Gu Lie’s attitude changed, and Lu Shaoqing was stunned.

“Elder Gu, you, what do you mean by this?”

Gu Lie snorted coldly, “What do you mean?” ”

Just when I wanted to say that I was going to kill you, Xuan Yunxin’s words suddenly came from my ears.

A hint of surprise flashed across his face, and then he said as usual, “We’re in trouble.” ”


Lu Shaoqing was really surprised at this moment.

If Gu Lie said that he was going to kill him, he was not surprised at all.

He also had this idea in mind.

Otherwise, what are you doing with Gu Lie here?

But Gu Lie said that there was trouble, which Lu Shaoqing could not have imagined.

“What trouble?”

Gu Lie does not speak, and to be honest, he does not know.

However, soon, their spaceship stopped, and some disciples came to report.

“Elder, someone is blocking the way.”

An old voice sounded outside.

“Longchi Zhenren has been waiting here for a long time.”

Who Longchi Zhenren is, Gu Lie does not know.

But Lu Shaoqing’s face became strange.

Isn’t that who it is?

What does he want to do?

Lu Shaoqing followed Gu Lie to the side of the ship, condescendingly, and saw Longchi Zhengran, He Zhengran, and two old friends beside him.

“Dian Xing Sect Daoists, how offended, this time I came here to find someone.”


Gu Lie was surprised at first, and then his gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing next to him.

Lu Shaoqing stood next to him and waved at Longchi Zhenren with a smile.

“Longchi real person, rare, I didn’t expect us to meet here, we really have a fate.”


Gu Lie sneered in his heart, and then opened a few steps away from Lu Shaoqing.

He somewhat understood what Xuan Yunxin was thinking.

Are you going to use someone else’s hand to get rid of this bastard?

Although it is a bit regrettable, Gulie did not resist this approach.

By killing Lu Shaoqing with the help of others, you can give him a star faction to reduce some trouble.

After Longchi Zhenren saw Lu Shaoqing, his expression instantly became gloomy, and his heart stirred with a strong killing intent.

Spiritual veins were found on the territory of his cultivation.

Occupied by the three gates, he couldn’t even tell a jump.

I hated the Three Great Sects in my heart.

And for the Lingxiao faction who first discovered the spiritual vein, they hated it even more.

In this Lingxiao City, he is the hardest worker.

But he never thought that he was caught by Lu Shaoqing, and if Lu Shaoqing did something else to him, he was not so angry.

On the other hand, Lu Shaoqing did not beat him, and if he did not scold him, he would punish him with spirit stones.

A thousand Lower Grade Spirit Stones, he could afford it, but he couldn’t stand this humiliation in his heart.

Why are you doing badly, you have to punish me with spirit stones?

Haven’t your Lingxiao Sect eaten and drunk enough from the spiritual vein?

Even this little bit of spirit stone from me will be taken?

Is there still a royal law?

Is there still heavenly reason?

So, someone found him and gave him a plan to deal with Lu Shaoqing.

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Without any hesitation, he agreed.

“You give me down,” He Zhengran’s gaze was cold, and the thick killing intent rushed straight into the sky, “I want to settle an account with you.”

“What for? Do?

Lu Shaoqing pretended to be a little panicked and shouted, “Do you want to block the road and rob it?”

“In broad daylight, Lang Lang Qiankun, is there still a royal law?”

What the do you mean to say the king’s law?

When your Lingxiao Sect robbed my spiritual vein, did you have a royal law?

He Zhengran’s anger was stronger, and the killing intent was stronger, “Give me down, don’t force me to make a move.”

“No down!” Lu Shaoqing straightened his chest, glanced at the surrounding disciples of the Dian Xing Sect, and shouted, “I’m the son-in-law of the Dian Xing Faction, you come up, see if they don’t clean you up.” ”


The disciples of the Dian Xing Sect were furious, and they were also shocked by Lu Shaoqing’s shamelessness.

Who specifically admitted that you are the son-in-law of the Dian Xing faction, are you embarrassed?

Do you want a face?

Gu Lie was also very uncomfortable, and he wanted to make a move on Lu Shaoqing.

He resisted the urge to strike, “You go down.”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked for ten thousand years, “Gu, Elder Gu, you, what are you going to do?”

“They are not good at coming, you should take action against them and help me.”

Gu Lie snorted coldly, not wanting to give Lu Shaoqing a good face.

Who do you really think you are?

If it weren’t for someone’s orders, I would have killed you a long time ago.

“Get down!”

Gu Lie asked people to lower the spaceship and drive Lu Shaoqing down.

“You, you can’t do this.”

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be alarmed, “I, I’m the son-in-law of the Dian Xing faction, you can’t do this to me.”

“Yun Xin will definitely not let you go.”

“Get down!”

Gu Lie drank heavily, he was afraid that if he continued like this, he would not be able to resist making a move.

This guy is so abominable.

Will acting still be taken seriously?

If Xuan Yunxin hadn’t been here, Gu Lie would have been deceived by Lu Shaoqing.

After driving Lu Shaoqing off the ship, the spaceship sent by Dian Xing quickly lifted off and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Lu Shaoqing was still shouting, “Don’t, don’t leave me.” Longchi

Zhenren He Zhengran and the three sneered.

One of the old men with white hair shook his head and sneered, “I lost the face of a disciple of the Great Sect.” ”

The old man has white hair, sharp eyes, and the breath on his body is stronger than He Zhengran and the other person, and he is the most oppressive of the three.

Lu Shaoqing huffed, “What did you say?” Who are you? Do you dare to report your name?

The old man stroked his beard and said proudly, “Old man Jiao Yiqing, nicknamed Xingjin Shangren.” The

other looked like the youngest middle-aged man among the three, and also revealed his identity.

“My name is Sima Jun, Shangren Chengyang.”

Lu Shaoqing exclaimed, “Wow, it sounds very powerful, what do you three want to do when you come here?”

He Zhengran sneered, “You dare to speak out here when you die.”

“You want to do something to me?” Lu Shaoqing pretended to be surprised, “I don’t know if I’m a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect?” Hearing

the three words of Ling Xiaopai, He Zhengran’s killing intent couldn’t be stopped.

“Find death!”

He shouted loudly and waved a palm at Lu Shaoqing, and in an instant, a violent wind was set off around him, like a spiritual storm, carrying terrifying coercion, towards Lu Shaoqing.

I can’t wait to slap Lu Shaoqing to death in place.

He Zhengran’s strength is only the realm of the fourth layer of Jiedan, and this kind of attack can’t help him

Lu Shaoqing Lu Shaoqing resist, after resisting He Zhengran’s blow, Lu Shaoqing shouted wildly, “How?” Is that all there to it? Shout out the others together…”

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