Ao Liang and Jian Xiaoyu became frightened.

In the feeling of the two of them, Lu Shaoqing changed from a harmless little white rabbit to a demon beast that could devour heaven and earth.

At any moment, he would open his mouth and swallow both of them into his stomach.

What was even more terrifying was that a huge spiritual consciousness surrounded the two of them.

Spiritual consciousness was full of aggression, shrouding the two, like countless swords, burrowing into their bodies and rushing straight towards their sea of knowledge.

In front of this spiritual sense, the two felt like ants between heaven and earth, and when facing Tianwei, they trembled and were powerless to resist.


Jian Xiaoyu no longer knew how to be good, and screamed.

“Damn, damn it!” Ao Liang is a little better than Jian Xiaoyu.

Ao Liang sensed the danger and subconsciously wanted to resist.

He used his spiritual power to force out the spiritual consciousness that had drilled into his body.

But all this is to no avail.

The two of them had all kinds of contempt for Lu Shaoqing at the beginning, and they didn’t even look at Lu Shaoqing with a straight eye.

did not put Lu Shaoqing in his eyes.

I never thought that Lu Shaoqing would attack them.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly attacked them, and they didn’t have any defense.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing was now in the realm of the eighth layer of Dan.

Stronger than them.

There is no mind to calculate the mind.

Even if Ao Liang and Jian Xiaoyu are from Zhongzhou, they have to be recruited.

Lu Shaoqing’s spiritual sense was constantly attacking their sea of knowledge.

The bodies of the two trembled, and their expressions showed pain.

Huge spiritual knowledge, like the water of the sky, gushed and fell, constantly impacting their sea of knowledge.

The two were already on the verge of a coma, but they resisted by instinct.

Just when the two were about to pass out, Lu Shaoqing put away his spiritual sense and dispersed the coercion.

Ao Liang and Jian Xiaoyu were lightly stressed, and both knelt on the ground, gasping for air.

His face was pale, his head was broken, and his whole body was wet with sweat, as if he had been fished out of water, and he was extremely embarrassed.

For a moment, the two almost thought they were going to die.

Even now, the heads of the two hurt so much that they felt like they would explode at any moment.

Lu Shaoqing stood in front of the two and said with a smile, “Don’t be so polite, what are you doing with such a big gift?” Ao

Liang and Jian Xiaoyu both hated madly in their hearts, but they didn’t dare to do anything.

Lu Shaoqing had just let them know how terrifying this person in front of them was.

In front of Lu Shaoqing, the two of them were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and there was no resistance.

“Senior, senior!” Ao Liang quickly stood up and saluted respectfully to Lu Shaoqing, “The younger generation has eyes that do not recognize Mount Tai, offended the senior, and hopes that the senior will forgive him.” ”

Ao Liang is very clear that this is not Zhongzhou, and the Ao family’s hand cannot reach here.

People don’t bird the Ao family, and the Ao family can’t help people.

Under the roof of people, bowing your head is the right thing to do.

However, Jian Xiaoyu could not accept this fact.

Lu Shaoqing was so humble in front of her at the beginning that she was not even as good as her family’s slaves, and now she wants to become her senior?

Do you want her to salute Lu Shaoqing in turn?

She comes from a Zhongzhou family, and even if she is not a direct family, countless forces treat her as a guest of honor and treat her with great respect.

In Zhongzhou, even Yuan Ying, after knowing that she was a member of the Jian family, he had to be polite to her and did not dare to put a shelf on her.

Since birth, I have not suffered such a loss.

She was extremely angry, staring at Lu Shaoqing deadly, and screamed, “You, you deserve to die.”

“Do you know who I am? How dare you do this to me, do you believe me or not, you can make you doomed?

Lu Shaoqing wondered, is there something wrong with this woman’s brain?

Without saying nonsense, Lu Shaoqing glared at her, and a huge spiritual power surged out.

Hit Jian Xiaoyu hard, Jian Xiaoyu was caught off guard, and she didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to do anything to her again.

She let out a mournful scream and flew out upside down like a cannonball.

Blood spurted and his breath languished.

Then the spirit smacked her like a robber at her sea of knowledge.


Jian Xiaoyu fainted, lying on the ground in embarrassment, motionless.

Ao Liang’s face became even more powerful, and he didn’t even dare to move.

Let Lu Shaoqing beat Jian Xiaoyu like this.

After Lu Shaoqing finished cleaning up Jian Xiaoyu, he asked Ao Liang suspiciously, “Is there something wrong with this woman’s brain?”

Ao Liang wanted to nod in agreement.

He knew that this person in front of him was so terrifying, and he dared to threaten and say cruel things to people.

Who do you pack if you don’t pack up?

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Although they were companions, Ao Liang did not sympathize with Jian Xiaoyu at all.

This is Jian Xiaoyu’s own finding.

Lu Shaoqing saw that Ao Liang was silent, and secretly despised in his heart.

His own companion was beaten like this, and he was silent next to him.

Don’t even dare to say anything about helping to beg for mercy and confessing your mistakes, waste.

Lu Shaoqing despised Ao Liang in his heart and asked, “You don’t plan to avenge her?” At

the same time, quietly prepare, if Ao Liang dares to make a move, he will not hesitate to give Ao Liang a thunderous blow.

Ao Liang’s face was ugly, if he could make a move, he would have already made a move.

The problem is that he doesn’t have the confidence to beat Lu Shaoqing.

The strength displayed by Lu Shaoqing made him fear from his heart.

At least it is also the strength of the middle stage of Jiedan, he is only in the early stage of Jiedan, how to fight?

Simply express your attitude with silence.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Ao Liang’s gaze even more contemptuously, the so-called children of the Zhongzhou family are not as good as my junior sister.

He didn’t bother to talk with this kind of nonsense, and asked Ao Liang directly, “What are you guys doing here?”

Olang did not dare to hide it, and said the purpose of the two of them coming here.

After listening to Ao Liang’s words, Lu Shaoqing finally knew what they were here for.

It turned out that the so-called five families and three factions in Zhongzhou united to establish a Zhongzhou College.

I plan to recruit young talents from all over the world to study at the Academy.

For some famous talents, the college adopts entrance without examination.

Ao Liang and Jian Xiaoyu came here to send admission certificates to Ji Yan.

Even in Zhongzhou, Ji Yan is famous.

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he muttered, not an enemy.

It’s a bit of a pity.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and asked Ao Liangdao, “What are you doing with this Zhongzhou Academy?” This

Ao Liang couldn’t know, he shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know.

“This is the decision of the big man above, how can we know?”

That’s true, too.

Maybe it’s not surprising that when those bigwigs above are picking their noses, such a thought suddenly pops up.

“What are the conditions for entrance without examination?”

For Zhongzhou College, Lu Shaoqing was a little interested.

If he could, he wouldn’t mind checking it out.

These are not secrets, and Ao Liang did not hide them.

Ao Liang said truthfully, “If you build a foundation before the age of fifteen, and you can enter the school without examination before the age of twenty-five. ”

Oh, my own stupid junior sister is not up to standard.

Lu Shaoqing asked again, “Ji Yan is already a Yuan baby, can he still be a student?” ”

Is it so awesome to let Yuan Ying be a student?

Ao Liang was stunned, with a shocked expression on his face, and looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly.

“Yuan, Yuanbaby?”

Ao Liang’s voice was full of disbelief, “He, he became a Yuan baby?

Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, this news was not only known by Qizhou, but also by people in Dongzhou and Yanzhou.

What’s more, Shan Yue has also been published in Tianji News.

This hairpin doesn’t know?

“You don’t know?”

Ao Liang explained, “The two of us set out a few months ago, either in a hurry or meditating and cultivating, and we didn’t know what was going on in the outside world.

Finally, he asked again, “Senior, Ji Yan, has really become a Yuan baby?” It

was hard for him to believe the news was true.

How old is Ji Yan?

He became a Yuan baby at such a young age, and few people in Zhongzhou can compare with this kind of talent.

“What’s the good thing I lied to you?” Lu Shaoqing turned to despise Ao Liang, “What a big deal, look at you like this, haven’t you seen the world?”

Ao Liang was crying and laughing in his heart, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

He and Jian Xiaoyu first arrived and looked down on Lu Shaoqing.

Now he is despised and has never seen the world, and he is depressed for a while.

He is from Zhongzhou and considers himself high, and there is nothing to be surprised by here in Qizhou.

But in the end, I was shocked by this news.

He believed that Lu Shaoqing did not need to lie to them, and this kind of thing could be clearly known with a little inquiry.

“Okay, let’s get back to business,” Lu Shaoqing waited for them to digest for a while before he spoke, “Can Yuan Ying still be a student?” ”

None of you know the horror of that guy.

As a student, can any of you teach him?

Ao Liang nodded, “You can be a student, after all, most teachers are gods.”

Lu Shaoqing’s expression suddenly became serious….

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