Seeing the embarrassed Lu Shaoqing, Gu Lie’s face showed a disdainful expression.

The strength is just like that, and there is no need for so many flowers and intestines.

Gu Lie was also in no hurry to make a move, and looked at Lu Shaoqing with contempt with his hands behind his back.

Lu Shaoqing saw Gu Lie appear, and there was no surprised expression on his face.

“Elder Gu, are you still not worried that I, the son-in-law of the Dian Xing Sect, will return on purpose?”

Gu Lie snorted coldly, and a wave of spiritual power fluctuations struck towards Lu Shaoqing.


Lu Shaoqing stumbled back a few steps, covered his chest, and looked at Gu Lie in amazement, “Gu, Elder Gu, you, what are you going to do?” ”

At this point, you still don’t understand?

What a fool.

Gu Lie’s eyes became more and more disdainful of Lu Shaoqing, and said lightly, “Until now, don’t you know what’s going on?” The

tone was faint, but with a chilling killing intent.

Everything Lu Shaoqing did before was in Gu Lie’s opinion to humiliate the Dian Xing Faction.

He had the intention of killing Lu Shaoqing.

“You insulted me three and four times to point the star pie, you deserve to die!”

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, “If you say insult, you will be insulted.”

“I still don’t care what other people say about Yun Xin, and admit my relationship with Yun Xin, I almost beat me up in charge.”

“I am firmly in love with Yunxin, I am the one who suffers, okay.”

Gu Lie couldn’t help it, and shouted angrily, “Until now, I dare to say it.”

“You damn it!”

After speaking, the two spirit talismans in his hand were thrown out.

As soon as he shot out, he was two three-rank spirit talismans.

Two spirit talismans burst in the air, and in an instant, Lu Shaoqing’s line of sight was occupied by countless green leaves.

Countless leaves composed of spiritual power appeared, they were the size of a palm, their edges were jagged, and they emitted a terrifying cold light.

The leaves were like darts, making a sharp whistling sound in the air, shooting directly towards Lu Shaoqing.

The sneer on Gu Lie’s face was even stronger, he was eight layers of Dan, this was not his all-out shot, but he believed that it was enough.

Lu Shaoqing definitely couldn’t resist.

“Defeated with several mid-Yudan, how can you resist facing me?”

As soon as Gu Lie’s words fell, his face suddenly changed.

Because a sword light streaked through, the leaves flying in the sky suddenly exploded.

In the blink of an eye, his attack was cracked.

Lu Shaoqing’s figure also reappeared in front of Gu Lie.

Gu Lie was shocked in his heart

, “You, you…” “What are you,” Lu Shaoqing interrupted him unceremoniously, “I haven’t seen a handsome guy?”

Then he gently patted his tattered clothes and muttered, “I already knew that your killing intent on me was so deep, I didn’t pretend.” ”

Okay,” Lu Shaoqing was not in a hurry to hand at Gu Lie, but asked Gu Lie, “Where is that girl in Yunxin?” Gu

Lie was shocked in his heart, and subconsciously wanted to deny it.

Lu Shaoqing interrupted him first and said, “No need to deny it, I know she is here.”

“Otherwise I wouldn’t have been here for so long.”

“You really think I have a lot of free time?”

Gu Lie snorted coldly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze full of jealousy, Xuan Yunxin came here except him, the other disciples of the Dian Star Sect did not know at all.

Lu Shaoqing dared to be so sure?

If it is true, his mind is too terrifying.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, confident, he simply shouted, “Yunxin, come out, it’s not interesting to continue hiding.”

“You let Longchi Zhenren and the three of them come to the three little strong, it is nothing more than to test my strength, let them consume my strength, and then let Gu Lie, the old guy, deal with me to ensure that nothing is lost.”

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There was not the slightest response.

Gu Lie couldn’t help but glance back, and Xuan Yunxin didn’t show any trace.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, did he not come?

But Lu Shaoqing quickly dismissed the idea.

He was one hundred percent sure that Xuan Yunxin would definitely follow Gu Lie and them to Lingxiao City.

If nothing else, seeing Gu Lie like this, he can be 100% sure.

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing asked Gu Lie, “Yunxin, is she okay?” Was there anything unusual when she went back to order the Star Pie? ”

Odd, of course there is.

When Xuan Yunxin came back, he was seriously injured, and he is not well now.

But this is a matter of the Dian Xing Sect, and it is a matter of Xuanyunxin.

Gu Li just wanted to say something about your.

Lu Shaoqing spoke again, and he asked, “Yunxin, she doesn’t have morning sickness, right?” ”

Pregnant, morning sickness?

Gu Liekou was dumbfounded.

Looking at the shy expression on Lu Shaoqing’s face, this, this can’t be true, right?

No way, the expression on Lu Shaoqing’s face made it hard for him not to believe it for a while.

And this time.

A red figure several miles away, like a fairy of the Moon Palace, appeared floating.

Xuan Yunxin appeared, she was like a crazy brute, angrily rushed over, roaring, “Bastard, you shut up for me.”

“I’m going to kill you.”

If it doesn’t come out again, under Lu Shaoqing’s nonsense, maybe she has given birth to several children.

Speeding up, she threw out several spirit talismans at Lu Shaoqing.

I can’t wait to melt Lu Shaoqing.

Xuan Yunxin was now seriously injured, and her strength was not one in ten, and her attack was soft and non-threatening to Lu Shaoqing.

However, Lu Shaoqing was very embarrassed and shouted, “Murder your husband.” ”

Bastard, bastard.” Xuan Yunxin still wanted to continue to attack, but helplessly, the pain in her body made her have to stop.

If you continue to attack, you will be easily injured again.

Gu Lie also stopped Xuan Yunxin and said to him, “Master and nephew of Yunxin, let me come.” At the end of the strong crossbow, there is nothing to worry about. His

eyes looked at Lu Shaoqing, full of disdain and confidence.

“Bastard, you go and die.”

Seeing Lu Shaoqing, Xuanyun’s face was full of resentment, and he only wished that he could not immediately smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Xuan Yunxin with a grin, “Ken came out?”

Xuan Yunxin took two deep breaths, suppressed the anger in his heart, and tried to calm himself down.

She was a little puzzled, and looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, “You know I’m here?” ”

She has not revealed her whereabouts along the way, and no one knows about her except Gulie.

Together with the door, they didn’t know that she came to Lingxiao City, how did Lu Shaoqing know? She

didn’t mind asking these questions before Lu Shaoqing died.

Lu Shaoqing sneered and said with disdain, “It’s very simple, when you appeared in Lingxiao City, I smelled your fragrance.

After speaking, he deliberately sniffled, looking like a scoundrel.

So angry that Xuan Yunxin wanted to do it again.

“Make it clear, I’ll give you a pain.” Xuan Yunxin gritted his teeth and hated the sky.

“It’s very simple, there are only a few people who know that Senior Sister Xia Yu and I go to the secret realm, and you are also one of them.”

“Who but you would deliberately poke things out? Make trouble for me? ”

And I also know that Senior Sister Xia Yu lives in Tianyu Peak, and you didn’t come to Lingxiao City, will you find out?”

Xuan Yunxin reacted to this, she only wanted to make trouble for Lu Shaoqing, but she forgot this.

Sure enough, his heart was deep enough, and Xuan Yunxin stared at Lu Shaoqing coldly….

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