leave the range of the Lingxiao faction, approach Yanzhou and then start again, kill him, and return to Yanzhou at full speed as soon as possible

…” After Gu Lie left, Xuan Yunxin’s eyes watched Gu Lie leave meaningfully, and whispered to himself, “The surname Lu, I also prepared a surprise for you, I hope you are not too surprised…”

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