Ji Yan looked at Wu Mu, and the long sword was suspended above his head, pointing at Wu Mu from a distance.

Firmly locked Wu Mu.

Even after several miles apart, Wu Mu could feel a sense of edge.

The body tingles like a needle prick.

Wu Mu’s face became solemn, and he already held several spirit talismans in his hand.

Ji Yan rushed to the sky, domineering and left a sentence, “Come up and fight!” ”

Locked by the plan, there is no escape.

Wu Mu didn’t think about running away either.

His fighting spirit was high in his heart, and his killing intent was agitated.

Killing a genius like Ji Yan will make people feel happy.

He glanced at Lu Shaoqing coldly and said to Xuan Yunxin, “He is like this now, you can go and kill him.” Then

it also rose to the sky.

After a while, there were terrifying fluctuations above the sky in the distance.

Sword intent, spiritual power, flames, etc. spread and reverberated in the sky, like the collapse of the sky.

Xuan Yunxin looked up at the sky with worry on her face, she was not as confident as Wu Mu.

Ji Yan has a terrifying legend circulating here in Qizhou.

Although Wu Mu is a veteran Yuan baby, he also has a small realm more than Ji Yan.


To say that it is an old card is actually stuck for decades, and it cannot be broken through for hundreds of years.

In the final analysis, talent can’t work, potential can’t.

Ji Yan, a twenty-one-year-old baby, is newly pink.

Breaking through along the way, upgrading is as simple as drinking water.

The talent is terrifying, not to mention Qi Zhou, even Yanzhou no one can match it.

Even in the Dotting Star Sect, the senior brother that she Xuanyun feared could not be compared to Ji Yan.

Wu Mu, will he be Ji Yan’s opponent?

“Honey, what are you thinking?”

A voice sounded, and this voice Xuan Yunxin wanted to kill when he heard it.

Xuan Yunxin was startled and reacted, Lu Shaoqing’s bastard is still there.

Without saying a word, she threw out two spirit talismans beside her, and her figure flashed rapidly, wanting to flee from the place.

She had already seen Lu Shaoqing’s strength.

More terrifying than her heyday.

In her heyday, she couldn’t let Yuan Ying suffer.

And Lu Shaoqing can do it.

Now Lu Shaoqing is injured, and she is also injured.

Now she is not confident that she can win Lu Shaoqing.

Therefore, her first reaction was to escape.

However, a wave of sword qi came towards her, as if she had already expected her to escape, and sealed the direction of her escape early.

Xuan Yunxin felt the violent and fiery sword intent above, and she could only choose to avoid its edge.

However, after such a pause, a wave of spiritual consciousness struck again.


Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help but scold, “Bastard.” You…” The

Spirit attacked her sea of knowledge again.

Xuan Yunxin couldn’t prevent it at all and screamed.


Lu Shaoqing next to him also shouted.

“Ah, it hurts me…”

Xuan Yun’s heart ached, and he felt that his head was like countless knives cutting, and it was like a volcano that had reached its limit, ready to erupt at any time.

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Lu Shaoqing was no better than her.

When he was fighting with Wu Mu just now, Lu Shaoqing’s spiritual sense was damaged, and now he is fighting to hurt himself, and he also wants to give Xuan Yunxin a ruthless blow.

Xuan Yunxin knelt, his hands on the ground, fragrant and sweaty, without any ladylike image, panting heavily.

Lu Shaoqing was half-kneeling on the ground, not far from Xuan Yunxin, his face was pale and bloodless, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was also panting heavily.

Because of this, the injuries of the two were further aggravated.

Xuan Yunxin felt that he would faint at any moment.

She doesn’t want to run away now, even if she mobilizes the spiritual power in her body, she can faint.

She clenched her teeth and sat cross-legged.

She stared resentfully at Lu Shaoqing, who was not far away from her, with hatred and killing intent.

The hateful and hateful guy was right in front of her, but she couldn’t kill him.

Lu Shaoqing also sat down, he was a little better than Xuan Yunxin.

Even if the injury was serious, he smiled, did not care about the injuries in his body, and waved his hand to Xuan Yunxin, “How?” Aren’t you happy to see me? ”

Put on such a stinky look.”

Xuanyun’s silver teeth were about to be crushed, and his face was full of resentment, “You, bastard.

“Is it worth losing both?” Stupid…..”

Lu Shaoqing just fought to hurt her and wanted to attack her, in Xuan Yunxin’s opinion, Lu Shaoqing This is undoubtedly a stupid behavior.

“It’s worth it.” Lu Shaoqing grinned, and quickly took a few pills, which made the pain much better, “It’s better to lose both than you can still have the power to act.” ”

Xuan Yunxin is very smart and cunning.

Lu Shaoqing was injured, and he might not be able to beat Xuan Yunxin.

It is better to take the opportunity to sneak attack, fight to hurt yourself, and also hit Xuanyun’s heart hard.

Let the state of the two be at the same level, Lu Shaoqing is relieved.

After Xuan Yunxin listened, his heart was awe-inspiring.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, he was a little more jealous.

Be cruel to others, and be cruel to yourself.


This bastard is a maniac.

Xuanyun Xuan Xin would already regret it.

She already knew that Lu Shaoqing was such a person, and she should have fled directly back to the Dian Xing Sect like when she was in the secret realm.

Instead of thinking about seeing Lu Shaoqing’s fate.

Xuan Yunxin knew where he was wrong at the first time.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who was still smiling even though he was injured in front of him.

She was silent for a long time before she gritted her teeth and asked, “Do you know that Longchi Zhenren was invited by me?”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, looking at her like an idiot, “The three of them know that I will appear here?” ”

Think about it with your ass and know what’s going on.”

Xuan Yun was unconvinced, “Hmph, if they can consume your strength, you will definitely die.” This

was the surprise she prepared for Lu Shaoqing, but it became her own shock.

Lu Shaoqing agreed very much, “That’s right, but unfortunately, you didn’t expect it, right? I’m so strong, hehe…”

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s smug look, Xuan Yunxin wanted to slam a few times on his face.

That’s right, she still underestimated Lu Shaoqing’s strength.

also overestimated the strength of the three of Longchi.

She couldn’t help but scold in a low voice, “Three wastes.”

Lu Shaoqing instead spoke for the three of Longchi Zhenren, “Don’t call them waste, their massage techniques are quite good.”

“In order to make you believe, I fought them very hard, and I ate a lot of their attacks, which killed me.”

“How? You were watching from a distance, did you think I was definitely seriously injured? Happy in your heart?

Xuan Yunxin was silent and looked at the proud Lu Shaoqing.

A sense of frustration arose in her heart.

She wanted to calculate Lu Shaoqing, and wanted to use the three people of Longchi to consume Lu Shaoqing’s strength, but she was calculated by Lu Shaoqing and opposed her army.

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