“How?” Lu Shaoqing proudly said to Xuanyun, “Do you want to stand out for her?” ”

Come on,” Lu Shaoqing patted his face, “just hit here.” Seeing

Lu Shaoqing’s rogue appearance, Xuan Yunxin only hated that his strength was not enough.

Can’t kill Lu Shaoqing, this bastard.

Although Xiao Yi also wanted to beat his second senior brother.

But she knew that her second senior brother was doing it on purpose.

The purpose is naturally aimed at Xuan Yunxin.

She hurriedly pulled Xuan Yunxin and persuaded, “Sister Yunxin, you don’t want to see the second senior brother in general. Although

Lu Shaoqing said that he swore with his Dao heart that he liked Xuanyunxin, he played word games.

But whether it was Shao Cheng or Xiao Yi, they both felt that there must be something between Lu Shaoqing and Xuan Yunxin.

Especially Xiao Yi, in the secret realm forest, the second senior brother must have done something to Xuan Yunxin.

Today may be to kill people and destroy evidence.

Therefore, Xiao Yi had subconsciously felt that Xuan Yunxin would definitely be his sister-in-law in the future.

If you can, of course, help your future sister-in-law.

Xuan Yunxin was not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent.

Now that it’s all like this, if you provoke Lu Shaoqing again, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

Xiao Yi didn’t want Xuanyun to find himself bored and begging for hardship.

She grabbed Xuan Yunxin, asked Lu Shaoqing with a smile, and changed the topic, “Second Senior Brother, since when did you know that Sister Yunxin came to Lingxiao City?”

“All said, when she came to Lingxiao City, I smelled her, and I could smell it from a distance of ten thousand miles.”

Lu Shaoqing cocked his feet and said in a tone full of disdain, “I thought that coming to Lingxiao City would be able to make trouble for me, naïve.” Facing

Lu Shaoqing’s contempt, Xuan Yunxin was silent.

She originally wanted to use Xia Yu’s matter to disgust Lu Shaoqing.

But he didn’t expose himself and was guessed by Lu Shaoqing.

And thus against her.

This is her misstep.

She also didn’t expect that Lu Shaoqing would be so sensitive, and she could guess that she came to Lingxiao City at once.

Xiao Yi’s eyes revealed amazement, and he once again had a new understanding of the cleverness of the second senior brother.

She asked, “So, Second Senior Brother, would you rather shout surrender than expose your strength at the ceremony, and the purpose is also to paralyze the people of the Dian Xing Faction?” ”

Xiao Yi is a little excited, since when did the second senior brother start to lay out the target?

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Think too much, the guy from the Star Sect is not worth it for me.”

“I shot Zhang Conglong over, can I still sleep in the future?”

“The boss has repeatedly found me something to do, just to squeeze me, I can’t do what he wants.”

The main thing is to be able to continue to live a life of salted fish in the future.

After exposing his strength, the head was at ease to squeeze him Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing is not used to being in charge.

Speaking of this, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but say to Shao Cheng, “Master, the head is bullying me, don’t you help me out?” Shao

Cheng was silent for a while, how can you be so shameless?

Then his scolding floated from the stern.

“Bastard, you still have a face?”

“I’m not there for a few days, and you caused me so many things?”

“The boss almost got into trouble with me, do you know?”

Xuan Yunxin was directly speechless when he heard Shao Cheng’s scolding of Lu Shaoqing.

She looked at Lu Shaoqing in surprise, this bastard turned out to be such a bastard not only for himself, but even the master, the head, and even the same door were such a bastard.

If he is not killed, he can live until now, and his life is great.

Lu Shaoqing had long been accustomed to Shao Cheng’s words scolding him, and these words were left ear in and right ear out.

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In order not to be blocked by ear poop, Lu Shaoqing also buttoned his ears with his hands, flicked his nails in front of Xuan Yunxin, and disgusted Xuan Yunxin to close his eyes.

Lu Shaoqing said in the direction where Shao Cheng was, “Master, what are you afraid of?” It’s a big deal to fight with the boss.

“Don’t learn the behavior of the master brother, specifically find me to bully, don’t dare to fight with the leader.”

“Master, or you go and be the leader, we will drive the head off the horse.”

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words fell, Shao Cheng came in from the stern of the boat with a murderous spirit.

“Bastard, what kind of bastard are you?”

“Do you still want to be cleaned up by me?”

Seeing that Shao Cheng wanted to hit someone, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly said, “Master, I’m injured.”

Xuan Yunxin looked at Shao Cheng’s gaze with pity, it must be very hard to have such an apprentice.

Shao Cheng really wanted to beat Lu Shaoqing again, but seeing Lu Shaoqing lying down, his face pale and sick, he couldn’t get his hands off.

“Bastard, I’ll clean you up when you’re ready.”

Lu Shaoqing was still lying dead on his face, and he didn’t move.

Not only Xuanyun was disappointed, but even Xiao Yi was disappointed.

It was too disappointing that Master didn’t start.

Sure enough, even the master couldn’t help but get the second senior brother.

At this time, Ji Yan’s voice floated over.

“The head said, deduct you three years of benefits.”

Groove, really ruthless.

Three years of welfare, pills and nothing, the spirit stones alone are almost four thousand lower grade spirit stones.

This is his dibao.

Do you have to buckle this?

Lu Shaoqing scolded the head for not being kind, “I helped the boss to be born into death, and after saddling the horse, he crossed the river and demolished the bridge to play thieves, and even deducted my dibao.”

After scolding, he sat up and said sincerely to Shao Cheng, “Master, let’s resist, we can’t let the head squeeze your handsome and lovely apprentice.”

Shao Cheng couldn’t help it, and slapped him on the head, “Bastard.”

“Don’t say such stupid things in the future.” ”

The head Yu Chang is a proud person, and he is also very tolerant of Lu Shaoqing.

This kind of words was heard by Yu Chang, and there was no problem at all.

However, if it is heard by others, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble, which is not conducive to the unity of the sect.

Speaking of this problem, Xiao Yi comforted Lu Shaoqing intimately.

“Second Senior Brother, you don’t have to be angry, don’t you have a lot of spirit stones yourself?”

“It’s running out.” Lu Shaoqing said angrily.

That dead ghost, eating too much.

Others don’t know, but Xiao Yi knows how many spirit stones his second senior brother has.

Tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, were spent?

Gambled? Or did you drink flower wine?

Killing Xiao Yi didn’t believe it.

“Second Senior Brother, you deceive, I won’t worry about your spirit stone.”

Xiao Yi said angrily, feeling that Lu Shaoqing was watching out for her.

I know you’re stingy, so I won’t ask for your spirit stones.

At the same time, Xiao Yi wrenched his fingers and calculated, “Master, I’ve been in the business for more than five months, forget it, I haven’t received the sect benefits for five months.” ”

Cough,” Lu Shaoqing suddenly interrupted Xiao Yi’s words, “What collar, do you need spirit stones to eat and drink Lasa?”

“The sect is so poor, don’t worry about the spirit stone of the sect.”

“As a personal disciple, you should lead by example, want spirit stones, do sect tasks by yourself, and earn contribution value and spirit stones for yourself while contributing to the sect.”

“Do it yourself, enrich your clothes and food, and earn your own spirit stones, isn’t it fragrant?”

Xiao Yi blinked his eyes, and a bad premonition arose in his heart….

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