Ji Yan’s voice was like a long sword unsheathed behind him, and it was fierce.

Xuan Yunxin felt a tingling in his scalp.

She felt like she was afraid to say what she wanted to say.

However, for the sake of his own little life, Xuanyun was unwilling to give up like this.

Her expression changed a little more, there was temptation, but also a little more pitiful.

“Since Ji Yangongzi is not willing to make a move against me, can you let me and him solve this matter by themselves?”

Of course, Ji Yan did not have any opinion on this, so he deliberately took a step back to make more space for the two.

“You guys fix it.”

Lu Shaoqing was helpless, and he was not a person.

Nasty fellow, wait for me, wait for me to surpass you, absolutely beat you up.

Lu Shaoqing, who was huffing, was too lazy to scold.

Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help but feel happy when he saw Ji Yan’s attitude.

Perhaps, she still has a chance to escape.

She said to Ji Yan again, with anticipation in her tone, “Ji Yan Gongzi, if I can escape from him, won’t you make a move?” ”

Ji Yan is the strongest person in the young generation of Qizhou, and he is also the mighty Yuan baby.

His own pride does not allow him to bully the weak.

Xuan Yunxin has seen many such older generations.

Self-possession of identity, disdain to make a move on juniors.

Even some older generations, even in the face of the enemy, as long as the other party can escape from their hands, they disdain to chase and let them leave.

Xuan Yunxin now felt that Ji Yan should also be such a person.

At this time, Ji Yan’s expression became strange.

He ignored Xuan Yunxin.

Instead, he looked at Lu Shaoqing with a puzzled expression on his face, “Is this what you mean cunning or clever?”

Lu Shaoqing was also speechless for Xuan Yunxin’s words.

You woman, don’t you know our relationship?

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, and his tone was filled with pity, “Her mind was left in the Dian Xing Pie, and she didn’t bring it out this time.”

Xuanyun thought that he had died here.

Shame, shame.

Seeing the conversation between Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, he knew that she had once again made a mistake in judgment.

“Her current IQ is inferior to that of Junior Sister.”

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words fell, Xiao Yi’s voice sounded.

“Second Senior Brother, don’t say bad things about me behind my back.”

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan did not look back, and they also knew who was coming.

Shao Cheng appeared with Xiao Yi.

After Xiao Yi jumped down from the flying sword, he came to Xuan Yunxin and looked at Xuan Yunxin with a grin.

Shao Cheng cursed at Lu Shaoqing.

“Bastard, what the hell are you going to do?”

actually provoked the Yuan Infant cultivator again, is this the old birthday star hanged for a long time?

Lu Shaoqing was very aggrieved, “Master, what are you scolding me for?” Pointing

at Xuan Yunxin, he said, “You go and scold her, she provoked me first, I am just a legitimate defense.”

“I’m just doing this to kill all threats in the cradle.”

For Lu Shaoqing’s nonsense, Shao Chengcai didn’t believe it, “Kill a fart, you kill the elders of the people, will the Dian Xing Faction give up?” ”

The two outer gate elders are dead, and the Dian Xing Faction will not care about any matter what.

People die small, but face is big.

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When you come out to mix, it’s about face.

Lu Shaoqing was very clear about this, and he said, “You know, I also slaughtered Xin Yuankui’s two grandsons before, and this feud has long been formed.”

“Oh, by the way, Senior Brother also has a share.”

At this moment, Ji Yan, who was already sitting on a tree, did not turn his back, “I just help you solve his divine thoughts, and the rest is none of my business.”

Xuanyun’s heart looked complicated, “Xin Zhi Xin’an, they really died in your hands.

At first, she judged that Xin An and the others died at the hands of Lu Shaoqing, but it was never confirmed.

Xin Zhi later went to hunt down and kill Lu Shaoqing and did not return.

Life Jane broke.

She once thought that it was Xia Yu who made a move.

Lu Shaoqing said with some dissatisfaction, “You should have come with Xin Zhi in the first place, wouldn’t that save me trouble?” Seeing

that Lu Shaoqing was actually dissatisfied because of this, Xuan Yunxin could only spray Lu Shaoqing to death with his own blood.

This bastard, it’s so abominable.

At the same time, she was also shocked by Lu Shaoqing’s eyes.

Shao Cheng really couldn’t bear it, and didn’t care that Lu Shaoqing was injured, and patted his head.

Lu Shaoqing covered his head and shouted, “Master, I’m injured.

“I see you’re still full of breath and hurt your fart.”

Shao Cheng scolded, “He also said that it was to prevent others from retaliating.”

“Now that they have killed the two elders of the Dian Xing Faction, the Dian Xing Faction will take revenge when the time comes, I see what you will do?”

Shao Cheng didn’t expect that his second apprentice would not make trouble, and he would make a big deal as soon as he did something.

The Dian Xing faction, like the Lingxiao faction, is a gate faction with superior strength.

Lu Shaoqing’s move was undoubtedly a big trouble for himself.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “What are you afraid of?

“Slaughtered them all, one hundred, who can know that we did it?”

Xuan Yunxin looked at Lu Shaoqing, and felt that Lu Shaoqing was terrible.

The means were really ruthless enough, and in order to eradicate the future troubles, he did not hesitate to take risks.

Xuan Yunxin said lightly, “What I asked Uncle Wu to do here, the others in the sect already know. This

statement is, of course, false.

This is the opportunity she gives herself to fight for.

And after Lu Shaoqing listened to her words, he stared straight at Xuan Yunxin and did not speak.

The gaze revealed by his deep eyes made Xuan Yunxin seem to return to that wood.

I feel that I am not wearing clothes, and I am seen by Lu Shaoqing.

It was fine at first, but soon, Xuan Yunxin couldn’t stand it.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze stared at her, making her feel goosebumps all over her body, and she was extremely uncomfortable.

She glared back angrily, “What do you see?

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and moved his position back, as if he wanted to pull away from Xuan Yunxin and stay away from her, “Gee, woman, when you lie, you really don’t blush at all.” ”

Lying?” Xuan Yun’s heart jumped, and he firmly denied it, “Hmph, Uncle Wu will definitely tell the others.”

“You wait, when the time comes, the people from our Star Sect will come to you for revenge.”

Lu Shaoqing suddenly said, “Wu Mu, two hundred and thirty-two years old, good at manipulating fire attribute talismans, served as an elder of the outer gate at the age of one hundred and thirty, entered the Yuan Infant at the age of one hundred and eighty, and broke through to the second layer of the Yuan Infant at the age of two hundred and seventeen.

“He is arrogant, has a very high self-esteem, and has a very poor relationship with the same family, so he has been an elder of the outer gate for more than a hundred years…”

Lu Shaoqing slowly said Wu Mu’s information, even what he liked to eat, and his usual habits and preferences.

Xuan Yun was stunned, and then gradually shocked.

Lu Shaoqing actually knew so much about Wu Mu.

“You say, people like him will tell his classmates what he is doing?”

“Besides, with your personality, you won’t tell him who he came here to deal with, right?”

Xuan Yunxin’s face turned pale at this moment…

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