Gu Lie’s realm strength was similar to his.

They are all eight layers of Jiedan.

Lu Shaoqing put away his hippie smile, and Lu Shaoqing took the lead.

It is still the sword qi that starts first.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing was still attacking like this.

The sneer on Gu Lie’s face was even bigger, and his eyes were even more disdainful.

A spirit talisman flung out, green light flashed, and a sharp wooden spear composed of wood attribute aura appeared.

The dripping rotation in the air, although it is composed of wood attributes, emits the sound of breaking through the air and ringing gold.

Like a spear made of immortal gold, it roared, and it was extremely powerful.

Lu Shaoqing’s brows did not wrinkle, and a sword slashed.

The mighty, powerful wooden spear is split in half like cutting tofu.

It didn’t take Lu Shaoqing half a point.

See your own attacks defused so easily.

Gu Lie couldn’t help but be stunned.

Thinking of just now, Gu Lie’s expression became a little more solemn again.

This bastard does have some arrogant skills.

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing’s figure flashed and instantly appeared in front of Gu Lie.

A sword slashed.

Gu Lie was shocked, he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing’s speed to be so fast.

Although he is a Jiedan monk, he is good at using talismans.

In other words, he is a mage.

Melee combat or something, he is not good at it.

He hurriedly retreated and dodged, throwing out two talismans.

Yellow light and white cold light light light up at the same time.

An earthen wall rose up, and the thick earthen wall blocked Lu Shaoqing.

The temperature dropped sharply, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of frost, and the frost cold air was like a pair of invisible big hands wrapped around Lu Shaoqing’s feet.

Although Gu Lie is good at wood attribute spirit runes, it does not mean that he will not have other spirit runes.

The earth attribute spirit talisman and the ice attribute spirit talisman can block Lu Shaoqing and buy him time.

The earth wall and frost could not completely stop Lu Shaoqing, but gave Gu Lie time.

Gu Lie, who had won time, without saying a word, immediately used a three-rank spirit talisman.

“Araki chop!”

Countless auras in the sky converged and condensed into a huge machete.

With a reckless aura, he slashed down fiercely towards Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression was grim, a sword in hand, I have it in the world.

Facing the big knife cut from the sky, he still slashed out with a sword.

Gu Lie sneered.

This is a three-rank spirit talisman attack, do you think you can deal with it with a single sword?

However, Gulie’s smile did not last long.

Lu Shaoqing really broke his attack with one sword.

Lu Shaoqing’s sword qi rushed up into the sky, carrying a violent and fiery aura, forming a net of fire, wrapping the slashed big knife.

The roaring flame, like the immortal fire in the sky, never extinguished, constantly devoured and destroyed.

Gu Lie’s face was difficult to see.

Xuan Yunxin, who was watching the battle on the side, also had a hard time looking.

Fire attribute.

Fire attribute Tenkemu attribute.

Don’t say that the two are in the same realm, even if Gu Lie is a little higher than Lu Shaoqing, he can’t restrain Lu Shaoqing.

Gu Lie gritted his teeth, did not believe in evil, and threw out two spirit talismans again.

However, the result was still the same, and it was easily broken by Lu Shaoji.

“That’s it?”

Lu Shaoqing stood proudly with his sword in his hand, looking at Gu Lie coldly.

Lu Shaoqing’s contemptuous attitude made Gu Lie jump like thunder.

“Bastard, don’t be rampant.”

However, no matter how furious Gu Lie was, he attacked Lu Shaoqing several times.

The result was that he was extremely depressed, even if it was a three-grade spirit talisman, in front of Lu Shaoqing, it could not play any role.

Whether it’s attacking talismans or defending talismans.

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Lu Shaoqing’s response was a sword.

A sword swing is extremely powerful.

The incomparably difficult spiritual talisman in front of ordinary Jiedan cultivators was destroyed like a decaying wood under Lu Shaoqing’s sword qi.

Gu Lie is good at wood attribute talismans, compared with gold, fire and wind, wood attributes have fewer attack means and more auxiliary means.

Gulie’s attack methods were quickly stretched.

He was originally among the elders of the outer gate, and he was not known for fighting.

Gu Lie was depressed, and Xuan Yunxin was also depressed.

What Gu Lie did not expect was that he came full of confidence, but it was such a result.

I thought that I could bully Lu Shaoqing by relying on the eight-layer realm of Jiedan.

I never thought that Lu Shaoqing was the same as him, and his attributes were even more heavenly.


No matter what spirit talisman Gu Lie used, Lu Shaoqing was a sword against him.

In the face of the furious sword intent, his attack did not work at all.

Although Gu Lie was depressed in his heart, he did not give up.

At this point, either he died or Lu Shaoqing died, and the two had to fall one after another.

Soon, Guli changed his offensive approach.

Several spirit talismans appeared in his hand, and he shouted, “Hundred wood covers the sky.”

“As the spirit talisman flashed in the air, the surrounding earth shook, the ground cracked, and countless vines burrowed out of the crack.

As if consciously, he opened his teeth and danced his claws towards Lu Shaoqing.

After the vines, one branch after another flourished, and the vicissitudes of the ancient trees rose up.

Like a cage, Lu Shaoqing was firmly trapped in it.

Not only that, but it is also isolated from spiritual consciousness and cannot detect the situation outside.

The branches and leaves swayed, frantically absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy, and the last piece broke away from the trees and fell towards Lu Shaoqing with a dangerous aura.

Lu Shaoqing felt that the aura around him was rapidly decreasing, and even the air was being pumped away.

The vines opened their teeth and danced their claws, countless fallen leaves exploded, each leaf was a bomb, and the violent shock wave raged wildly in this limited space.

Lu Shaoqing did not have any panic, facing the vines that wanted to entangle him.

Lu Shaoqing just lightly struck a sword.

The Fire Sword Technique easily shattered them with furious sword intent.

As for the explosion of leaves, it seems terrifying.

In fact, the explosion of each leaf is not as powerful as a fireball.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t have to do anything, relying on his own flesh to easily carry these explosions down.

The towering trees around are a bit annoying.

Surround him honestly, and even cut off his spiritual sense, so that he can’t know about you outside.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and swung out a sword.

Fire Sword Trick.

The surrounding trees instantly burst into flames, and within a few breaths, they burned to ashes.

Gu Lie’s figure reappeared in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Gu Lie was holding a spirit talisman in his hand, which was constantly injecting spiritual power to activate.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing was angry, “Lean, don’t use my spirit talisman.” In

Gu Lie’s hand was a fourth-grade spirit talisman.

His main purpose in trapping Lu Shaoqing was to use this four-rank spirit talisman.

Lu Shaoqing was furious, and he who had not spoken out all this time broke his mouth and cursed, “Bastard, bastard, I used my fourth-grade spirit talisman, I slaughtered you.” ”

For Lu Shaoqing, the things on Gu Lie’s body are already his things, including the fourth-grade spirit runes, which are already his things.

Now it was used by Gu Lie, so angry that he cursed again and again.

A trace of coldness flashed in Gu Lie’s eyes, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing, who had killed, and threw out the spirit talisman in his hand.

The green light flashed, and the talisman disappeared.

A howling wind suddenly blew in the air, and powerful wood attribute aura filled the surroundings.

The surrounding trees, flowers and plants grew wildly, once again forming a prison cage to surround Lu Shaoqing inside.

This time, the killing move was even more fierce than just now.

Every grass and tree, every flower and one fruit is all full of murderous intent.

“See how you died?”

Gu Lie’s eyes showed hatred, the fourth-grade spirit rune, even if he was an elder of the outer gate, there was not much.

Lu Shaoqing waved his long sword, and a firebird jumped above the long sword.

Xuan Yun’s heart was shocked, and Gu Lie was shocked.

“Sword intent incarnates.”

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