As soon as Shao Cheng’s words came out, even Ji Yan opened his eyes.

Xiao Yi’s face was a little strange.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was even more strange.

Xuan Yunxin, on the other hand, looked at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression.

Would this bastard like her?

Xuan Yunxin is confident in his charm.

But she had no confidence in the person in front of her.

Lu Shaoqing in front of him is a bastard.

She didn’t believe that Lu Shaoqing would fall in love with her at first sight.

This man imagined even more terrifying, and the outwardly shameless behavior was just to hide his terrible face.

This kind of person is unlikely to fall in love at first sight, or even superficially, easily like someone.

Xuan Yunxin looked at Lu Shaoqing, she wanted to see what Lu Shaoqing was going to say.

Shao Cheng threw Lu Shaoqing’s long sword back to Lu Shaoqing and shouted, “Do less such a stupid thing.”

Shao Cheng’s gaze was worried.

That’s why he showed up.

The main thing is that I am afraid that this second apprentice will mess around.

They all swore that they liked people, and they would kill people.

Shao Cheng was worried that Lu Shaoqing would have problems with his Daoist heart in the future.

Therefore, he resolutely opposed Lu Shaoqing killing Xuan Yunxin.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t laugh or cry, this is my little trick of writing.

Seeing Shao Cheng’s face full of worry, Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said to Shao Cheng, “Master, don’t worry, it has no effect on my Dao heart.”

“Nonsense, you say no impact has no effect?”

Although he knew that his second apprentice was thoughtful, he would not make a mistake in this kind of thing.

But as Master’s, he does not allow accidents to appear.

Let Lu Shaoqing kill Xuan Yunxin here, there will be problems with Daoxin in the future, and everything will be late.

Besides, he probably understood why Lu Shaoqing killed Xuan Yunxin.

The main purpose is to eliminate the aftermath.

And this purpose is not worth mentioning in Shao Cheng’s opinion.

His own apprentice did this in order to continue lying in the body in the future.

Shao Cheng’s attitude was resolute, “In short, I don’t allow you to kill her.”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help it, so he could only truthfully say to Shao Cheng, “Master, I said it’s okay.”

“I swore before that I liked her spirit stone.”

Damn it.

Xuan Yun cursed in his heart.

She knew what was going on, it was playing with words.

This bastard.

She should have thought about what was going on a long time ago.

Damn it, what does loss mean in the heart?

Damn it.

Xuan Yun’s heart suddenly felt very irritable.

He is actually not as attractive as the spirit stone.

It made her deeply shocked and annoyed in her heart.

She only hated that she couldn’t move now, or she would have to fight with Lu Shaoqing.

Xuanyun stared at Lu Shaoqing with a dead heart, and after a long time, she scolded, “Bastard.” Xiao

Yi’s face was not surprising.

And the senior brother next to him also closed his eyes.

Xiao Yi looked at the senior brother, and then at the second senior brother who was being sprayed by the master.

Xiao Yi asked Ji Yan with a grin, “Senior brother, otherwise, how about we bring Sister Yunxin back and warm the bed for the second senior brother?” When

Ji Yan heard this, he opened his eyes and glanced at the smiling junior sister faintly.

The tone was indifferent and did not fluctuate, “Follow your second senior brother, I didn’t learn anything else, but I learned a bad stomach.”

Xiao Yi was thinking of a few words of modesty.

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Ji Yan’s voice sounded faintly again, “Go back and add more thoughts, 10,000 words.”

Xiao Yi froze, his mind was blank, and the whole person stiffened and fell straight down from the tree.

Little Red fluttered and flew up, flew in front of Xiao Yi, and laughed at Xiao Yi’s behavior of looking for death.

Xiao Yi stood up aggrievedly, but did not dare to bargain with Ji Yan.

The face of the senior brother, she really couldn’t muster up that kind of courage after seeing it.

Forget it, don’t stay with the master brother.

Senior brother is terrible.

After Xiao Yi pressed Xiaohong on his head, he ran to the master’s side with his short legs.

Master Shao Cheng was still spraying Lu Shaoqing.

“Bastard, you say no, no?”

“In a word, I am not allowed to kill her today.”

For the future of his apprentice, Shao Cheng was unwilling to let his apprentice take risks.

He may not be able to teach them much cultivation as a master, but there are some things that must be checked by them as a master.

Lu Shaoqing was also the first time to see Master’s attitude so resolute.

Helpless, he said with a bitter face, “Master, you don’t let me kill her, then you say, how to deal with her?”

Shao Cheng said, “Let her go.” ”

Released her?” Lu Shaoqing was not happy and shouted, “It’s impossible, I worked hard to catch her, and let her go wherever I say.”

“Unless she’s your daughter.”

If it weren’t for her, would I be like this?

Shao Cheng also had a headache, this bastard apprentice, “Isn’t it just afraid that she will make trouble for you?”

“Let her swear that she will never trouble you again.”

Lu Shaoqing calmed down a little, but Xuan Yunxin reminded, “If you don’t kill me, even if I don’t trouble you, the people of the Star Ordering Sect will also trouble you.” ”

Whether it is Xin Zhi Xin’an or Gu Lie Wumu, the deaths of these people are counted on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, and he was excited on the surface.

“Do you really think I don’t dare to kill you?”

Xuan Yunxin was not afraid, she could see that Shao Cheng was not joking.

For the sake of Lu Shaoqing, an apprentice, Shao Cheng must prevent Lu Shaoqing from killing her.

“In your hands, I didn’t intend to live.”

As for the humiliating behavior of begging for mercy, Xuan Yunxin couldn’t do it.

It is impossible to do it either.

“Master, look, slaughter her.” Lu Shaoqing said to Shao Cheng, “I don’t kill her, can you make a move?” Otherwise, let the junior sister make a move.

Shao Cheng shook his head, and he said to Xuan Yunxin, “Little girl, you swear that you won’t trouble him in the future.”

Xuan Yunxin looked at Lu Shaoqing in silence.

If Lu Shaoqing agreed, she wouldn’t mind making an oath.

After this time, she has a deeper understanding and understanding of Lu Shaoqing.

I know that Lu Shaoqing is not easy to mess with.

Although I didn’t want to admit it, I had the idea of retreating.

“Swear there’s a fart.” Lu Shaoqing didn’t believe this at all.

“If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have had to be blocked.”

Shao Cheng had a headache, and Lu Shaoqing was resolute and must kill Xuan Yunxin.

But for Shao Cheng, he couldn’t let the second apprentice do this.

What if it really has an impact on the Dao Heart?

He was determined not to let his apprentice take this risk.

His own apprentice is extremely talented, and he definitely cannot be affected by this kind of thing.

Shao Cheng could only say to Lu Shaoqing, “I have thought of other ways.”

“What else could be done? If you don’t kill her, then let her stay at Tianyu Peak, and when I am in a good mood, I will release her.”

Unexpectedly, for Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Xuan Yunxin didn’t have any intention of refusing, but instead said, “I can come to your party as a guest.”

“As for the rest, I can also help cover up the cause of death of Elder Gu and Uncle Wu.”

Shao Cheng looked at his eldest apprentice.

Ji Yan also jumped from the tree at this time, “So be it, what a big deal…”

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