Mentioning Lu Shaoqing, Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang couldn’t help but have a headache.

This problem disciples gave these high-level leaders a headache to death.

But on the other hand, they couldn’t bear Lu Shaoqing, and they could only turn a blind eye to his behavior.

But no matter what.

Mentioning Lu Shaoqing is destined to make them unhappy.

At least along the way, Yu Chang’s interest became even lower.

This place originally made people feel depressed, and the mention of Lu Shaoqing made him feel even more depressed.

The space here is very large, and it took half a day for the four people to fly with the sword, flying hundreds of thousands of miles, to reach the destination.

In the sky, a huge crack appeared in Ji Yan’s line of sight.

The cracks are hundreds of miles long and shocking.

From afar, it looks like a huge demon eye, straddling the sky and looking down at the ants below.

Around the crack lingered black thunder and lightning, which was daunting.

Ji Yan’s eyes were like electricity, looking directly into the depths of the crack.

However, even if Ji Yan’s eyes widened, he couldn’t see anything.

In his line of sight, there was only pitch black, and he couldn’t see anything.

But with the line of sight, you can’t see deeper.

Ji Yan’s divine consciousness spread out and probed into the depths of the crack.

Black, pure black.

In Ji Yan’s divine sense, he seemed to be in pitch darkness.

Like a blind man’s world, he can’t see anything and can’t touch anything.

Ji Yan did not believe in evil, and divine consciousness spread again, going deeper and deeper.

In Ji Yan’s feeling, he was a million miles deep, and his majestic divine consciousness was like a tide, and he couldn’t explore anything.

It was as if deep in the cracks was a dead place, and nothing existed.

Just as Ji Yan was about to retract his divine sense, there was movement in the deep darkness.

Like a calm lake, suddenly rippled, something unknown appeared from the depths of darkness.


A silent roar, through the divine consciousness, seemed to sound in Ji Yan’s ears.

Ji Yan’s divine consciousness seemed to have a life reaction, rushing straight towards unknown creatures.


Ji Yan’s divine consciousness and an unknown creature collided fiercely.

Ji Yan, who was outside the crack, frowned.

He felt as if his divine consciousness had been partially devoured.

Although it was not much, it was indeed devoured, causing a little damage to Ji Yan.

Ji Yan’s heart was awe-inspiring, and at the same time he became vigilant.

He must have run into the monster Yu Chang they said.

Being able to devour divine consciousness is enough to explain their difficulty.

It seems that try the junior brother’s amazing trick.

Ji Yan thought to himself.

Running the Shocking Technique, his divine sense became more aggressive.

Not only that, but the plan has also been improved.


In the depths of the crack, a sharp sword intent erupted.

However, the sword intent came and went quickly, and disappeared in an instant.

It’s so fast that it makes people think it’s an illusion.

Even the three of Yu Chang looked at each other, and once suspected that they felt wrong.

But they are all Yuan Infant cultivators, and it is impossible to have such a thing as an illusion.

Shao Cheng felt the familiarity of the sword intent and looked at his apprentice.

“Ji Yan, did you make it just now?”

Ji Yan did not deny, “It’s me, I want to see what’s inside.”

“It seems that I met a rat and got into a fight.”

Ji Yan’s voice was indifferent, and he did not take this seriously.

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Yu Chang, Shao Cheng, and Xiao Chuang did not ask much when they saw this.

It’s normal for newcomers to be curious and explore the cracks.

The three of them had done the same thing when they first came here.

“Go down.”

Yu Chang said lightly.

And Ji Yan’s gaze stared at the crack, thoughtful.

In his senses, the mouse was not dead.

He was beaten solidly, but he didn’t die, which was a big surprise.

After Ji Yan landed, here, he found that there was actually a wooden house here.

Ji Yan only glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze, his gaze continued to fall on the cracks in the sky.

The monster inside piqued his interest.

There are not many beings who can beat him without dying.

Could it be that all the monsters here are so powerful?

If so, it’s really tricky.

The fighting spirit in Ji Yan’s heart gradually burned.

It is rare to encounter such an enemy, and be able to let go and do a big job.

Just when Ji Yan’s fighting spirit ignited in his heart, a voice suddenly sounded.

“He’s the junior named Ji Yan?”

This is not the voice of the master, the master, the master.

It is an unfamiliar voice, and the voice is like the vicissitudes of time.

Ji Yan withdrew his gaze, followed the prestige, and saw an old man with white hair standing in front of the wooden house.

His gaze was deep and far-reaching, and he was looking at Ji Yan curiously.

Ji Yan felt that under his gaze, his heart was brightened.

Ji Yan’s heart was awe-inspiring, and the intuition in his heart told him that the old man in front of him was definitely an existence above the realm of the Avatar God.

Yu Chang saluted, “Master.” Ji

Yan was even more surprised.


Shao Cheng whispered to Ji Yan to introduce the identity of the old man in front of him.

“Ji Yan, he is the ancestor of the Lingxiao Sect, and when your master is alive, you have to call him the ancestor.”

The generation is too high, and the later people can only be regarded as his juniors.

Uniformly called Shizu.

Ji Yan was surprised in his heart, but he didn’t expect that the Lingxiao faction still had such an existence.

Hurriedly saluted, “I have seen Master Zu.” Looking

at Ji Yan, after Shizu Kehong looked at it carefully, his face couldn’t help but show approval.

“Yu Chang, when these brats mentioned you, they were all full of praise.”

“When I see me today, I can understand that they didn’t lie to me this old guy.”

Ji Yan couldn’t help but glance at his master and the others.

Shao Cheng and they are all over 100 years old, almost 200 years old.

But in the mouth of Shizu Kehong, he can only be regarded as a brat.

The more Ke Hong looked at Ji Yan, the more he liked it.

Whether it is his appearance or the temperament revealed on his body, Ke Hong likes it endlessly.

The appearance alone can let people know the extraordinary nature of the plan.

As the ancestor of the Lingxiao faction, can he not be happy to see such an excellent junior?

This shows that even if the Lingxiao faction is dragged down by this place, it will not decline.

With such an excellent young junior, why is the sect unhappy?

“Come, come, I heard that you have already comprehended the sword intent, and the talent of kendo is even more powerful than our ancestor of the Lingxiao Sect.”

“Let me see.”

When Ji Yan’s sword intent was displayed, Ke Hong was shocked.

“The third realm of sword intent?”

He looked at Ji Yan like a monster.

He had lived so long and for the first time he had seen such a demon genius.

After the shock, he became excited and said to Yu Chang, “Yu Chang boy, you can simply abdicate and let this little guy be in charge…”

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